* //////////////////
* //////////////////
* This file is part of my library of algorithms found here:
* http://www.palmcommander.com:8081/tools/
* http://www.palmcommander.com:8081/tools/LICENSE.html
* Copyright (c) 2004
* Contact author:
* igor at cs.ubc.ca
* Maximum flow * (Ford-Fulkerson on an adjacency matrix)
* Takes a weighted directed graph of edge capacities as an adjacency
* matrix 'cap' and returns the maximum flow from s to t.
* - cap (global): adjacency matrix where cap[u][v] is the capacity
* of the edge u->v. cap[u][v] is 0 for non-existent edges.
* - n: the number of vertices ([0, n-1] are considered as vertices).
* - s: source vertex.
* - t: sink.
* - the flow
* - fnet contains the flow network. Careful: both fnet[u][v] and
* fnet[v][u] could be positive. Take the difference.
* - prev contains the minimum cut. If prev[v] == -1, then v is not
* reachable from s; otherwise, it is reachable.
* - Valladolid 10330: Power Transmission
* - Valladolid 653: Crimewave
* - Valladolid 753: A Plug for UNIX
* - Valladolid 10511: Councilling
* - Valladolid 820: Internet Bandwidth
* - Valladolid 10779: Collector's Problem
* #include <string.h>
* #include <queue>
#include <string.h>
// the maximum number of vertices
#define NN 1024
// adjacency matrix (fill this up)
int cap[NN][NN];
// flow network
int fnet[NN][NN];
// BFS
int q[NN], qf, qb, prev[NN];
int fordFulkerson( int n, int s, int t )
// init the flow network
memset( fnet, 0, sizeof( fnet ) );
int flow = 0;
while( true )
// find an augmenting path
memset( prev, -1, sizeof( prev ) );
qf = qb = 0;
prev[q[qb++] = s] = -2;
while( qb > qf && prev[t] == -1 )
for( int u = q[qf++], v = 0; v < n; v++ )
if( prev[v] == -1 && fnet[u][v] - fnet[v][u] < cap[u][v] )
prev[q[qb++] = v] = u;
// see if we're done
if( prev[t] == -1 ) break;
// get the bottleneck capacity
int bot = 0x7FFFFFFF;
for( int v = t, u = prev[v]; u >= 0; v = u, u = prev[v] )
bot <?= cap[u][v] - fnet[u][v] + fnet[v][u];
// update the flow network
for( int v = t, u = prev[v]; u >= 0; v = u, u = prev[v] )
fnet[u][v] += bot;
flow += bot;
return flow;
//----------------- EXAMPLE USAGE -----------------
int main()
memset( cap, 0, sizeof( cap ) );
int numVertices = 100;
// ... fill up cap with existing edges.
// if the edge u->v has capacity 6, set cap[u][v] = 6.
cout << fordFulkerson( numVertices, s, t ) << endl;
return 0;
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- 2