The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault.
For more information about Sysinternals and these utilities, please visit the website -
The Suite is a bundling of the following selected Sysinternals Utilities:
AccessChk - AccessChk is a command-line tool for viewing the effective permissions on files, registry keys, services, processes, kernel objects, and more.
AccessEnum - This simple yet powerful security tool shows you who has what access to directories, files and Registry keys on your systems. Use it to find holes in your permissions.
AdExplorer - Active Directory Explorer is an advanced Active Directory (AD) viewer and editor.
AdInsight - An LDAP (Light-weight Directory Access Protocol) real-time monitoring tool aimed at troubleshooting Active Directory client applications.
AdRestore - Undelete Server 2003 Active Directory objects.
Autologon - Bypass password screen during logon.
Autoruns - See what programs are configured to startup automatically when your system boots and you login. Autoruns also shows you the full list of Registry and file locations where applications can configure auto-start settings.
BgInfo - This fully-configurable program automatically generates desktop backgrounds that include important information about the system including IP addresses, computer name, network adapters, and more.
CacheSet - CacheSet is a program that allows you to control the Cache Manager's working set size using functions provided by NT. It's compatible with all versions of NT.
ClockRes - View the resolution of the system clock, which is also the maximum timer resolution.
Contig - Wish you could quickly defragment your frequently used files? Use Contig to optimize individual files, or to create new files that are contiguous.
Coreinfo - Coreinfo is a new command-line utility that shows you the mapping between logical processors and the physical processor, NUMA node, and socket on which they reside, as well as the cache�s assigned to each logical processor.
Ctrl2cap - This is a kernel-mode driver that demonstrates keyboard input filtering just above the keyboard class driver in order to turn caps-locks into control keys. Filtering at this level allows conversion and hiding of keys before NT even "sees" them. Ctrl2cap also shows how to use NtDisplayString() to print messages to the initialization blue-screen.
DebugView - Another first from Sysinternals: This program intercepts calls made to DbgPrint by device drivers and OutputDebugString made by Win32 programs. It allows for viewing and recording of debug session output on your local machine or across the Internet without an active debugger.
Desktops - This new utility enables you to create up to four virtual desktops and to use a tray interface or hotkeys to preview what�s on each desktop and easily switch between them.
Disk2vhd - Disk2vhd simplifies the migration of physical systems into virtual machines (p2v).
DiskExt - Display volume disk-mappings.
Diskmon - This utility captures all hard disk activity or acts like a software disk activity light in your system tray.
DiskView - Graphical disk sector utility.
Disk Usage (DU) - View disk usage by directory.
EFSDump - View information for encrypted files.
Handle - This handy command-line utility will show you what files are open by which processes, and much more.
Hex2dec - Convert hex numbers to decimal and vice versa.
Junction - Create Win2K NTFS symbolic links.
LDMDump - Dump the contents of the Logical Disk Manager's on-disk database, which describes the partitioning of Windows 2000 Dynamic disks.
ListDLLs - List all the DLLs that are currently loaded, including where they are loaded and their version numbers. Version 2.0 prints the full path names of loaded modules.
LiveKd - Use Microsoft kernel debuggers to examine a live system.
LoadOrder - See the order in which devices are loaded on your WinNT/2K system.
LogonSessions - List the active logon sessions on a system.
MoveFile - Allows you to schedule move and delete commands for the next reboot.
NTFSInfo - Use NTFSInfo to see detailed information about NTFS volumes, including the size and location of the Master File Table (MFT) and MFT-zone, as well as the sizes of the NTFS meta-data files.
PageDefrag - Defragment your paging files and Registry hives.
PendMoves - Enumerate the list of file rename and delete commands that will be executed the next boot.
PipeList - Displays the named pipes on your system, including the number of maximum instances and active instances for each pipe.
PortMon- Monitor serial and parallel port activity with this advanced monitoring tool. It knows about all standard serial and parallel IOCTLs and even shows you a portion of the data being sent and received. Version 3.x has powerful new UI enhancements and advanced filtering capabilities.
ProcDump - This new command-line utility is aimed at capturing process dumps of otherwise difficult to isolate and reproduce CPU spikes. It also serves as a general process dump creation utility and can also monitor and generate process dumps when a process has a hung window or unhandled exception.
Process Explorer - Find out what files, registry keys and other objects processes have open, which DLLs they have loaded, and more. This uniquely powerful utility will even show you who owns each process.
Process Monitor - Monitor file system, Registry, process, thread and DLL activity in real-time.
ProcFeatures - This applet reports processor and Windows support for Physical Address Extensions and No Execute buffer overflow protection.
PsExec - Execute processes on remote systems.
PsFile - See what files are opened remotely.
PsGetSid - Displays the SID of a computer or a user.
PsInfo - Obtain information about a system.
PsKill - Terminate local or remote processes.
PsList - Show information about processes and threads.
PsLoggedOn - Show users logged on to a system.
PsLogList - Dump event log records.
PsPasswd - Changes account passwords.
PsService - View and control services.
PsShutdown - Shuts down and optionally reboots a computer.
PsSuspend - Suspend and resume processes.
RAMMap - An advanced physical memory usage analysis utility that presents usage information in different ways on its several different tabs.
RegDelNull - Scan for and delete Registry keys that contain embedded null-characters that are otherwise undeleteable by standard Registry-editing tools.
RegJump - Jump to the registry path you specify in Regedit.
RootkitRevealer - Scan your system for rootkit-based malware.
SDelete - Securely overwrite your sensitive files and cleanse your free space of previously deleted files using this DoD-compliant secure delete program.
ShareEnum - Scan file shares on your network and view their security settings to close security holes.
ShellRunas - Launch programs as a different user via a convenient shell context-menu entry.
Sigcheck - Dump file version information and verify that images on your system are digitally signed.
Streams - Reveal NTFS alternate streams.
Strings - Search for ANSI and UNICODE strings in binaryimages.
Sync - Flush cached data to disk.
TCPView - Active socket command-line viewer.
VMMap - VMMap is a process virtual and physical memory analysis utility.
VolumeId - Set Volume ID of FAT or NTFS drives.
Whois - See who owns an Internet address.
WinObj - The ultimate Object Manager namespace viewer is here.
ZoomIt - Presentation utility for zooming and drawing on the screen.
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微软极品Sysinternals Suite工具包
5星 · 超过95%的资源 需积分: 10 19 下载量 63 浏览量
收藏 12.58MB ZIP 举报
微软极品Sysinternals Suite工具包 为什么软媒小编把Sysinternals Suite冠以极品二字?其实从07年Vista之家开始运行的时候,就推荐过这套软件10几次。被微软官方收购的这套软件包,确实有强悍的过人之处,软媒在开发魔方和Windows7优化大师的时候,也借鉴学习了这套软件的很多功能和思想。 今天,软媒小编把这套工具包里面的每个实用软件都整理出来,按照名称首字母排序,点击每个蓝色标题链接都可以转到微软的对应官方页面,有对这些工具包的直接下载地址和更详尽的用法。因为每个软件几乎都可以长篇大论的介绍,所以,在此就只做简介和罗列,希望能够对大家有所帮助。 每个软件都可以单独下载,当然更建议直接下载他们的集成版——Sysinternals Suite 系统工具套装。其实,这套工具包的下载地址几乎是常年不变的,基本都保持在10M大小,下载地址大家可以记住:。
收起资源包目录 (93个子文件)
RAMMap.exe 559KB
Pstools.chm 63KB
ctrl2cap.amd.sys 10KB
junction.exe 147KB
Volumeid.exe 151KB
du.exe 215KB
vmmap.exe 1.01MB
RegDelNull.exe 159KB
ShellRunas.exe 101KB
psfile.exe 103KB
Contig.exe 201KB
psloglist.exe 174KB
dbgview.chm 67KB
LoadOrd.exe 151KB
PsLoggedon.exe 179KB
procexp.exe 3.25MB
whois.exe 155KB
ShareEnum.exe 255KB
pagedfrg.exe 211KB
PsInfo.exe 381KB
Diskmon.exe 219KB
Disk2vhd.chm 40KB
movefile.exe 143KB
ctrl2cap.nt4.sys 3KB
sigcheck.exe 215KB
ctrl2cap.exe 147KB
RootkitRevealer.chm 100KB
efsdump.exe 143KB
ZoomIt.exe 547KB
streams.exe 85KB
autoruns.exe 714KB
RootkitRevealer.exe 327KB
PsList.exe 226KB
pagedfrg.hlp 8KB
strings.exe 133KB
portmon.exe 355KB
pendmoves.exe 147KB
PsExec.exe 373KB
disk2vhd.exe 1.68MB
PsGetsid.exe 325KB
Dbgview.exe 451KB
ldmdump.exe 151KB
diskext.exe 85KB
procdump.exe 347KB
procexp.chm 71KB
Eula.txt 7KB
ProcFeatures.exe 147KB
Clockres.exe 148KB
ADInsight.exe 1MB
regjump.exe 147KB
Coreinfo.exe 630KB
pspasswd.exe 103KB
DiskView.exe 567KB
autoruns.chm 48KB
ADExplorer.exe 468KB
psshutdown.exe 203KB
Cacheset.exe 151KB
hex2dec.exe 147KB
Vmmap.chm 51KB
Bginfo.exe 825KB
Listdlls.exe 325KB
pskill.exe 607KB
adrestore.exe 147KB
Tcpview.exe 293KB
PsService.exe 166KB
tcpview.chm 40KB
livekd.exe 468KB
pipelist.exe 147KB
ntfsinfo.exe 120KB
readme.txt 8KB
Winobj.exe 712KB
handle.exe 413KB
sdelete.exe 163KB
logonsessions.exe 255KB
pssuspend.exe 183KB
sync.exe 147KB
AccessEnum.exe 171KB
Autologon.exe 145KB
accesschk.exe 316KB
autorunsc.exe 581KB
procmon.chm 62KB
ctrl2cap.nt5.sys 3KB
psversion.txt 39B
AdExplorer.chm 49KB
ADInsight.chm 392KB
Desktops.exe 113KB
Tcpvcon.exe 195KB
Procmon.exe 2.88MB
共 93 条
- 1
- zhlimisspy2014-02-20还可以吧,需要改的还多
- MAIKER543212014-04-11我是用过了,非常棒,但容易中黑客的招数。小心为上。
- skadilover2014-11-25为了学习Windows 核心编程,下载了。。。
- 梦想翱翔2016-09-25vv还可以吧,需要改的还多
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