#coding: utf-8
''' 升级记录
import os
import re
import sys
import ctypes
import subprocess
import collections
import ConfigParser
import sip
sip.setapi('QString', 2)
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic
Function = collections.namedtuple('Function','name address length')
CallerRecord = collections.namedtuple('CallerRecord', 'address callee') # Caller1:
# address1 callee1
# address2 callee2
CalleeRecord = collections.namedtuple('CalleeRecord', 'caller address') # Callee1:
# caller1 address1
# caller2 address2
class HFView(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(HFView, self).__init__(parent)
uic.loadUi('HFView.ui', self)
from HFView_UI import Ui_HFView
class HFView(QtGui.QWidget, Ui_HFView):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(HFView, self).__init__(parent)
self.CPURegs = collections.OrderedDict([
('R0', 0), # 0, jlink.JLINKARM_ReadReg index
('R1', 0),
('R2', 0),
('R3', 0),
('R4', 0),
('R5', 0),
('R6', 0),
('R7', 0),
('R8', 0),
('R9', 0),
('R10', 0),
('R11', 0),
('R12', 0),
('R13(SP)', 0),
('R14(LR)', 0),
('R15(PC)', 0),
('XPSR', 0), # 16
('MSP', 0),
('PSP', 0),
('RAZ', 0),
('CFBP', 0),
('APSR', 0),
('EPSR', 0),
('IPSR', 0),
('PRIMASK', 0),
('BASEPRI', 0),
('CONTROL', 0), # 27
def initSetting(self):
if not os.path.exists('setting.ini'):
open('setting.ini', 'w')
self.conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if not self.conf.has_section('globals'):
self.conf.set('globals', 'dllpath', '')
self.conf.set('globals', 'mappath', '[]')
self.linDLL.setText(self.conf.get('globals', 'dllpath').decode('gbk'))
for path in eval(self.conf.get('globals', 'mappath')): self.cmbMap.insertItem(10, path)
def on_btnDLL_clicked(self):
path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption=u'JLinkARM.dll路径', filter=u'动态链接库文件 (*.dll)', directory=self.linDLL.text())
if path != '':
def on_btnMap_clicked(self):
path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption=u'项目.map文件路径', filter=u'MDK .map file (*.map)', directory=self.cmbMap.currentText())
if path != '':
self.cmbMap.insertItem(0, path)
def parseMapFile(self):
with open(self.cmbMap.currentText(), 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
match = re.search(r'__initial_sp\s+0x([\dabcdef]{8})\s+Data', text)
self.Stack_Top = int(match.group(1), 16)
match = re.search(r'STACK\s+0x([\dabcdef]{8})\s+Section', text)
self.Stack_Limit = int(match.group(1), 16)
self.Functions = {}
self.Program_Start = 0xFFFFFFFF
self.Program_End = 0
for match in re.finditer(r'(\w+)\s+0x([\dabcdef]{8})\s+Thumb Code\s+(\d+)', text):
name, address, length = match.group(1), int(match.group(2), 16)-1, int(match.group(3)) # 函数地址最低位都被置位了,用以进入Thumb状态
self.Functions[name] = Function(name, address, length)
if address < self.Program_Start: self.Program_Start = address
if address > self.Program_End: self.Program_End = address
with open(self.cmbMap.currentText().replace('.map', '.txt')) as f:
text = f.read()
self.FunctionCallers = {}
for match in re.finditer(r'\n ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)([\s\S]+?)(?=\n \S)', text):
caller = match.group(1)
if caller in self.Functions: # 是个函数
self.FunctionCallers[caller] = []
for line in match.group(2).split('\n'):
match = re.match('[ ]{8}0x([\dabcdef]{8}).+?B[L.W]*\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+) ;', line)
if match:
address, callee = int(match.group(1), 16), match.group(2)
if callee in self.Functions: # 是个函数
self.FunctionCallers[caller].append(CallerRecord(address, callee))
self.FunctionCallees = {}
for func in self.Functions:
self.FunctionCallees[func] = []
for caller in self.FunctionCallers:
for record in self.FunctionCallers[caller]:
if func == record.callee:
self.FunctionCallees[func].append(CalleeRecord(caller, record.address))
for func in self.Functions:
print '%-030s @ 0x%08X len %d' %(self.Functions[func].name, self.Functions[func].address, self.Functions[func].length)
print '\n\n'
for caller in self.FunctionCallers:
print '\n%s Call:' %caller
for record in self.FunctionCallers[caller]:
print '0x%08X %s' %(record.address, record.callee)
print '\n\n'
for callee in self.FunctionCallees:
print '\n%s Called By:' %callee
for record in self.FunctionCallees[callee]:
print '%s @ 0x%08X' %(record.caller, record.address)
def on_btnOper_clicked(self):
self.jlink = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(self.linDLL.text())
for i, reg in enumerate(self.CPURegs):
self.CPURegs[reg] = self.jlink.JLINKARM_ReadReg(i)
if self.CPURegs[reg] < 0: self.CPURegs[reg] += 0x100000000 # 返回值int类型,若大于0x80000000则会变成负数
self.txtMain.append('CPU Registers:')
'%-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X %-07s: 0x%08X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%02X\n'
'%-07s: 0x%02X %-07s: %d %-07s: %d\n'
%('R0', self.CPURegs['R0'], 'R1', self.CPURegs['R1'], 'R2', self.CPURegs['R2'], 'R3', self.CPURegs['R3'],
'R4', self.C
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