* SQRDIST : calculate a nt*nx matrix containing weighted squared error between
* every vector in x and every vector in t
* D = sqrDist(x,t,w)
* x - d*nx matrix containing the x vectors
* t - d*nt matrix containing the t vectors
* w - if specified, a length d weight vector
* D - the nt*nx result
* Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Frank Dellaert
* All rights Reserved
* weightedSqrDist_c and sqrDist_c do not include mex.h
void weightedSqrDist_c(const double *x, const double *t, const double *w,
int nt, int nx, int d, double *D)
int i,j,k;
const double *xj=x;
for (j=0;j<nx;j++,xj+=d) {
const double *ti=t;
for (i=0;i<nt;i++,D++,ti+=d) {
for (k=0;k<d;k++) {
double dk=w[k]*(xj[k]-ti[k]);
*D += dk*dk;
void sqrDist_c(const double *x, const double *t,
int nt, int nx, int d, double *D)
int i,j,k;
const double *xj=x;
for (j=0;j<nx;j++,xj+=d) {
const double *ti=t;
for (i=0;i<nt;i++,D++,ti+=d) {
for (k=0;k<d;k++) {
double dk=xj[k]-ti[k];
*D += dk*dk;
* mex part
#include "mex.h"
mxArray *sqrDist(const mxArray *x, const mxArray *t, const mxArray *w)
mxArray *D;
int dx=mxGetM(x),nx=mxGetN(x);
int dt=mxGetM(t),nt=mxGetN(t);
int d = (w==NULL) ? dt : mxGetN(w)*mxGetM(w);
if (dt!=dx) mexErrMsgTxt("x and t must have same dimension");
if ( d!=dx) mexErrMsgTxt("w has wrong number of elements");
if (!mxIsDouble(x) || !mxIsDouble(t)) mexErrMsgTxt("sqrDist only takes double vectors");
/* create output matrix and call pure C */
D = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nt,nx,mxREAL);
if (w==NULL) sqrDist_c(mxGetPr(x), mxGetPr(t), nt, nx, dx, mxGetPr(D));
else weightedSqrDist_c(mxGetPr(x), mxGetPr(t), mxGetPr(w), nt, nx, dx, mxGetPr(D));
return D;
void mexFunction(int nargout, mxArray *out[], int nargin, const mxArray *in[])
if ((nargin!=2 && nargin!=3) || nargout>1) mexErrMsgTxt("usage: D = sqrDist(x,t,w)");
out[0] = sqrDist(in[0], in[1], nargin == 3 ? in[2] : NULL);