Learn Version Control with Git: A step-by-step course for the co...
简单易懂。 You won't find a top programmer, web developer, or web designer who doesn't use version control. Because it helps you produce better results and makes collaboration easy. Git is one of those version control systems - but not just any: Top projects like the Linux Kernel, Ruby On Rails, or jQuery use Git as their version control system of choice. Around the world, in teams large and small, Git is an essential part of the tool chain. "Learn Version Control with Git" is a beginner-friendly step-by-step course. The book doesn't require a deep technical background. Instead, it's aimed at beginners of version control and/or programming, designers, and project managers. Basic topics - from installing Git to a "Command Line 101" - are covered, not expected. While learning all the key features such as Branching and Merging, the book will also explain advanced topics as well as tools and services. Accompanying charts & graphics make it easy to understand even complex facts and workflows. Version control is an essential tool if you want to be successful in today's web & software world. This book will help you master it with ease.
- 普通网友2018-05-06是Git.Learn Version Control with Git.A step-by-step Ultimate beginners Guide.Dennis Hutten
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