Network applications must handle events intelligently and efficiently, establishing priorities, resolving conflicts, and managing resources to avoid blocks, dropouts, and the other jams that occur in high-traffic environments. Netty is a Java-based networking framework designed to handle asynchronous network events smoothly so your applications are easy to write and maintain. The framework hides all the boilerplate and low-level code from you, making it possible to keep your business-logic separate and reusable, even in different network transports and protocols. Netty has built-in support for many protocols i.e. HTTP, SPDY, and WebSockets., Netty in Action introduces the Netty framework and shows you how to incorporate it into your Java network applications. You'll learn to write highly-scalable applications without the need to dive into the low-level non-blocking APIs at the core of Java. You'll learn how to think in an asynchronous way as you work through numerous hands-on examples. You'll follow numerous examples that show you how to use Netty while you master the best practices of large-scale network apps.
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