There are two options for running FreeRTOS on ARM Cortex-M7 microcontrollers.
The best option depends on the revision of the ARM Cortex-M7 core in use. The
revision is specified by an 'r' number, and a 'p' number, so will look something
like 'r0p1'. Check the documentation for the microcontroller in use to find the
revision of the Cortex-M7 core used in that microcontroller. If in doubt, use
the FreeRTOS port provided specifically for r0p1 revisions, as that can be used
with all core revisions.
The first option is to use the ARM Cortex-M4F port, and the second option is to
use the Cortex-M7 r0p1 port - the latter containing a minor errata workaround.
If the revision of the ARM Cortex-M7 core is not r0p1 then either option can be
used, but it is recommended to use the FreeRTOS ARM Cortex-M4F port located in
the /FreeRTOS/Source/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM4F directory.
If the revision of the ARM Cortex-M7 core is r0p1 then use the FreeRTOS ARM
Cortex-M7 r0p1 port located in the /FreeRTOS/Source/portable/RVDS/ARM_CM7/r0p1
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
FreeRTOS移植到GD32F407标准例程,拿过来即可用 (382个子文件)
project.uvguix.86199 86KB
project.uvguix.Administrator 89KB
project.axf 277KB
删除目标文件(用于打包备份).bat 108B
tasks.c 222KB
gd32f4xx_enet.c 145KB
queue.c 123KB
gd32f4xx_timer.c 85KB
gd32f4xx_exmc.c 55KB
stream_buffer.c 52KB
timers.c 49KB
gd32f4xx_rcu.c 48KB
gd32f4xx_adc.c 47KB
gd32f4xx_rtc.c 45KB
port.c 40KB
gd32f4xx_can.c 39KB
gd32f4xx_dma.c 35KB
system_gd32f4xx.c 34KB
gd32f4xx_fmc.c 33KB
gd32f4xx_usart.c 33KB
port.c 32KB
event_groups.c 31KB
audio_core.c 31KB
port.c 31KB
port.c 30KB
gd32f4xx_i2c.c 29KB
gd32f4xx_spi.c 29KB
gd32f4xx_sdio.c 27KB
gd32f4xx_ipa.c 26KB
usbd_enum.c 24KB
gd32f4xx_tli.c 24KB
usbd_msc_scsi.c 23KB
dfu_core.c 22KB
usbh_enum.c 22KB
port.c 21KB
heap_5.c 21KB
usbh_core.c 20KB
gd32f4xx_dac.c 19KB
oled.c 19KB
drv_usb_dev.c 19KB
heap_4.c 19KB
port.c 19KB
usbh_msc_core.c 19KB
usbh_hid_core.c 19KB
drv_usbh_int.c 19KB
drv_usbd_int.c 18KB
usb_iap_core.c 16KB
croutine.c 16KB
cdc_acm_core.c 16KB
custom_hid_core.c 15KB
gd32f4xx_gpio.c 14KB
standard_hid_core.c 14KB
drv_usb_host.c 13KB
usbh_msc_scsi.c 13KB
heap_2.c 13KB
gd32f4xx_ctc.c 12KB
usbh_msc_bbb.c 12KB
usbh_standard_hid.c 12KB
usbd_msc_core.c 12KB
drv_usb_core.c 11KB
gd32f4xx_pmu.c 11KB
usbh_transc.c 11KB
port.c 10KB
gd32f4xx_dci.c 10KB
list.c 10KB
printer_core.c 10KB
usbd_core.c 9KB
usbd_msc_bbb.c 9KB
gd32f4xx_exti.c 8KB
usbd_transc.c 8KB
gd32f4xx_syscfg.c 8KB
gd32f4xx_dbg.c 8KB
dfu_mem.c 7KB
gd32f4xx_misc.c 7KB
gd32f4xx_fwdgt.c 7KB
usbh_msc_fatfs.c 6KB
usbh_pipe.c 6KB
heap_1.c 6KB
buzzer.c 6KB
audio_out_itf.c 5KB
bsp_uart.c 5KB
board.c 4KB
gd32f4xx_trng.c 4KB
gd32f4xx_wwdgt.c 4KB
gd32f4xx_crc.c 4KB
soft_timer.c 4KB
gd32f4xx_iref.c 4KB
heap_3.c 3KB
ringbuffer.c 3KB
main.c 2KB
bsp_led.c 2KB
gd32f4xx_trng.o.baiduyun.uploading.cfg 880B
port.c.baiduyun.uploading.cfg 876B
project.lnp.baiduyun.uploading.cfg 872B
croutine.h.baiduyun.uploading.cfg 866B
ringbuffer.h.baiduyun.uploading.cfg 866B
.clang-format 1KB
main.crf 419KB
board.crf 415KB
gd32f4xx_enet.crf 400KB
共 382 条
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