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【LRW数据集】是唇语识别领域的一个重要资源,全称为“Lip Reading in the Wild - Words”。这个数据集由BBC(英国广播公司)在2020年推出,旨在推动唇读及相关无障碍技术的研究。LRW数据集包含由BBC制作的节目内容,专门用于学术研究目的,特别是唇读技术的开发和改进。 【唇语识别】是计算机视觉和人工智能领域的一个分支,其目标是通过分析人的嘴唇运动来识别说话的内容,无需听到声音。这项技术在听障人士沟通、嘈杂环境下的语音识别、安全监控等多个领域具有广泛的应用前景。 【数据集】是机器学习和深度学习的核心组成部分,LRW数据集为研究人员提供了大量真实场景下的人脸视频片段,每个片段对应一个单词。这些视频通常经过标注,以帮助算法理解嘴唇的各种运动模式与特定词汇之间的关系。 【使用限制】:BBC对数据集的使用设定了明确的规定。用户需通过学校邮箱申请,这可能意味着数据集主要用于学术机构的科研活动。许可期限为12个月,到期后必须删除所有内容。此外,内容只能用于学术研究,不能用于商业目的,且在演示或会议中使用数据集时,需确保不包含儿童图像、他人的商标或标识、体育或音乐相关内容,以及可辨识的成年人个体图像,除非已获得相应授权。 【风险提示】:BBC明确表示,他们不对数据集的可用性、准确性、安全性或信息可靠性提供任何保证。用户在使用数据集时需自行承担风险,这强调了在处理此类敏感数据时,研究人员需要有良好的数据管理和安全意识。 LRW数据集为唇语识别的研究提供了一个宝贵的资源,但使用时必须遵循严格的条款和条件,确保数据的安全和合规使用。对于想要在这个领域进行研究的人来说,了解并遵守这些规则至关重要,同时,这也为其他类似的数据共享项目树立了典范。
Commercial confidential
R&D Project Permission to Use for Researchers Terms [Lip Reading version]
BBC © 2020
BBC Research & Development
‘Lip Reading in the Wild - Words’ research project into lip reading and related accessibility
Permission to Use for Researchers
Hello. These are a few rules for you. They tell you what you can do with our content for this ‘Lip Reading in the Wild’
research project (“Project”):
1. What does content mean? We mean the BBC’s dataset we’re providing for the “Project” named above, which is made up of BBC
programme content created by the BBC, and which we’re making available to you to download from a link provided by the BBC or by
the university hosting and managing the content (or in any other way we decide). We do not guarantee that this link or our content
will always be available, or that it is accurate, free of viruses and bugs, or the information in it can be relied upon. You use our content
entirely at your own risk.
2. What can I use it for? Provided you keep to these rules, the BBC gives its limited permission for the named researcher (researcher) to
use the BBC’s content free of charge for ‘Academic Research Purposes’ for this Project for 12 months starting on the date both you
and the BBC sign this “Permission to Use for Researchers” form. You are responsible for your own costs in taking part in the Project.
You must delete all BBC content when this permission ends – please see section 6 for more information.
‘Academic Research Purposes’ means solely these activities for this Project:
� using our content for individual research and private study;
� using a small number of extracts from our content for academic demonstrations or academic conferences to invited, non-paying
guests to demonstrate your research for the Project in a technical context.
But only if the extracts do not include images of children, other people’s logos or trade marks, sports or music. If the extracts are
of recognisable living adult individuals (either standalone or through a combination of images, text,
analyses/summaries/interpretations), you must keep to a minimum your use of extracts that identify individuals and you must
not use them in any way that might adversely affect those individuals. Ask the BBC Contact (the BBC person who signed this form)
if you are not sure if you can use an image or extract;
� using a small number of still images (jpegs) or transcriptions of extracts from our content in academic papers, but you MUST ask
the BBC Contact for permission first. You must tell the BBC Contact which images and extracts you would like to use. If the BBC
gives its permission in writing, you can then include the permitted images and extracts in your academic paper and publish it in
print or online as a pdf file for the research community to illustrate the results of your research into the Project (but the images
and extracts must never be used as part of an online demonstration).
Academic papers should be made available to the research community for individual research and private study purposes only,
and must contain this accreditation wording: “For non-commercial individual research and private study use only. BBC content
included courtesy of the BBC”. Creative Commons or similar licence terms must not be attached to the BBC content in academic
� using our content to build a research prototype to compare with your organisation’s own existing technology. This work must be
done separately from your organisation’s commercial product development. The BBC’s content must not be used for training any
existing or new technology, algorithms or models that will be sold commercially. And it must not be used to train technology to
improve or enhance your operational systems. It can only be used for comparative or benchmarking purposes.
3. What must I NOT use it for?
� Don’t use our content for anything else. These terms do not give you permission to our content for any other purpose, for any
other project, or for commercial purposes including sales, product promotion and making a profit. You must ask our permission
to use our content for other purposes before you start using it. Please contact the BBC Contact. And if we don’t give our permission,
you must not use our content for other purposes.
� Don’t use our content for harmful or offensive purposes. Here are things that may harm or offend: military use and surveillance;
insulting, misleading, discriminating or defaming (damaging people’s reputations); promoting pornography, tobacco or weapons;
putting children at risk; anything illegal, like using hate speech, inciting terrorism or breaking privacy law; anything that would
harm the BBC’s reputation or are not in line with the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines.
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