function out_vector = state_control(feedback, command, oldstate)
% STATE_CONTROL Modified version of monopod hopper controller
% first proposed by Mark Raibert.
% out_vector = state_control(feedback, command, oldstate)
% inputs :
% feedback : The feedback arguments is comprised of feedback
% signals coming from the robot and ground blocks. These
% feedback signals include, robot joint positions, robot
% joint velocities, leg tip position and velocities, the
% state of in contact, and finally the ground forces
% applied to the leg tip.
% command : The command is comprised of two elements. First is
% the desired hight and second is the desired speed.
% oldstate :
% The old state argument includes those states
% of the previous time step of the controller which are
% necessary for estimating the control signal at the
% current time step. These are indeed the internal states
% of the controller from the previous time step.
% The state used in this m file are :
% newstate =[tip_pos; tip_vel; q ; qd ; incontact;
% max_hight;f_ext;count_thrust;count_loading;
% phi_desired;flag_fp; tau_thrust;power;Kd];
% Output :
% out_vector : Output vector includes the old state signal
% which is kept in a delay block for use in the next
% time step,
% and the commanded torques sent to the actuators
q = feedback(1:5, 1);
qd = feedback (6:10 ,1);
tip_pos = feedback (11:12 ,1);
tip_vel = feedback (13:14 ,1);
incontact = feedback (15);
f_ext = feedback(16:18);
hight_desired = command(1,1);
speed_desired = command(2,1);
if(oldstate == zeros(size(oldstate)))
% newstate =[tip_pos; tip_vel; q ; qd ; incontact; max_hight;f_ext;count_thrust;count_loading;count_stance;stance_duration;tau_thrust];
oldstate = [tip_pos;tip_vel;q;qd;incontact;q(2,1);0;0;0;200;200;1000;1; 0];
%count = []; %count : controls pulse duration for the thrust phase
max_hight = oldstate(16,1);
tip_pos_old = oldstate(1:2,1);
tip_vel_old = oldstate(3:4,1);
q_old = oldstate(5:9,1);
qd_old = oldstate(10:14,1);
incontact_old = oldstate(15,1);
max_hight = oldstate(16,1);
f_ext_old = oldstate(17:19);
count_thrust = oldstate(20,1);
count_loading = oldstate(21,1);
phi_desired = oldstate(22,1);
flag_fp = oldstate(23,1);
% max_hight_old = oldstate(24,1);
tau_thrust = oldstate(24,1);
d_escape = .02; %determines the tolerance of the robot hight for the scape phase
state =0; %reset the state to zero each time step
sample_t = .001;
loading_pulse_width = 70; %--mili-secs
thrust_pulse_width = 100; %mili-secs
tau = [0;0;0;0;0]; %----initialize the thrust to zero each time step
tau4 = 0;
stance_duration = .174;
%--------------foot placement algorithm----------------%
k_xdot = .01; % gain
xf = qd(1,1) * stance_duration /2 + k_xdot * (qd(1,1) - speed_desired);
phi_desired = asin(xf/.4) - q(3,1); % desired hip angle for landing (used for foot
% placement control)
%-------------Body Attitude Setpoint ---------------%
phi2_desired = 0; %
th5_desired = 0;
%------------Leg springiness and damping constant --------------%
Kp= 2000;
Kd = 0;
%----------------- Set the controller gains for 3 objectives :---------%
%------------------hight control, foot position control-------------------%
%------------------,body attitude control ---------------%
Kp_fplacement = 50;
Kd_fplacement = 1;
Kp_battitude = 200;
Kd_battitude = 20;
Kp_thrust = 20;
Kd_thrust = 1000;
%--------------Detect Robot State--------------%
if(incontact == 1)
if(incontact_old ==0 && count_loading == 200)
count_loading = 0;
elseif ( f_ext(3,1) > 20)
if(tip_vel(2,1) < 0)
state = 2;
elseif(tip_vel(2,1) > 0)
state = 4;
if(tip_vel(2,1) >= 0 && tip_vel_old(2,1) <= 0)
if(count_thrust == 200 && count_loading== loading_pulse_width)
count_thrust = 0;
elseif( f_ext(3,1) < 20 && tip_vel(2,1) > 0)
state = 5;
if(incontact == 0)
state = 7;
if(tip_pos(2,1)< .1)
state = 6;
%--------loading pulse--------%
%---------thrust pulse--------%
if(count_loading < loading_pulse_width)
state = 1;
count_loading = count_loading +1;
elseif(count_thrust < thrust_pulse_width)
state = 3;
count_thrust = count_thrust + 1;
% ----- Force component due to the springy leg with damper ------%
% tau = [0;0;0;0;-Kd] .* qd + [0;0;0;0;-Kp] .* q;
tau = [0;0;0;0;0];
power = 0;
%---------State Machine---------%
case 1 %--------------loading----------------
%--------------zero hip torque--------
tau4 = 0;
tau4 = qd(4,1) * 100 * 0.0235;
case 2 %--------------compression-------------
%-----Servo body attitude with hip-----
tau4 = +Kp_battitude *(q(3,1)-phi2_desired) + Kd_battitude * qd(3,1) ;
% tau4 = -min(tau4,30);
% tau4 = qd(4,1) * 100 * 0.0235;
case 3 %--------------thrust-----------------
%-------apply pulse for thrust--------
hight_error = hight_desired - max_hight;
% if(count_thrust == 1)
% tau_diff = (hight_error) * 300;
% tau_thrust = 11.5 + tau_diff;
% end
% tau_thrust = - q(5) * 2000 - (q(5) - q_old(5))*2000;
% tau_thrust = - 350;
th5_desired = 10;
% tau = tau + [0;0;0;0;-tau_thrust] ;
Power = 0;
%-------servo body attitude with hip ----------%
tau4 = Kp_battitude *(q(3,1)-phi2_desired) + Kd_battitude * qd(3,1) ;
% tau4 = -tau4 + qd(4,1) * 100 * 0.0235;
case 4 %------------decompression-------------%
% ------------stop thrust
% ------------servo body attitude with hip torque
tau4 = qd(4,1) * 100 * 0.0235;
case 5 %--------------unloading---------------
% ------------no thrust--------------
% ------------no hip torque-----------
tau4 = qd(4,1) * 100 * 0.0235;
case 6 %--------------escape--------------------
%--------reset count variables---------------%
Kd = 200;
if(count_thrust <200)
%max_hight_old = max_hight;
max_hight = 0; % resets max_hight in decompression phase
count_thrust = 200;
count_loading = 200;
% count_stance = 1000;
flag_fp = 1;
case 7 %---------------flight-------------------
%----recalculate max_hight of the robot each time step----
Kd = 200;
if(q(2,1) > max_hight)
max_hight = q(2,1);
%-----------Position leg for landing------------
tau4 = -Kp_fplacement *(q(4,1)-phi_desired) - Kd_fplacement * qd(4,1) ;
newstate =[tip_pos; tip_vel; q ; qd ; incontact; max_hight;f_ext;count_thrust;count_loading;phi_desired;flag_fp; th5_desired;power;Kd;state];
out_vector = [[0;0;Kd;tau4;0] ; newstate];