# mkr-recommendation
MKR is a Multi-task learning approach for Knowledge graph enhanced Recommendation. MKR consists of two parts: the recommender system (RS) module and the knowledge graph embedding (KGE) module. The two modules are bridged by cross&compress units, which can automatically learn high-order interactions of item and entity features and transfer knowledge between the two tasks.
# Usage
For movie:
python preprocess.py -d movie
python main.py -dataset movie
python predict_test.py -d movie # Testing the .pd model
For book:
python preprocess.py -d book
python main.py -dataset book
python predict_test.py -d book # Testing the .pd model
For music:
python preprocess.py -d music
python main.py -dataset music
python predict_test.py -d music # Testing the .pd model
# File structure
* model/
* movie/, book/, music/
* restore/: model save recovery save/restore method, use it to restore model weights
* result/: save the .pd model, deploy model using tensorflow serving
* vocab/: save the embedding, in order to transfer weight, use it for iterative training if new users or new movie/music/book join
* data/
* book/
* BX-Book-Ratings.csv: raw rating file of Book-Crossing dataset
* item_index2entity_id.txt: the mapping from item indices in the raw rating file to entity IDs in the KG
* kg.txt: knowledge graph file
* movie/
* item_index2entity_id.txt: the mapping from item indices in the raw rating file to entity IDs in the KG
* kg.txt: knowledge graph file
* ratrings.dat: raw rating file of MovieLens-1M
* music/
* item_index2entity_id.txt: the mapping from item indices in the raw rating file to entity IDs in the KG
* kg.txt: knowledge graph file
* user_artists.dat: raw rating file of Last.FM
# Reference
[Multi-Task Feature Learning for Knowledge Graph Enhanced Recommendation. In Proceedings of The 2019 Web Conference (WWW 2019)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08907)
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知识图谱是一种结构化的知识表达形式,它以图形的方式组织和存储了大量实体(如人、地点、事件等)及其相互关系。在知识图谱中,实体作为节点,实体之间的各种语义关联则通过边进行连接,形成了一个庞大的数据网络。 知识图谱的核心价值在于其能够精确、直观地表示复杂世界中的知识,并支持高效的知识查询与推理。例如,在搜索引擎中,知识图谱可以提升搜索结果的相关性和准确性,为用户提供直接的答案而非仅仅是网页链接。同时,知识图谱还能支撑高级的人工智能应用,比如问答系统、推荐系统、决策支持等领域。 构建知识图谱的过程通常包括数据抽取、知识融合、实体识别、关系抽取等多个步骤,涉及到自然语言处理、机器学习、数据库技术等多种技术手段。知识图谱的不断完善有助于实现从海量信息中挖掘深层次、有价值的知识,从而推动人工智能向着更加理解人类世界的智慧方向发展。 总之,知识图谱是一个大规模、多领域、多源异构知识集成的载体,是实现智能化信息系统的基础工具和关键基础设施,对于提升信息检索质量、推动智能应用研发具有重要作用。
基于知识图谱的音乐推荐系统的设计与实现.zip (451个子文件)
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