# Substrate Node Template
A new FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking :rocket:
## Getting Started
This project contains some configuration files to help get started :hammer_and_wrench:
### Rust Setup
Setup instructions for working with the [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) programming language can
be found at the
[Substrate Developer Hub](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/getting-started). Follow those
steps to install [`rustup`](https://rustup.rs/) and configure the Rust toolchain to default to the
latest stable version.
### Makefile
This project uses a [Makefile](Makefile) to document helpful commands and make it easier to execute
them. Get started by running these [`make`](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html)
1. `make init` - Run the [init script](scripts/init.sh) to configure the Rust toolchain for
[WebAssembly compilation](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/getting-started/#webassembly-compilation).
1. `make run` - Build and launch this project in development mode.
The init script and Makefile both specify the version of the
[Rust nightly compiler](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/getting-started/#rust-nightly-toolchain)
that this project depends on.
### Build
The `make run` command will perform an initial build. Use the following command to build the node
without launching it:
make build
### Embedded Docs
Once the project has been built, the following command can be used to explore all parameters and
./target/release/node-template -h
## Run
The `make run` command will launch a temporary node and its state will be discarded after you
terminate the process. After the project has been built, there are other ways to launch the node.
### Single-Node Development Chain
This command will start the single-node development chain with persistent state:
./target/release/node-template --dev
Purge the development chain's state:
./target/release/node-template purge-chain --dev
Start the development chain with detailed logging:
RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/node-template -lruntime=debug --dev
### Multi-Node Local Testnet
If you want to see the multi-node consensus algorithm in action, refer to
[our Start a Private Network tutorial](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/tutorials/start-a-private-network/).
## Template Structure
A Substrate project such as this consists of a number of components that are spread across a few
### Node
A blockchain node is an application that allows users to participate in a blockchain network.
Substrate-based blockchain nodes expose a number of capabilities:
- Networking: Substrate nodes use the [`libp2p`](https://libp2p.io/) networking stack to allow the
nodes in the network to communicate with one another.
- Consensus: Blockchains must have a way to come to
[consensus](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/advanced/consensus) on the state of the
network. Substrate makes it possible to supply custom consensus engines and also ships with
several consensus mechanisms that have been built on top of
[Web3 Foundation research](https://research.web3.foundation/en/latest/polkadot/NPoS/index.html).
- RPC Server: A remote procedure call (RPC) server is used to interact with Substrate nodes.
There are several files in the `node` directory - take special note of the following:
- [`chain_spec.rs`](./node/src/chain_spec.rs): A
[chain specification](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/integrate/chain-spec) is a
source code file that defines a Substrate chain's initial (genesis) state. Chain specifications
are useful for development and testing, and critical when architecting the launch of a
production chain. Take note of the `development_config` and `testnet_genesis` functions, which
are used to define the genesis state for the local development chain configuration. These
functions identify some
[well-known accounts](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/integrate/subkey#well-known-keys)
and use them to configure the blockchain's initial state.
- [`service.rs`](./node/src/service.rs): This file defines the node implementation. Take note of
the libraries that this file imports and the names of the functions it invokes. In particular,
there are references to consensus-related topics, such as the
[longest chain rule](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/advanced/consensus#longest-chain-rule),
the [Aura](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/advanced/consensus#aura) block authoring
mechanism and the
[GRANDPA](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/advanced/consensus#grandpa) finality
After the node has been [built](#build), refer to the embedded documentation to learn more about the
capabilities and configuration parameters that it exposes:
./target/release/node-template --help
### Runtime
In Substrate, the terms
"[runtime](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/getting-started/glossary#runtime)" and
"[state transition function](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/getting-started/glossary#stf-state-transition-function)"
are analogous - they refer to the core logic of the blockchain that is responsible for validating
blocks and executing the state changes they define. The Substrate project in this repository uses
the [FRAME](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/frame) framework to construct a
blockchain runtime. FRAME allows runtime developers to declare domain-specific logic in modules
called "pallets". At the heart of FRAME is a helpful
[macro language](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/macros) that makes it easy to
create pallets and flexibly compose them to create blockchains that can address
[a variety of needs](https://www.substrate.io/substrate-users/).
Review the [FRAME runtime implementation](./runtime/src/lib.rs) included in this template and note
the following:
- This file configures several pallets to include in the runtime. Each pallet configuration is
defined by a code block that begins with `impl $PALLET_NAME::Trait for Runtime`.
- The pallets are composed into a single runtime by way of the
macro, which is part of the core
[FRAME Support](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/frame#support-library)
### Pallets
The runtime in this project is constructed using many FRAME pallets that ship with the
[core Substrate repository](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/tree/master/frame) and a
template pallet that is [defined in the `pallets`](./pallets/template/src/lib.rs) directory.
A FRAME pallet is compromised of a number of blockchain primitives:
- Storage: FRAME defines a rich set of powerful
[storage abstractions](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/storage) that makes
it easy to use Substrate's efficient key-value database to manage the evolving state of a
- Dispatchables: FRAME pallets define special types of functions that can be invoked (dispatched)
from outside of the runtime in order to update its state.
- Events: Substrate uses [events](https://substrate.dev/docs/en/knowledgebase/runtime/events) to
notify users of important changes in the runtime.
- Errors: When a dispatchable fails, it returns an error.
- Trait: The `Trait` configuration interface is used to define the types and parameters upon which
a FRAME pallet depends.
### Run in Docker
First, install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) and
[Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
Then run the following command to start a single node development chain.
This command will firstly compile your code, and then start a
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