《创新创业基础 I》课程教学大纲
课程所在学院: 创新创业学院 ;所在教研室: 创新创业教学部
执笔人: 罗匡 审定人: 陈洪华 编写日期:2019 年 3 月,教学院长: 祝海波
课程编 号
课程名称 创新创业基础 I
适用专 业
前期课 程
无 课程类别
公共课目 基础课口 学科基础课(必修口 选
专业基础课(选修口 必修口) 专业课(必修口 选
0.5 总学分
开课学期 秋季
本课程基于科学的认知学习理论, 围绕大学生创新创业所需的基础知识、 基本理论、基
本方法和基本流程,强调知识、理论和能力三位一体的创新创业系统建构。包括创新原理、 创新思维、创新工具、创
业精神、创业者、创业团队、创业机会、创业风险、商业模式开发、 创业资源、创业计划、以及新企业的开办与生存管
理。该课程遵循如下逻辑关系: (1)是什
么?一一准确定义概念, 阐明基本知识。(2)为什么?一一恰当运用基本理论分析主要原因。
(3)怎么做?一一着重掌握基本流程和基本方法, 并通过创业实例、扩展阅读、案例分析、
分理论教学和实践教学两部分。其中理论教学 24 学分,实验教学 8 学分。
This course is based on the scientic cognitive learning theory, focusing on the basic knowledge, basic
theory, basic methods and basic processes needed by college students for innovation and entrepreneurship,
emphasizing the trinity of knowledge, theory and ability in the construction of entrepreneurship system.
Including innovation principles, innovative thinking, innovative tools, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs,
entrepreneurial teams, entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial risks, business model development,
entrepreneurial resources, entrepreneurial plans, and the start-up and survival management of new enterprises.
The course follows the following logical relationships:⑴ What is it? Dene
concepts accurately and clarify basic knowledge. (2) Why? -------
Apply basic theory to analyze the main reasons properly. (3) Howto do it?-----------------------------------------------Focus
on grasping the basic process and methods, and through the entrepreneurship examples,
expand reading, case analysis, thinking and discussion to enhance the content.
It is divided into two parts: theoretical teaching and practical teaching. Among
them, theoretical teaching has 24 credits and experimental teaching has 8 credits.