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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/COMST.2017.2652495, IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials
proportional fairness, assuming global system knowledge.
[45] proposes a hybrid scheduler based on a distributed
approach that is capable of performing almost as well as
a centralized approach. [46] proposes a hybrid scheduler
that switches between in-band full duplex and half duplex
modes depending on the self-interference cancellation
• Hybrid duplexing for device-to-device communication:
D2D allows nearby devices to establish direct links,
negating the need to make a round trip via the base station
and hence increasing the overall system throughput. The
application of IBFD transmission in D2D communica-
tions appears to be a sensible fit, as the distance be-
tween paired devices is typically short, thereby increasing
the ratio between the received signal strength and self-
interference strength. Most of the current research into
the coexistence of D2D and IBFD focuses on using
IBFD communications between device pairs to boost
spectral efficiency [47]–[49]. This is achieved at the
cost of increasingly complicated interference channels
to be considered. This scenario also requires devices
to be IBFD capable. D2D involves a delicate balance
between increasing the overall system throughput and
keeping the interference introduced by direct transmission
between pairs to a minimum. Protecting existing cellular
users is a primary concern in D2D. Hybrid duplexing
may offer benefits in an IBFD D2D scenario and still
requires investigation. This may take the form of BS
assisted hybrid scheduling, or each individual D2D pair
may autonomously decide for themselves. The decision
between using full or half duplex may be influenced by a
number of factors related to the interference profile of the
cell, including self-interference, D2D-to-UE interference,
and UE-to-D2D interference.
• Hybrid duplexing for relaying: Relaying is another po-
tential application of IBFD that is attracting plentiful
attention due to the possibility of increasing the data-rate
by transmitting and receiving using the same frequency
resources. The concept of hybrid duplexing is again
relevant in this scenario, as highlighted by [50], which
considers hybrid IBFD/HD relaying with opportunistic
mode selection and demonstrates the performance gain
offered by such a system over a system confined to
a single duplexing scheme. [51] proposes an adaptive
IBFD/HD relaying scheme consisting of three modes:
orthogonal reception, orthogonal transmission, or simul-
taneous reception and transmission at the relay. [52]
demonstrates that hybrid transmission mode for relays
can achieve better performance than just using in-band
full duplex or half duplex transmission mode alone. The
subject of resource allocation in virtualized IBFD relays
is discussed in [53], [54], considering spectrum, base
stations, and relays as virtual resources.
• Hybrid duplexing for self-backhauling: Self-backhauling
refers to a technique whereby a base station uses part of
its available spectral resources for wireless backhauling.
Traditionally macro-cells have been backhauled using
a form of guided transmission such as optical fibre.
While this has proved to be effective, wireless backhaul
provides a cheaper alternative for the huge numbers of
low-power, low-cost nodes that will be deployed in 5G
networks. [55] provides an overview of the techniques
and challenges associated with backhauling small-cells in
5G. The authors characterize the cellular region in which
the use of in-band self-backhauling limits the downlink
capacity of the cell, and suggests the use of IBFD as a
way to improve performance.
[56] highlights the importance of backhaul-aware radio
resource management. This is especially important in
an IBFD-capable small-cell that uses spectral resources
simultaneously for both access and backhaul. In relation
to IBFD cellular access, we already drew special attention
to the possibility of a hybrid scheduler that decides
whether to operate in IBFD mode or default to HD
mode. This notion of hybrid duplexing for cellular access
is even more prevalent in a scenario involving in-band
backhauling. Furthermore, this concept can be extended to
the backhaul case as explored in [57], in which the authors
demonstrate the usefulness of adaptive IBFD/HD self-
backhauling over IBFD self-backhauling alone. In adap-
tive IBFD/HD self-backhauling, the duplexing scheme is
dynamically changed according to the current interference
• Hybrid duplexing for dynamic spectrum access (DSA):
DSA has been heralded as a promising technique to
deal with the perceived spectrum shortage at microwave
frequencies, allowing unlicensed secondary users (SU)
to avail of licensed bands according to a strict set of
rules. The rules defining how and when an SU can use
licensed spectrum are designed with a strong emphasis on
protecting the incumbent. Typically in a cognitive radio,
the SU will perform spectrum sensing at the beginning
of each time slot and begin transmitting if the received
power is below some predefined threshold. Two problems
are evident with this approach. Firstly, multiple SUs might
opportunistically attempt to access the medium, resulting
in secondary collisions. Secondly, the primary user (PU)
may become active at any time and the SU cannot detect
this while it is transmitting. SIC has been proposed to
enhance the performance of cognitive radios, reducing the
number of SU collisions and offering greater protection
to the incumbent, as it allows SUs to perform spectrum
sensing while simultaneously transmitting [58]–[61]. [62],
[63] consider an adaptive transmission-reception-sensing
strategy in which the cognitive radio may utilize the
benefits of IBFD in two ways:
1) Simultaneous transmission-and-sensing mode to im-
prove detection probability.
2) Simultaneous transmission-and-reception mode to im-
prove throughput.
A spectrum awareness/efficiency trade-off arises from the
adaptive switching strategy, with a threshold between the
two depending on the SU’s beliefs about PU activity. If
an SU has a strong belief regarding PU idleness in a
certain channel, the SU should operate in simultaneous