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基于梯度的可视化解释 Grad-CAM:VisualExplanationsfromDeepNetworks viaGradie...
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Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks
via Gradient-based Localization
Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju · Michael Cogswell · Abhishek Das · Ramakrishna
Vedantam · Devi Parikh · Dhruv Batra
We propose a technique for producing ‘visual ex-
planations’ for decisions from a large class of Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN)-based models, making them more
transparent and explainable.
Our approach – Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping
(Grad-CAM), uses the gradients of any target concept (say
‘dog’ in a classification network or a sequence of words
in captioning network) flowing into the final convolutional
layer to produce a coarse localization map highlighting the
important regions in the image for predicting the concept.
Unlike previous approaches, Grad-CAM is applicable to a
wide variety of CNN model-families: (1) CNNs with fully-
connected layers (e.g. VGG), (2) CNNs used for structured
outputs (e.g. captioning), (3) CNNs used in tasks with multi-
modal inputs (e.g. visual question answering) or reinforce-
ment learning, all without architectural changes or re-training.
We combine Grad-CAM with existing fine-grained visual-
izations to create a high-resolution class-discriminative vi-
Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
E-mail: ramprs@gatech.edu
Michael Cogswell
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
E-mail: cogswell@gatech.edu
Abhishek Das
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
E-mail: abhshkdz@gatech.edu
Ramakrishna Vedantam
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
E-mail: vrama@gatech.edu
Devi Parikh
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Facebook AI Research, Menlo Park, CA, USA
E-mail: parikh@gatech.edu
Dhruv Batra
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Facebook AI Research, Menlo Park, CA, USA
E-mail: dbatra@gatech.edu
sualization, Guided Grad-CAM, and apply it to image clas-
sification, image captioning, and visual question answering
(VQA) models, including ResNet-based architectures.
In the context of image classification models, our visualiza-
tions (a) lend insights into failure modes of these models
(showing that seemingly unreasonable predictions have rea-
sonable explanations), (b) outperform previous methods on
the ILSVRC-15 weakly-supervised localization task, (c) are
robust to adversarial perturbations, (d) are more faithful to the
underlying model, and (e) help achieve model generalization
by identifying dataset bias.
For image captioning and VQA, our visualizations show that
even non-attention based models learn to localize discrimina-
tive regions of input image.
We devise a way to identify important neurons through Grad-
CAM and combine it with neuron names [
] to provide tex-
tual explanations for model decisions. Finally, we design
and conduct human studies to measure if Grad-CAM ex-
planations help users establish appropriate trust in predic-
tions from deep networks and show that Grad-CAM helps
untrained users successfully discern a ‘stronger’ deep net-
work from a ‘weaker’ one even when both make identical
predictions. Our code is available at
, along with a demo on CloudCV [
and a video at youtu.be/COjUB9Izk6E.
1 Introduction
Deep neural models based on Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs) have enabled unprecedented breakthroughs
in a variety of computer vision tasks, from image classi-
fication [
], object detection [
], semantic segmenta-
tion [
] to image captioning [
], visual question
answering [
] and more recently, visual dialog [
] and embodied question answering [
]. While
arXiv:1610.02391v4 [cs.CV] 3 Dec 2019
2 Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju et al.
these models enable superior performance, their lack of de-
composability into individually intuitive components makes
them hard to interpret [
]. Consequently, when today’s intel-
ligent systems fail, they often fail spectacularly disgracefully
without warning or explanation, leaving a user staring at an
incoherent output, wondering why the system did what it did.
Interpretability matters. In order to build trust in intelligent
systems and move towards their meaningful integration into
our everyday lives, it is clear that we must build ‘transparent’
models that have the ability to explain why they predict what
they predict. Broadly speaking, this transparency and abil-
ity to explain is useful at three different stages of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) evolution. First, when AI is significantly
weaker than humans and not yet reliably deployable (e.g.
visual question answering [
]), the goal of transparency and
explanations is to identify the failure modes [
], thereby
helping researchers focus their efforts on the most fruitful re-
search directions. Second, when AI is on par with humans and
reliably deployable (e.g., image classification [
] trained on
sufficient data), the goal is to establish appropriate trust and
confidence in users. Third, when AI is significantly stronger
than humans (e.g. chess or Go [
]), the goal of explana-
tions is in machine teaching [
] – i.e., a machine teaching a
human about how to make better decisions.
There typically exists a trade-off between accuracy and sim-
plicity or interpretability. Classical rule-based or expert sys-
tems [
] are highly interpretable but not very accurate (or
robust). Decomposable pipelines where each stage is hand-
designed are thought to be more interpretable as each indi-
vidual component assumes a natural intuitive explanation.
By using deep models, we sacrifice interpretable modules
for uninterpretable ones that achieve greater performance
through greater abstraction (more layers) and tighter integra-
tion (end-to-end training). Recently introduced deep residual
networks (ResNets) [
] are over 200-layers deep and have
shown state-of-the-art performance in several challenging
tasks. Such complexity makes these models hard to interpret.
As such, deep models are beginning to explore the spectrum
between interpretability and accuracy.
Zhou et al. [
] recently proposed a technique called Class
Activation Mapping (CAM) for identifying discriminative
regions used by a restricted class of image classification
CNNs which do not contain any fully-connected layers. In
essence, this work trades off model complexity and perfor-
mance for more transparency into the working of the model.
In contrast, we make existing state-of-the-art deep models
interpretable without altering their architecture, thus avoiding
the interpretability vs. accuracy trade-off. Our approach is
a generalization of CAM [
] and is applicable to a signifi-
cantly broader range of CNN model families: (1) CNNs with
fully-connected layers (e.g. VGG), (2) CNNs used for struc-
tured outputs (e.g. captioning), (3) CNNs used in tasks with
multi-modal inputs (e.g. VQA) or reinforcement learning,
without requiring architectural changes or re-training.
What makes a good visual explanation?
Consider image
classification [
] – a ‘good’ visual explanation from the
model for justifying any target category should be (a) class-
discriminative (i.e. localize the category in the image) and
(b) high-resolution (i.e. capture fine-grained detail).
Fig. 1 shows outputs from a number of visualizations for
the ‘tiger cat’ class (top) and ‘boxer’ (dog) class (bottom).
Pixel-space gradient visualizations such as Guided Back-
propagation [
] and Deconvolution [
] are high-resolution
and highlight fine-grained details in the image, but are not
class-discriminative (Fig. 1b and Fig. 1h are very similar).
In contrast, localization approaches like CAM or our pro-
posed method Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping
(Grad-CAM), are highly class-discriminative (the ‘cat’ expla-
nation exclusively highlights the ‘cat’ regions but not ‘dog’
regions in Fig. 1c, and vice versa in Fig. 1i).
In order to combine the best of both worlds, we show that it
is possible to fuse existing pixel-space gradient visualizations
with Grad-CAM to create Guided Grad-CAM visualizations
that are both high-resolution and class-discriminative. As a
result, important regions of the image which correspond to
any decision of interest are visualized in high-resolution de-
tail even if the image contains evidence for multiple possible
concepts, as shown in Figures 1d and 1j. When visualized
for ‘tiger cat’, Guided Grad-CAM not only highlights the cat
regions, but also highlights the stripes on the cat, which is
important for predicting that particular variety of cat.
To summarize, our contributions are as follows:
We introduce Grad-CAM, a class-discriminative local-
ization technique that generates visual explanations for any
CNN-based network without requiring architectural changes
or re-training. We evaluate Grad-CAM for localization (Sec. 4.1),
and faithfulness to model (Sec. 5.3), where it outperforms
We apply Grad-CAM to existing top-performing classi-
fication, captioning (Sec. 8.1), and VQA (Sec. 8.2) models.
For image classification, our visualizations lend insight into
failures of current CNNs (Sec. 6.1), showing that seemingly
unreasonable predictions have reasonable explanations. For
captioning and VQA, our visualizations expose that common
CNN + LSTM models are often surprisingly good at local-
izing discriminative image regions despite not being trained
on grounded image-text pairs.
We show a proof-of-concept of how interpretable Grad-
CAM visualizations help in diagnosing failure modes by
uncovering biases in datasets. This is important not just for
generalization, but also for fair and bias-free outcomes as
more and more decisions are made by algorithms in society.
We present Grad-CAM visualizations for ResNets [
applied to image classification and VQA (Sec. 8.2).
Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization 3
(a) Original Image (b) Guided Backprop ‘Cat’ (c) Grad-CAM ‘Cat’
Guided Grad-CAM ‘Cat’ (e) Occlusion map ‘Cat’
ResNet Grad-CAM ‘Cat’
(g) Original Image
Guided Backprop ‘Dog’ (i) Grad-CAM ‘Dog’
Guided Grad-CAM ‘Dog’ (k) Occlusion map ‘Dog’
ResNet Grad-CAM ‘Dog’
Fig. 1: (a) Original image with a cat and a dog. (b-f) Support for the cat category according to various visualizations for VGG-16 and ResNet. (b)
Guided Backpropagation [53]: highlights all contributing features. (c, f) Grad-CAM (Ours): localizes class-discriminative regions, (d) Combining
(b) and (c) gives Guided Grad-CAM, which gives high-resolution class-discriminative visualizations. Interestingly, the localizations achieved by
our Grad-CAM technique, (c) are very similar to results from occlusion sensitivity (e), while being orders of magnitude cheaper to compute. (f,
l) are Grad-CAM visualizations for ResNet-18 layer. Note that in (c, f, i, l), red regions corresponds to high score for class, while in (e, k), blue
corresponds to evidence for the class. Figure best viewed in color.
We use neuron importance from Grad-CAM and neuron
names from [
] and obtain textual explanations for model
decisions (Sec. 7).
We conduct human studies (Sec. 5) that show Guided
Grad-CAM explanations are class-discriminative and not
only help humans establish trust, but also help untrained users
successfully discern a ‘stronger’ network from a ‘weaker’
one, even when both make identical predictions.
Paper Organization:
The rest of the paper is organized as
follows. In section 3 we propose our approach Grad-CAM
and Guided Grad-CAM. In sections 4 and 5 we evaluate the
localization ability, class-discriminativeness, trustworthyness
and faithfulness of Grad-CAM. In section 6 we show certain
use cases of Grad-CAM such as diagnosing image classifi-
cation CNNs and identifying biases in datasets. In section 7
we provide a way to obtain textual explanations with Grad-
CAM. In section 8 we show how Grad-CAM can be applied
to vision and language models – image captioning and Visual
Question Answering (VQA).
2 Related Work
Our work draws on recent work in CNN visualizations, model
trust assessment, and weakly-supervised localization.
Visualizing CNNs
. A number of previous works [
] have visualized CNN predictions by highlighting ‘impor-
tant’ pixels (i.e. change in intensities of these pixels have
the most impact on the prediction score). Specifically, Si-
monyan et al . [
] visualize partial derivatives of predicted
class scores w.r.t. pixel intensities, while Guided Backprop-
agation [
] and Deconvolution [
] make modifications
to ‘raw’ gradients that result in qualitative improvements.
These approaches are compared in [
]. Despite produc-
ing fine-grained visualizations, these methods are not class-
discriminative. Visualizations with respect to different classes
are nearly identical (see Figures 1b and 1h).
Other visualization methods synthesize images to maximally
activate a network unit [
] or invert a latent represen-
tation [
]. Although these can be high-resolution and
class-discriminative, they are not specific to a single input
image and visualize a model overall.
Assessing Model Trust
. Motivated by notions of interpretabil-
ity [
] and assessing trust in models [
], we evaluate Grad-
CAM visualizations in a manner similar to [
] via human
studies to show that they can be important tools for users to
evaluate and place trust in automated systems.
Aligning Gradient-based Importances
. Selvaraju et al. [
proposed an approach that uses the gradient-based neuron
importances introduced in our work, and maps it to class-
specific domain knowledge from humans in order to learn
classifiers for novel classes. In future work, Selvaraju et al.
] proposed an approach to align gradient-based impor-
tances to human attention maps in order to ground vision and
language models.
Weakly-supervised localization
. Another relevant line of
work is weakly-supervised localization in the context of
CNNs, where the task is to localize objects in images us-
ing holistic image class labels only [8,43,44,59].
Most relevant to our approach is the Class Activation Map-
ping (CAM) approach to localization [
]. This approach
modifies image classification CNN architectures replacing
fully-connected layers with convolutional layers and global
average pooling [
], thus achieving class-specific feature
maps. Others have investigated similar methods using global
max pooling [44] and log-sum-exp pooling [45].
4 Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju et al.
Fig. 2:
Grad-CAM overview: Given an image and a class of interest (e.g., ‘tiger cat’ or any other type of differentiable output) as input, we forward propagate the image
through the CNN part of the model and then through task-specific computations to obtain a raw score for the category. The gradients are set to zero for all classes except the
desired class (tiger cat), which is set to 1. This signal is then backpropagated to the rectified convolutional feature maps of interest, which we combine to compute the coarse
Grad-CAM localization (blue heatmap) which represents where the model has to look to make the particular decision. Finally, we pointwise multiply the heatmap with guided
backpropagation to get Guided Grad-CAM visualizations which are both high-resolution and concept-specific.
A drawback of CAM is that it requires feature maps to di-
rectly precede softmax layers, so it is only applicable to a
particular kind of CNN architectures performing global av-
erage pooling over convolutional maps immediately prior to
prediction (i.e. conv feature maps
global average pooling
softmax layer). Such architectures may achieve inferior
accuracies compared to general networks on some tasks (e.g.
image classification) or may simply be inapplicable to any
other tasks (e.g. image captioning or VQA). We introduce a
new way of combining feature maps using the gradient signal
that does not require any modification in the network architec-
ture. This allows our approach to be applied to off-the-shelf
CNN-based architectures, including those for image caption-
ing and visual question answering. For a fully-convolutional
architecture, CAM is a special case of Grad-CAM.
Other methods approach localization by classifying perturba-
tions of the input image. Zeiler and Fergus [
] perturb inputs
by occluding patches and classifying the occluded image,
typically resulting in lower classification scores for relevant
objects when those objects are occluded. This principle is ap-
plied for localization in [
]. Oquab et al. [
] classify many
patches containing a pixel then average these patch-wise
scores to provide the pixel’s class-wise score. Unlike these,
our approach achieves localization in one shot; it only re-
quires a single forward and a partial backward pass per image
and thus is typically an order of magnitude more efficient. In
recent work, Zhang et al . [
] introduce contrastive Marginal
Winning Probability (c-MWP), a probabilistic Winner-Take-
All formulation for modelling the top-down attention for
neural classification models which can highlight discrimina-
tive regions. This is computationally more expensive than
Grad-CAM and only works for image classification CNNs.
Moreover, Grad-CAM outperforms c-MWP in quantitative
and qualitative evaluations (see Sec. 4.1 and Sec. D).
3 Grad-CAM
A number of previous works have asserted that deeper repre-
sentations in a CNN capture higher-level visual constructs [
]. Furthermore, convolutional layers naturally retain spatial
information which is lost in fully-connected layers, so we
can expect the last convolutional layers to have the best com-
promise between high-level semantics and detailed spatial
information. The neurons in these layers look for semantic
class-specific information in the image (say object parts).
Grad-CAM uses the gradient information flowing into the
last convolutional layer of the CNN to assign importance
values to each neuron for a particular decision of interest.
Although our technique is fairly general in that it can be used
to explain activations in any layer of a deep network, in this
work, we focus on explaining output layer decisions only.
As shown in Fig. 2, in order to obtain the class-discriminative
localization map Grad-CAM
∈ R
of width
and height
for any class
, we first compute the gradient of
the score for class
(before the softmax), with respect to
feature map activations
of a convolutional layer, i.e.
These gradients flowing back are global-average-pooled
over the width and height dimensions (indexed by
respectively) to obtain the neuron importance weights α
global average pooling
z }| {
gradients via backprop
During computation of
while backpropagating gradients
with respect to activations, the exact computation amounts
Empirically we found global-average-pooling to work better than
global-max-pooling as can be found in the Appendix.
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