# 3DMM-fitting
This project is designed to fit a 3DMM to a frontal-face picture profile and a profile picture of the same person simultaneously. This is supposed to lead to a more reliable fitting result than the traditional way in which only one 2D picture is used, since we acquired additional depth information from the extra profile image.
## Library requirements
* Python3.6
* [OpenCV](http://opencv.org/)
* [Dlib](http://dlib.net/)
* [Numpy](http://www.numpy.org/)
* [toml](https://github.com/uiri/toml)
The code has only been tested on Windows10 with Anaconda Python.
## Instructions
You can find sample code at `test\fitting_test.py`. In the folder `data\`, two sets of sample images are already given to test the code. These images are from [color FERET database](https://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/image-group/color-feret-database). The facial landmarks are saved as pts files with the same name as the pictures. Please note that the frontal-face landmarks are annotated according to the iBug but the profile landmarks are annotated in a new way showed as below.
![the landmarks of a profile](https://i.imgur.com/ARFkW5F.jpg)
Not all the landmarks are used in the process of 3D-fitting.
The frontal face image is automatically annotated with Dlib library. You can call the `frontal_face_marker` funtion at `assist\marker.py` to get a pts file contains the landmarks of the frontal face image. The profile image is presently marked manually. You can call the `manual_marker` fuction at `assist\marker.py` to do it.
## Presentation
Run `test\fitting_test.py` with default imput images, you should get a picture discribes the accuracy of the fitting.
![fitting result img](https://github.com/Yinghao-Li/3DMM-fitting/blob/master/test/00029ba010_960521-outcome.jpg
This picture will be saved in the `test\` folder, along with the generated 3D model as ply file.
![fitting result 3D](https://github.com/Yinghao-Li/3DMM-fitting/blob/master/test/3D-captured.PNG)
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