// Description:
//! \addtogroup f2833x_example_list
//! \section EXAMPLE_POSSPEED_C Position/Speed Calculation (Example_posspeed.c)
//! This file includes the EQEP initialization and position and speed calculation
//! functions called by Example_2833xEqep_posspeed.c. The position and
//! speed calculation steps performed by POSSPEED_Calc() at SYSCLKOUT = 150 MHz
//! and 100 MHz are described below:
//! -# This program calculates: \b **theta_mech** for SYSCLKOUT = 150Mhz \n
//! \f[ theta\_mech\ = \frac{QPOSCNT}{mech\_scaler}= \frac {QPOSCNT}{4000} \f]
//! where 4000 is the number of
//! counts in 1 revolution.(4000/4 = 1000 line/rev. quadrature encoder)
//! -# This program calculates: \b **theta_elec** for SYSCLKOUT = 150MHz \n
//! \f[ theta\_elec\ = (# pole pairs) * theta\_mech\ = \frac {2*QPOSCNT}{4000} \f]
//! -# This program calculates: \b **SpeedRpm_fr** for SYSCLKOUT = 150Mhz \n
//! \f[ SpeedRpm\_fr\ = \frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000]*T}........1 \f]
//! \note \f$ x_{2}-x_{1} \f$ is the difference in number of QPOSCNT counts. Dividing \f$ x_{2}-x_{1} \f$ by
//! \f$ 4000 \f$ gives position relative to Index in one revolution. \n
//! If \f$ base RPM = 6000 rpm \f$ :
//! \f[ 6000 rpm = \frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000*10ms}........2 \f]
//! \f[ = \frac {\frac{x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000}}{\frac {.01s*1 min}{60 sec}} \f]
//! \f[ = \frac {\frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000}}{\frac {1}{6000} min} \f]
//! max \f$ x_{2}-x_{1} = 4000 \f$ counts, or 1 revolution in 10 ms
//! If both sides of Equation 2 are divided by 6000 rpm, then:
//! \f[ 1 = \frac {\frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000} rev.} { \frac {1}{6000} min * 6000rpm} \f]
//! Because \f$ x_{2}-x_{1} \f$ must be \f$ <4000 (max) \f$ for QPOSCNT increment,
//! \f$ \frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000} < 1 \f$ for CW rotation \n
//! And because \f$ x_{2}-x_{1} \f$ must be \f$ >-4000 \f$ for QPOSCNT decrement,
//! \f$ \frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000}>-1 \f$ for CCW rotation
//! \f[ speed\_fr\ = \frac {\frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000}}{\frac{1}{6000} min * 6000rpm} = \frac {x_{2}-x{1}}{4000}........3 \f]
//! To convert speed_fr to RPM, multiply Equation 3 by 6000 rpm
//! \f[ SpeedRpm\_fr\ = 6000rpm * \frac {x_{2}-x_{1}}{4000}.........final \f] \n
//! -# **min rpm ** = selected at 10 rpm based on CCPS prescaler options available (128 is greatest)
//! -# **SpeedRpm_pr**
//! \f[ SpeedRpm\_pr\ = \frac {X}{t_2-t_1}.........4 \f]
//! where X = QCAPCTL [UPPS]/4000 rev. (position relative to Index in 1 revolution)
//! If \f$ \frac {max}{base}speed= 6000 rpm: 6000 = \frac {\frac {32}{4000}}{\frac {t_2-t_1}{\frac {150MHz}{128}}} \f$
//! where,
//! - 32 = QCAPCTL [UPPS] (Unit timeout - once every 32 edges)
//! - \f$ \frac {32}{4000} = \f$ position in 1 revolution (position as a fraction of 1 revolution)
//! - \f$ \frac {t_2-t_1}{\frac{150MHz}{128}}, t_2-t_1 = \f$ # of QCAPCLK cycles
//! - 1 QCAPCLK cycle = \f$ \frac {1}{\frac {150MHz}{128}} \f$ = QCPRDLAT
//! So: \f[ 6000 rpm = \frac{32 \frac {150MHz}{128}* 60s/min}{4000(t_2-t_1)} \f]
//! \f[ t_2-t_1 = \frac {32 \frac {150MHz}{128}*60 s/min}{4000*6000rpm}..........5 \f]
//! \f[ = 94 CAPCLK cycles = maximum (t2-t1) = SpeedScaler \f]
//! Divide both sides by \f$ t_2-t_1 \f$, and: \n
//! \f[ 1 = \frac {94}{t_2-t_1} = \frac {\frac {32 \frac {150MHz}{128}*60 s/min}{4000*6000rpm}}{t_2-t_1} \f]
//! Because \f$ t_2-t_1 \f$ must be \f$ < 94 \f$ for QPOSCNT increment:
//! \f$ \frac {94}{t_2-t_1} < 1 \f$ for CW rotation \n
//! And because \f$ t_2-t_1 \f$ must be \f$ >-94 \f$ for QPOSCNT decrement:
//! \f$ \frac {94}{t_2-t_1}> -1 \f$ for CCW rotation
//! \f[ speed_pr = \frac {94}{t_2-t_1} \f]
//! or \f[ \frac {\frac {32 \frac {150MHz}{128}*60 s/min}{4000*6000rpm)}}{t_2-t_1}..........6 \f]
//! To convert speed_pr to RPM: \n
//! Multiply Equation 6 by 6000rpm:
//! \f[ SpeedRpm\_fr = 6000rpm * \frac {\frac {32 \frac {150MHz}{128}*60 s/min}{4000*6000rpm)}}{t_2-t_1} \f]
//! \f[ = \frac {32 \frac {150MHz}{128}*60 s/min}{4000*(t_2-t_1)} \f]
//! or \f[ \frac {\frac {32}{4000rev} * 60 s/min}{(t_2-t_1)(QCPRDLAT)}............Final Equation \f]
//! For 100 MHz Operation:
//! The same calculations as above are performed, but with 100 MHz
//! instead of 150MHz when calculating SpeedRpm_pr. \n
//! The value for freqScaler_pr becomes: [32*(100MHz/128)*60s/min]/(4000*6000rpm) = 63 \n
//! More detailed calculation results can be found in the Example_freqcal.xls
//! spreadsheet included in the example folder.
// $TI Release: F2833x/F2823x Header Files and Peripheral Examples V141 $
// $Release Date: November 6, 2015 $
// $Copyright: Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
// http://www.ti.com/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED $
#include "DSP28x_Project.h" // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File
#include "Example_posspeed.h" // Example specific Include file
void POSSPEED_Init(void)
#if (CPU_FRQ_150MHZ)
EQep1Regs.QUPRD=1500000; // Unit Timer for 100Hz at 150 MHz SYSCLKOUT
#if (CPU_FRQ_100MHZ)
EQep1Regs.QUPRD=1000000; // Unit Timer for 100Hz at 100 MHz SYSCLKOUT
EQep1Regs.QDECCTL.bit.QSRC=00; // QEP quadrature count mode
EQep1Regs.QEPCTL.bit.PCRM=00; // PCRM=00 mode - QPOSCNT reset on index event
EQep1Regs.QEPCTL.bit.UTE=1; // Unit Timeout Enable
EQep1Regs.QEPCTL.bit.QCLM=1; // Latch on unit time out
EQep1Regs.QEPCTL.bit.QPEN=1; // QEP enable
EQep1Regs.QCAPCTL.bit.UPPS=5; // 1/32 for unit position
EQep1Regs.QCAPCTL.bit.CCPS=7; // 1/128 for CAP clock
EQep1Regs.QCAPCTL.bit.CEN=1; // QEP Capture Enable
long tmp;
unsigned int pos16bval,temp1;
_iq Tmp1,newp,oldp;
//**** Position calculation - mechanical and electrical motor angle ****//
p->DirectionQep = EQep1Regs.QEPSTS.bit.QDF; // Motor direction: 0=CCW/reverse, 1=CW/forward
pos16bval=(unsigned int)EQep1Regs.QPOSCNT; // capture position once per QA/QB period
p->theta_raw = pos16bval+ p->cal_angle; // raw theta = current pos. + ang. offset from QA
// The following lines calculate p->theta_mech ~= QPOSCNT/mech_scaler [current cnt/(total cnt in 1 rev.)]
// where mech_scaler = 4000 cnts/revolution
tmp = (long)((long)p->theta_raw*(long)p->mech_scaler); // Q0*Q26 = Q26
tmp &= 0x03FFF000;
p->theta_mech = (int)(tmp>>11); // Q26 -> Q15
p->theta_mech &= 0x7FFF;
// The following lines calculate p->elec_mech
p->theta_elec = p->pole_pairs*p->theta_mech; // Q0*Q15 = Q15
p->theta_elec &= 0x7FFF;
// Check an index occurrence
if (EQep1Regs.QFLG.bit.IEL == 1)
p->index_sync_flag = 0x00F0;
EQep1Regs.QCLR.bit.IEL=1; // Clear interrupt flag
//**** High Speed Calculation using QEP Position counter ****//
// Check unit Time out-event for speed calculation:
// Unit Timer is configured for 100Hz in INIT function
if(EQep1Regs.QFLG.bit.UTO==1) // If unit timeout (one 100Hz period)
/** Differentiator **/
// The following lines calculate position = (x2-x1)/4000 (position in 1 revolution)
pos16bval=(unsigned int)EQep1Regs.QPOSLAT; // Latched POSCNT value
tmp = (long)((long)pos16bval*(long)p->mech_scaler); // Q0*Q26 = Q26
tmp &= 0x03FFF000;
tmp = (int)(tmp>>11); // Q26 -> Q15
tmp &= 0x7FFF;
if (p->DirectionQep==0) // POSCNT is counting down
if (newp>oldp)
Tmp1 = - (_IQ(1) - newp + oldp); // x2-x1 should be negative
Tmp1 = newp -oldp;
else if (p->DirectionQep==1) // POSCNT is counting up
if (newp<oldp)