# -*- coding: ascii -*-
Simple structured Delaunay triangulation in 2D with Bowyer-Watson algorithm.
Written by Jose M. Espadero ( http://github.com/jmespadero/pyDelaunay2D )
Based on code from Ayron Catteau. Published at http://github.com/ayron/delaunay
Just pretend to be simple and didactic. The only requisite is numpy.
Robust checks disabled by default. May not work in degenerate set of points.
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
class Delaunay2D:
Class to compute a Delaunay triangulation in 2D
ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowyer-Watson_algorithm
ref: http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~samuelp/del_project.html
def __init__(self, center=(0, 0), radius=9999):
""" Init and create a new frame to contain the triangulation
center -- Optional position for the center of the frame. Default (0,0)
radius -- Optional distance from corners to the center.
center = np.asarray(center)
# Create coordinates for the corners of the frame
self.coords = [center+radius*np.array((-1, -1)),
center+radius*np.array((+1, -1)),
center+radius*np.array((+1, +1)),
center+radius*np.array((-1, +1))]
# Create two dicts to store triangle neighbours and circumcircles.
self.triangles = {}
self.circles = {}
# Create two CCW triangles for the frame
T1 = (0, 1, 3)
T2 = (2, 3, 1)
self.triangles[T1] = [T2, None, None]
self.triangles[T2] = [T1, None, None]
# Compute circumcenters and circumradius for each triangle
for t in self.triangles:
self.circles[t] = self.circumcenter(t)
def circumcenter(self, tri):
"""Compute circumcenter and circumradius of a triangle in 2D.
Uses an extension of the method described here:
pts = np.asarray([self.coords[v] for v in tri])
pts2 = np.dot(pts, pts.T)
A = np.bmat([[2 * pts2, [[1],
[[[1, 1, 1, 0]]]])
b = np.hstack((np.sum(pts * pts, axis=1), [1]))
x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
bary_coords = x[:-1]
center = np.dot(bary_coords, pts)
# radius = np.linalg.norm(pts[0] - center) # euclidean distance
radius = np.sum(np.square(pts[0] - center)) # squared distance
return (center, radius)
def inCircleFast(self, tri, p):
"""Check if point p is inside of precomputed circumcircle of tri.
center, radius = self.circles[tri]
return np.sum(np.square(center - p)) <= radius
def inCircleRobust(self, tri, p):
"""Check if point p is inside of circumcircle around the triangle tri.
This is a robust predicate, slower than compare distance to centers
ref: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html
m1 = np.asarray([self.coords[v] - p for v in tri])
m2 = np.sum(np.square(m1), axis=1).reshape((3, 1))
m = np.hstack((m1, m2)) # The 3x3 matrix to check
return np.linalg.det(m) <= 0
def addPoint(self, p):
"""Add a point to the current DT, and refine it using Bowyer-Watson.
p = np.asarray(p)
idx = len(self.coords)
# print("coords[", idx,"] ->",p)
# Search the triangle(s) whose circumcircle contains p
bad_triangles = []
for T in self.triangles:
# Choose one method: inCircleRobust(T, p) or inCircleFast(T, p)
if self.inCircleFast(T, p):
# Find the CCW boundary (star shape) of the bad triangles,
# expressed as a list of edges (point pairs) and the opposite
# triangle to each edge.
boundary = []
# Choose a "random" triangle and edge
T = bad_triangles[0]
edge = 0
# get the opposite triangle of this edge
while True:
# Check if edge of triangle T is on the boundary...
# if opposite triangle of this edge is external to the list
tri_op = self.triangles[T][edge]
if tri_op not in bad_triangles:
# Insert edge and external triangle into boundary list
boundary.append((T[(edge+1) % 3], T[(edge-1) % 3], tri_op))
# Move to next CCW edge in this triangle
edge = (edge + 1) % 3
# Check if boundary is a closed loop
if boundary[0][0] == boundary[-1][1]:
# Move to next CCW edge in opposite triangle
edge = (self.triangles[tri_op].index(T) + 1) % 3
T = tri_op
# Remove triangles too near of point p of our solution
for T in bad_triangles:
del self.triangles[T]
del self.circles[T]
# Retriangle the hole left by bad_triangles
new_triangles = []
for (e0, e1, tri_op) in boundary:
# Create a new triangle using point p and edge extremes
T = (idx, e0, e1)
# Store circumcenter and circumradius of the triangle
self.circles[T] = self.circumcenter(T)
# Set opposite triangle of the edge as neighbour of T
self.triangles[T] = [tri_op, None, None]
# Try to set T as neighbour of the opposite triangle
if tri_op:
# search the neighbour of tri_op that use edge (e1, e0)
for i, neigh in enumerate(self.triangles[tri_op]):
if neigh:
if e1 in neigh and e0 in neigh:
# change link to use our new triangle
self.triangles[tri_op][i] = T
# Add triangle to a temporal list
# Link the new triangles each another
N = len(new_triangles)
for i, T in enumerate(new_triangles):
self.triangles[T][1] = new_triangles[(i+1) % N] # next
self.triangles[T][2] = new_triangles[(i-1) % N] # previous
def exportTriangles(self):
"""Export the current list of Delaunay triangles
# Filter out triangles with any vertex in the extended BBox
return [(a-4, b-4, c-4)
for (a, b, c) in self.triangles if a > 3 and b > 3 and c > 3]
def exportCircles(self):
"""Export the circumcircles as a list of (center, radius)
# Remember to compute circumcircles if not done before
# for t in self.triangles:
# self.circles[t] = self.circumcenter(t)
# Filter out triangles with any vertex in the extended BBox
# Do sqrt of radius before of return
return [(self.circles[(a, b, c)][0], sqrt(self.circles[(a, b, c)][1]))
for (a, b, c) in self.triangles if a > 3 and b > 3 and c > 3]
def exportDT(self):
"""Export the current set of Delaunay coordinates and triangles.
# Filter out coordinates in the extended BBox
coord = self.coords[4:]
# Filter out triangles with any vertex in the extended BBox
tris = [(a-4, b-4, c-4)
for (a, b, c) in self.triangles if a > 3 and b > 3 and c > 3]
return coord, tris
def exportExtendedDT(self):
"""Export the Extended Delaunay Triangulation (with the frame vertex).
return self.coords, list(self.triangles)
def exportVoronoiRegions(self):
"""Export coordinates and regions of Voronoi diagram as indexed