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## [<img src="https://github.com/QuantLet/Styleguide-and-Validation-procedure/blob/master/pictures/qloqo.png" alt="Visit QuantNet">](http://quantlet.de/) **TENET_SIM** [<img src="https://github.com/QuantLet/Styleguide-and-Validation-procedure/blob/master/pictures/QN2.png" width="60" alt="Visit QuantNet 2.0">](http://quantlet.de/d3/ia)
Name of QuantLet: TENET_SIM
Published in: TENET
Description: 'estimates Conditional Value at Risk (CoVaR) of 100 financial
institutions by using Single-Index Model with variable selection. The 110
covariates include log returns of 99 firms (except for firm k) 7 macro state
variables and 4 firm k’s characteristics. Then generates the necessory files for
other TENET quantlets. The data is not publicly published.'
Keywords: 'tail, quantile regression, CoVaR, systemic Risk, variable selection,
dimension reduction, risk, bic'
See also: 'quantilelasso, SIMqrL1, TENET_Linear, TENET_total_connectedness,
TENET_total_in_out_groups, TENET_group_network, TENET_total_in_out_individual,
Author: Weining Wang, Lining Yu
Datafile: '100_firms_returns_and_macro_2015-04-15.csv, Bal_sheet.csv,
- yw : (ws+1) response vector
- xxw : px(ws+1) covariate matrix
- tau : scalar quantile level
- VaRM_est : p estimated VaR and macro variables
- lambda_sim[l] : scalar estimated penalization parameter
- beta_sim[l, ] : p estimated coefficients
- CoVaR_sim[l] : scalar estimated CoVaR
- first_der[l] : scalar estimated first derivative
- partial_der[l, ] : p estimated partial derivatives
# Step 1: The main code of TENET based on quantile regression for Single-Index
# Model with Variable selection technique
# clear all variables
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))
# set the working directory
# setwd('C:/...')
# install and load packages
libraries = c("quantreg", "KernSmooth", "SparseM", "MASS")
lapply(libraries, function(x) if (!(x %in% installed.packages())) {
lapply(libraries, library, quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
# read the file which includes log returns of 100 firms and 7 macro state
# variables
x0 = read.csv("100_firms_returns_and_macro_2015-04-15.csv", header = TRUE)
# all firms' characteristics from balance sheet information of 100 firms
Bal_sheet_full = read.csv(file = "Bal_sheet.csv")
# 7 macro state variables
m = as.matrix(x0[, 102:108])
# estimated Value at Risk of 100 firms
VaR = as.matrix(read.csv("VaR_movingwindows_20150617.csv")[-1])[, 1:100]
# log returns of 100 firms
xx0 = x0[, 2:101]
# start the linear quantile lasso estimation for each firm
for (k in 1:100) {
cat("Firm:", k)
# log return of firm k
y = as.matrix(xx0[, k])
# log returns of firms except firm k
xx1 = as.matrix(xx0[, -k])
# 4 firm characteristics from balance sheet informaiton of firm k
BS = Bal_sheet_full[, (4 * k - 3):(4 * k)]
# combine macro state variables and 4 firm characteristics
MB = cbind(m, BS)
# number of rows of log return
n = nrow(xx1)
# number of covariates
p = ncol(xx1) + ncol(MB)
# estimated Value at Risk of firms except firm k
V = as.matrix(VaR[, -k])
# quantile level
tau = 0.05
# moving window size equals 48 corresponds to one year weekly data
ws = 48
lambda_sim = matrix(0, (n - ws), 1)
beta_sim = matrix(0, (n - ws), p)
covar_sim = matrix(0, (n - ws), 1)
first_der = matrix(0, (n - ws), 1)
partial_der = matrix(0, (n - ws), p)
for (l in 1:(n - ws)) {
yw = y[l:(l + ws)]
MBw = MB[l:(l + ws), ]
mb = matrix(0, ws + 1, ncol(MB))
# standardize macro state variables and 4 firm characteristics
for (j in 1:ncol(MB)) {
mb[, j] = (MBw[, j] - min(MBw[, j]))/(max(MBw[, j]) - min(MBw[, j]))
mb[is.na(mb)] = 0
MBw[is.na(MBw)] = 0
xx = xx1[l:(l + ws), ]
# all the independent variables
xxw = cbind(xx, mb)
VaRM_est = as.numeric(c(V[l, ], mb[(ws + 1), ]))
fit = sim(yw, xxw, tau, Qmaxiter = 2, l, k, LVaRest = VaRM_est)
beta_sim[l, ] = fit$beta_final
lambda_sim[l] = fit$lambda.fi
# the final estimated CoVaR
covar_sim[l] = fit$a.fi
first_der[l] = fit$b.fi
# the estimated partial derivatives
partial_der[l, ] = fit$c.fi
write.csv(lambda_sim, file = paste("lambda_sim_", k, ".csv", sep = ""))
write.csv(beta_sim, file = paste("beta_sim_", k, ".csv", sep = ""))
write.csv(covar_sim, file = paste("covar_sim_", k, ".csv", sep = ""))
write.csv(first_der, file = paste("first_der_", k, ".csv", sep = ""))
write.csv(partial_der, file = paste("partial_der_", k, ".csv", sep = ""))
# Step 2: generate the necessory csv files for other TENET quantlets
# number of columns in each partial derivative matrix
cpd = 100
# number of rows in each partial derivative matrix
rpd = (n - ws)
# since each firm does not regress on itself, we need to insert a zero column
# vector in the position of every firms' partial derivative matrix
vec_zero = matrix(0, rpd, 1)
der.c = array(0, dim = c(rpd, cpd, cpd))
for (i in 1:100) {
der.c[, , i] = insertCol(as.matrix(read.csv(file = paste("partial_der_", i, ".csv",
sep = "")))[, 2:100], i, vec_zero)
# generate the connnectedness matrix
con = array(0, dim = c(cpd, cpd, rpd))
for (i in 1:rpd) {
con.v = rep(0, 100)
for (j in 1:cpd) {
con.v = rbind(con.v, der.c[i, , j])
con[, , i] = con.v[-1, ]
# the date for the data files
dt = as.Date(x0[, 1], format = "%d/%m/%Y")[(ws + 1):314]
Date = strptime(as.character(dt), "%Y-%m-%d")
Date1 = format(Date, "%d/%m/%Y")
dt = as.data.frame(Date1)
names(dt) = "Date"
# the total connectedness
total.c = rep(0, rpd)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.c[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i]))
# the average lambda series
full.lambda = matrix(0, rpd, cpd)
for (j in 1:100) {
lambda.firm = read.csv(file = paste("lambda_sim_", j, ".csv", sep = ""))
full.lambda[, j] = as.matrix(lambda.firm)[, 2]
average_lambda = 1/cpd * (rowSums(full.lambda))
tc_l = cbind(dt, total.c, average_lambda)
# generate the necessory file for the quantlet TENET_total_connectedness
write.csv(tc_l, file = "total_connectedness_and_averaged_lambda.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# total in groups
# in bank
total.in.b = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.in.b[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[1:25, ])
# in insurance
total.in.ins = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.in.ins[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[26:50, ])
# in broker dealer
total.in.d = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.in.d[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[51:75, ])
# in others
total.in.o = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.in.o[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[76:100, ])
tc_in = cbind(total.in.b, total.in.ins, total.in.d, total.in.o)
colnames(tc_in) = c("Depositories_in", "Insurers_in", "Broker-Dealers_in", "Others_in")
# total out groups
# out bank
total.out.b = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.out.b[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[, 1:25])
# out insurance
total.out.ins = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.out.ins[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[, 26:50])
# out broker dealer
total.out.d = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.out.d[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[, 51:75])
# out others
total.out.o = matrix(0, 266, 1)
for (i in 1:rpd) {
total.out.o[i] = sum(abs(con[, , i])[, 76:100])
tc_out = cbind(total.out.b, total.out.ins, total.out.d, total.out.o)
colnames(tc_out) = c("Depositories_out", "Insurers_out", "Broker-Dealers_out", "Others_out")
tc_group = cbind(dt, tc_in, tc_out)
# generate the necessory file for the quantlet TENET_total_in_out_groups
write.csv(tc_group, file = "total_in_and_out.csv", row.names =
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6