function [p,T,dT,Tm,e,ah,aw,la,undu,Gn_h,Ge_h,Gn_w,Ge_w] = gpt3_1 (mjd,lat,lon,h_ell,it)
% gpt3_1.m
% (c) Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of
% Technology, 2017
% This subroutine determines pressure, temperature, temperature lapse rate,
% mean temperature of the water vapor, water vapour pressure, hydrostatic
% and wet mapping function coefficients ah and aw, water vapour decrease
% factor, geoid undulation and empirical tropospheric gradients for
% specific sites near the earth's surface.
% It is based on a 5 x 5 degree external grid file ('gpt3_5.grd') with mean
% values as well as sine and cosine amplitudes for the annual and
% semiannual variation of the coefficients.
% As the .grd file is opened anew every time this function is called, the
% process is fairly time-consuming for a longer set of stations. For
% improved calculation performance, see gpt3_1_fast.m.
% D. Landskron, J. Böhm (2018), VMF3/GPT3: Refined Discrete and Empirical Troposphere Mapping Functions,
% J Geod (2018) 92: 349., doi: 10.1007/s00190-017-1066-2.
% Download at:
% Input parameters:
% mjd: modified Julian date (scalar, only one epoch per call is possible)
% lat: ellipsoidal latitude in radians [-pi/2:+pi/2] (vector)
% lon: longitude in radians [-pi:pi] or [0:2pi] (vector)
% h_ell: ellipsoidal height in m (vector)
% it: case 1: no time variation but static quantities
% case 0: with time variation (annual and semiannual terms)
% Output parameters:
% p: pressure in hPa (vector)
% T: temperature in degrees Celsius (vector)
% dT: temperature lapse rate in degrees per km (vector)
% Tm: mean temperature weighted with the water vapor in degrees Kelvin (vector)
% e: water vapour pressure in hPa (vector)
% ah: hydrostatic mapping function coefficient at zero height (VMF1) (vector)
% aw: wet mapping function coefficient (VMF1) (vector)
% la: water vapour decrease factor (vector)
% undu: geoid undulation in m (vector)
% Gn_h: hydrostatic north gradient in m (vector)
% Ge_h: hydrostatic east gradient in m (vector)
% Gn_w: wet north gradient in m (vector)
% Ge_w: wet east gradient in m (vector)
% The hydrostatic mapping function coefficients have to be used with the
% height dependent Vienna Mapping Function 3 (vmf3_ht.m) because the
% coefficients refer to zero height.
% File created by Daniel Landskron, 2016/04/27
% =========================================================================
% read .grd-file
fid = fopen('gpt3_1.grd','r');
C = textscan( fid, '%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f', 'HeaderLines', 1 , 'CollectOutput', true );
C = C{1};
fclose (fid);
p_grid = C(:,3:7); % pressure in Pascal
T_grid = C(:,8:12); % temperature in Kelvin
Q_grid = C(:,13:17)/1000; % specific humidity in kg/kg
dT_grid = C(:,18:22)/1000; % temperature lapse rate in Kelvin/m
u_grid = C(:,23); % geoid undulation in m
Hs_grid = C(:,24); % orthometric grid height in m
ah_grid = C(:,25:29)/1000; % hydrostatic mapping function coefficient, dimensionless
aw_grid = C(:,30:34)/1000; % wet mapping function coefficient, dimensionless
la_grid = C(:,35:39); % water vapor decrease factor, dimensionless
Tm_grid = C(:,40:44); % mean temperature in Kelvin
Gn_h_grid = C(:,45:49)/100000; % hydrostatic north gradient in m
Ge_h_grid = C(:,50:54)/100000; % hydrostatic east gradient in m
Gn_w_grid = C(:,55:59)/100000; % wet north gradient in m
Ge_w_grid = C(:,60:64)/100000; % wet east gradient in m
% convert mjd to doy
hour = floor((mjd-floor(mjd))*24); % get hours
minu = floor((((mjd-floor(mjd))*24)-hour)*60); % get minutes
sec = (((((mjd-floor(mjd))*24)-hour)*60)-minu)*60; % get seconds
% change secs, min hour whose sec==60
minu(sec==60) = minu(sec==60)+1;
sec(sec==60) = 0;
hour(minu==60) = hour(minu==60)+1;
% calc jd (yet wrong for hour==24)
jd = mjd+2400000.5;
% if hr==24, correct jd and set hour==0
% integer julian date
jd_int = floor(jd+0.5);
aa = jd_int+32044;
bb = floor((4*aa+3)/146097);
cc = aa-floor((bb*146097)/4);
dd = floor((4*cc+3)/1461);
ee = cc-floor((1461*dd)/4);
mm = floor((5*ee+2)/153);
day = ee-floor((153*mm+2)/5)+1;
month = mm+3-12*floor(mm/10);
year = bb*100+dd-4800+floor(mm/10);
% first check if the specified year is leap year or not (logical output)
leapYear = ((mod(year,4) == 0 & mod(year,100) ~= 0) | mod(year,400) == 0);
days = [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31];
doy = sum(days(1:month-1)) + day;
if leapYear == 1 && month > 2
doy = doy + 1;
doy = doy + mjd-floor(mjd); % add decimal places
% determine the GPT3 coefficients
% mean gravity in m/s**2
gm = 9.80665;
% molar mass of dry air in kg/mol
dMtr = 28.965*10^-3;
% universal gas constant in J/K/mol
Rg = 8.3143;
% factors for amplitudes
if (it==1) % then constant parameters
cosfy = 0;
coshy = 0;
sinfy = 0;
sinhy = 0;
cosfy = cos(doy/365.25*2*pi); % coefficient for A1
coshy = cos(doy/365.25*4*pi); % coefficient for B1
sinfy = sin(doy/365.25*2*pi); % coefficient for A2
sinhy = sin(doy/365.25*4*pi); % coefficient for B2
% determine the number of stations
nstat = length(lat);
% initialization
p = zeros([nstat , 1]);
T = zeros([nstat , 1]);
dT = zeros([nstat , 1]);
Tm = zeros([nstat , 1]);
e = zeros([nstat , 1]);
ah = zeros([nstat , 1]);
aw = zeros([nstat , 1]);
la = zeros([nstat , 1]);
undu = zeros([nstat , 1]);
Gn_h = zeros([nstat , 1]);
Ge_h = zeros([nstat , 1]);
Gn_w = zeros([nstat , 1]);
Ge_w = zeros([nstat , 1]);
% loop over stations
for k = 1:nstat
% only positive longitude in degrees
if lon(k) < 0
plon = (lon(k) + 2*pi)*180/pi;
plon = lon(k)*180/pi;
% transform to polar distance in degrees
ppod = (-lat(k) + pi/2)*180/pi;
% find the index (line in the grid file) of the nearest point
% changed for the 1 degree grid
ipod = floor(ppod+1);
ilon = floor(plon+1);
% normalized (to one) differences, can be positive or negative
% changed for the 1 degree grid
diffpod = (ppod - (ipod - 0.5));
difflon = (plon - (ilon - 0.5));
% changed for the 1 degree grid
if ipod == 181
ipod = 180;
if ilon == 361
ilon = 1;
if ilon == 0
ilon = 360;
% get the number of the corresponding line
% changed for the 1 degree grid
indx(1) = (ipod - 1)*360 + ilon;
% near the poles: nearest neighbour interpolation, otherwise: bilinear
% with the 1 degree grid the limits are lower and upper
bilinear = 0;
if ppod > 0.5 && ppod < 179.5
bilinear = 1;
% case of nearest neighbourhood
if bilinear == 0
ix = indx(1);
% transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height
undu(k) = u_grid(ix);
hgt = h_ell(k)-undu(k);
% pressure, temperature at the height of the grid
T0 = T_grid(ix,1) + T_grid(ix,2)*cosfy + T_grid(ix,3)*sinfy + T_grid(ix,4)*coshy + T_grid(ix,5)*sinhy;
p0 = p_grid(ix,1) + p_grid(ix,2)*cosfy + p_grid(ix,3)*sinfy + p_grid(ix,4)*coshy + p_grid(ix,5)*sinhy;
% specific humidity
Q = Q_grid(ix,1) + Q_grid(ix,2)*cosfy + Q_grid(ix,3)*sinfy + Q_grid(ix,4)*coshy + Q_grid(ix,5)*sinhy;
% lapse rate of the temperature
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
GPT-3.rar (6个子文件)
gpt3_1_fast_readGrid.m 2KB
gpt3_1.m 15KB
gpt3_5_fast.m 15KB
gpt3_5.m 15KB
gpt3_1_fast.m 15KB
gpt3_5_fast_readGrid.m 2KB
共 6 条
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