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%% * Smart Antennas for Wireless Applications w/ Matlab * %%
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%% Chapter 7: Ex 7.14 %%
%% %%
%% Author: Frank Gross %%
%% McGraw-Hill, 2005 %%
%% Date: 1/26/2004 %%
%% %%
%% This code creates Figures 7.12 & 7.13, a plot of the %%
%% roots determined by the Min-Norm AOA estimate in %%
%% cartesian coordinates and a plot of a Min-Norm %%
%% Pseudospectrum for theta1= -2 & theta2 = 4. Use %%
%% time averages instead of expected values by assuming %%
%% ergodicity of the mean and ergodicity of the %%
%% correlation. %%
%%------------------- Define Variables:---------------------%%
% M - # of elements in array %
% sig2 - noise variance %
% D - number of signals %
% th1, th2 - angles of arrival %
% K - Length of time samples %
% u1 - cartesian basis vector %
% a1, a2, a - array steering vectors %
% A - Steering vector matrix %
% Rss - Source correlation matrix %
% Rnn - noise correlation matrix %
% Rns - noise/signal correlation matrix %
% Rsn - signal/noise correlation matrix %
% Rxx - Array correlation matrix %
% V,Dia - eigen vectors, V and eigen values, D of Rxx %
% EN - Noise subspace matrix %
% P - Min-Norm Psuedospectra %
% C - hermetian matrix composed of noise subspace EN %
% c1 - first column vector of matrix C %
% cc - coefficients of Min-Norm polynomial %
% rts - roots of Min-Norm polynomial %
% angs - angles associated with roots of Min-Norm Polynomial %
%%----- Given Values -----%%
M = 4; sig2 = .3; D = 2;
th1 = -2*pi/180; th2 = 4*pi/180; K = 300;
temp = eye(M); u1 = temp(:,1);
%%----- Create array steering vectors, a1 & a2, steering matrix -----%%
a1 = []; a2 = [];
i = 1:M;
a1 = exp(1j*(i-1)*pi*sin(th1));
a2 = exp(1j*(i-1)*pi*sin(th2));
A = [a1.' a2.'];
%%----- Calculate signal correlation matrix -----%%
s = sign(randn(D,K)); % Calculate the K time samples of the signals for the
% two arriving directions
Rss = s*s'/K; % source correlation matrix with uncorrelated signals
%%----- Calculate Correlation Matrices -----%%
n = sqrt(sig2)*randn(M,K); % Calculate the K time samples of the noise for the 6 array
% elements
Rnn = (n*n')/K; % Calculate the noise correlation matrix (which is no longer diagonal)
Rns = (n*s')/K; % Calculate the noise/signal correlation matrix
Rsn = (s*n')/K; % Calculate the signal/noise correlation matrix
Rxx = A*Rss*A' + A*Rsn + Rns*A' + Rnn;
%%----- Determine Noise Subspace Matrix -----%%
[V,Dia] = eig(Rxx); [Y,Index] = sort(diag(Dia)); % sorts eigenvalues from least to greatest
EN = V(:,Index(1:M-D)); % calculate the noise subspace matrix of eigenvectors
% using the sorting done in the previous line
%%----- Determine Min-Norm Psuedospectrum -----%%
for k = 1:180;
th(k) = -pi/6 + pi*k/(3*180);
clear a
for jj = 1:M
a = [a;exp(1j*(jj-1)*pi*sin(th(k)))];
P(k) = 1/abs(a'*EN*EN'*u1)^2;
%%----- Part A: Find the matrix C -----%%
C = EN*EN';
%%----- Part B: Find the first column vector of the matrix C -----%%
c1 = (EN*EN')*u1; CC = c1*c1';
%%----- Part C: Find the coefficients for the Root Min-Norm polynomial -----%%
for kk = -M+1:M-1
cc(kk+M) = sum(diag(CC,kk));
%%----- Part D: Display the roots of the Root Min-Norm Polynomial -----%%
rts = roots(cc);
%%----- Part E: Display the angles of the Root Min-Norm Polynomial -----%%
angs = -asin(angle(rts)/pi)*180/pi;
%%----- Plot Results -----%%
figure(1), zplane(rts)
title('\bfFigure 7.12 - 6 Roots in Cartersian Coordinates for Min-Norm AOA Estimate')
figure(2), plot(th*180/pi,P/max(P),'k',angs,abs(rts),'kX','markersize',10)
xlabel('Angle'), ylabel('|P(\theta)|')
title('\bfFigure 7.13 - Min-Norm Psuedospectrum and Roots Found Using Root Min-Norm')
axis([-15 15 0 1.6]), grid on