## About
findTheHoles is a 2D mesh reconstruction tool which automatically identifies holes in a point cloud.
## Usage
* Input:
+ XY= Nx2 matrix with point coordinates.
* Optional arguments:
+ S = Critical area ratio (real and positive number). Knots with a value higher than the ratio of maximum to minimum neighbouring polygon area are identified as hole-border points. Default value is 3.
+ M = Flag for manual editing. Default value is 0.
+ 0: No manual editing.
+ 1: Manual editing of hole-border points. After the first calculation a figure with the point cloud is opened. Automatically recognized points are marked with an 'x'. The user can add/remove not/wrongly recognized border points selecting them with the brush and clicking the appropiate button.
![Screenshot manual-editing mode](images/ManualMode.png?raw=true)
+ T = Triangulation (Nx3 matrix with polygon vertices). If not given the delaunay triangulation of X,Y is used.
* Output:
* triangulation
+ .Points: nx2 matrix with points' coordinates.
+ .ConnectivityList: nx3 matrix with the triangulation polygons.
* holes: Cell array. Each cell element is an nx1 matrix with ordered hole border point indices.
## Method
To identify the holes a triangulation of the points cloud is needed. If none is given, the delaunay triangulation is used. Points where the ratio between maximum and minimum neighbouring polygon area exceeds a critical value are identified as hole-border points. Polygons for which all vertices are identified as hole-border points are deleted. The adjacency matrix of the resulting mesh is clustered to get the holes.
## Issues
The clustering algorithm isn't fully developed yet and has issues with
interconnected holes among others.
## Examples
See file examples_findTheHoles.m
## Author
- 粉丝: 107
- 资源: 1万+
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