function [coefficients, errors, LLF, innovations, sigma, summary] = garchfit(spec , y , X)
%GARCHFIT Univariate GARCH process parameter estimation.
% Given an observed univariate return series, estimate the parameters of a
% conditional mean specification of ARMAX form and conditional variance
% specification of GARCH form. The estimation process infers the innovations
% from the return series and fits the model specification to the return
% series by maximum likelihood.
% [Coeff,Errors,LLF,Innovations,Sigma,Summary] = garchfit(Series)
% [Coeff,Errors,LLF,Innovations,Sigma,Summary] = garchfit(Spec, Series)
% [Coeff,Errors,LLF,Innovations,Sigma,Summary] = garchfit(Spec, Series, X)
% garchfit(...)
% Optional Input: Spec, X
% The first calling syntax is strictly a convenience form, modeling a return
% series as a constant plus GARCH(1,1) conditionally Gaussian innovations.
% For any models beyond this default (yet common) model, a specification
% structure, Spec, must be provided.
% The second and third calling syntaxes allow the specification of much more
% elaborate models for the conditional mean and variance processes.
% The last calling syntax (with no output arguments) will perform identical
% estimation procedures as the first three, but will print the iterative
% optimization information to the MATLAB command window along with the final
% parameter estimates and standard errors. It will also produce a tiered plot
% of the original return series as well as the innovations (i.e., residuals)
% inferred, and the corresponding conditional standard deviations.
% Inputs:
% Series - Vector of observations of the underlying univariate return series
% of interest. Series is the response variable representing the time series
% fit to conditional mean and variance specifications. The last element of
% Series holds the most recent observation.
% Optional Inputs:
% Spec - Structure specification for the conditional mean and variance models,
% and optimization parameters. Spec is a structure with fields created by
% calling the function GARCHSET. Type "help garchset" for details.
% X - Time series regression matrix of explanatory variable(s). Typically, X
% is a regression matrix of asset returns (e.g., the return series of an
% equity index). Each column of X is an individual time series used as an
% explanatory variable in the regression component of the conditional mean.
% In each column of X, the first row contains the oldest observation and
% the last row the most recent. If X is specified, the most recent number
% of valid (non-NaN) observations in each column of X must equal or exceed
% the most recent number of valid observations in Series. When the number
% of valid observations in each column of X exceeds that of Series, only
% the most recent observations of X are used. If empty or missing, the
% conditional mean will have no regression component.
% Outputs:
% Coeff - Structure containing the estimated coefficients. Coeff is of the
% same form as the Spec input structure, which allows other GARCH Toolbox
% functions (e.g., GARCHSET, GARCHGET, GARCHSIM, and GARCHPRED) to accept
% either Spec or Coeff seamlessly.
% Errors - Structure containing the estimation errors (i.e., the standard
% errors) of the coefficients. The fields of Errors are a subset of those
% found in Coeff or Spec, and correspond to the coefficient fields only.
% LLF - Optimized log-likelihood objective function value associated with the
% parameter estimates found in Coeff. Optimization is performed by the
% FMINCON function of the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.
% Innovations - Innovations vector inferred from the input Series. The size
% of Innovations is the same as the size of Series.
% Sigma - Conditional standard deviation vector corresponding to Innovations.
% The size of Sigma is the same as the size of Series.
% Summary - Structure of summary information about the optimization process,
% including convergence information, iterations, objective function calls,
% active constraints, and the covariance matrix of coefficient estimates.
% Copyright 1999-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2002/03/11 19:37:16 $
% References:
% Bollerslev, T. (1986), "Generalized Autoregressive Conditional
% Heteroskedasticity", Journal of Econometrics, vol. 31, pp. 307-327.
% Box, G.E.P., Jenkins, G.M., Reinsel, G.C., "Time Series Analysis:
% Forecasting and Control", 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 1994.
% Engle, Robert (1982), "Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
% with Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflation",
% Econometrica, vol. 50, pp. 987-1007.
% Hamilton, J.D., "Time Series Analysis", Princeton University Press, 1994.
% Check input arguments. The single input case must specify a
% valid numeric vector of returns. For the multiple input case,
% the first input must be a specification structure.
switch nargin
case 1
if isnumeric(spec)
y = spec;
spec = garchset; % Allow a convenience/default model form.
error(' Observed return series ''Series'' must be specified.');
case {2 , 3}
if ~isstruct(spec)
error(' ''Spec'' must be a structure.');
error(' Too many inputs specified.');
% Scrub the observed return series vector y(t).
rowY = logical(0);
if prod(size(y)) == length(y) % Check for a vector (single return series).
rowY = size(y,1) == 1; % Flag a row vector for outputs.
y = y(:); % Convert to a column vector.
error(' Observed return series ''Series'' must be a vector.');
% The following code segment assumes that missing observations are indicated
% by the presence of NaN's. Any initial rows with NaN's are removed, and
% processing proceeds with the remaining block of contiguous non-NaN rows.
% Put another way, NaN's are allowed, but they MUST appear as a contiguous
% sequence in the initial rows of the y(t) vector.
i1 = find(isnan(y));
i2 = find(isnan(diff([y ; zeros(1,size(y,2))]) .* y));
if (length(i1) ~= length(i2)) | any(i1 - i2)
error(' Only initial observations in ''Series'' may be missing (NaN''s).')
if any(sum(isnan(y)) == size(y,1))
error(' A realization of ''Series'' is completely missing (all NaN''s).')
firstValidRow = max(sum(isnan(y))) + 1;
y = y(firstValidRow:end , :);
% Scrub the regression matrix and ensure the observed return series vector y(t)
% and the regression matrix X(t) have the same number of valid (i.e., non-NaN)
% rows (i.e., impose time index compatibility). During estimation, the innovations
% process e(t) must be inferred from the conditional mean specification, which
% may include a regression component if desired. In contrast to simulation,
% estimation of the innovations process e(t) is NOT independent of X.
if (nargin >= 3) & ~isempty(X)
if prod(size(X)) == length(X) % Check for a vector.
X = X(:); % Convert to a column vector.
% Retain the last contiguous block of non-NaN (i.e, non-missing valued) observations only.
if any(isnan(X(:)))
X = X((max(find(isnan(sum(X,2)))) + 1):end , :);
if size(X,1) < size(y,1)
error(' Regression matrix ''X'' has insufficient number of observations.');
X = X(size(X,1) - (size(y,1) - 1):end , :); % Retain only the most recent samples.
% Ensure number of re