function [alpha, xmin, n]=plvar(x, varargin)
% PLVAR estimates the uncertainty in the estimated power-law parameters.
% PLVAR(x) takes a vector of observations x and returns estimated
% uncertainties in the estimated power-law parameters, based on the
% nonparametric approach described in Clauset, Shalizi, Newman (2007).
% PLVAR automatically detects whether x is composed of real or integer
% values, and applies the appropriate method. For discrete data, if
% min(x) > 1000, PLVAR uses the continuous approximation, which is
% a reliable in this regime.
% The fitting procedure works as follows:
% 1) For each possible choice of x_min, we estimate alpha via the
% method of maximum likelihood, and calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
% goodness-of-fit statistic D.
% 2) We then select as our estimate of x_min, the value that gives the
% minimum value D over all values of x_min.
% Note that this procedure gives no estimate of the uncertainty of the
% fitted parameters, nor of the validity of the fit.
% Example:
% x = (1-rand(10000,1)).^(-1/(2.5-1));
% [alpha, xmin, ntail] = plvar(x);
% For more information, try 'type plvar'
% See also PLFIT, PLPVA
% Notes:
% 1. In order to implement the integer-based methods in Matlab, the numeric
% maximization of the log-likelihood function was used. This requires
% that we specify the range of scaling parameters considered. We set
% this range to be [1.50 : 0.01 : 3.50] by default. This vector can be
% set by the user like so,
% a = plvar(x,'range',[1.001:0.001:5.001]);
% 2. PLVAR can be told to limit the range of values considered as estimates
% for xmin in three ways. First, it can be instructed to sample these
% possible values like so,
% a = plfit(x,'sample',100);
% which uses 100 uniformly distributed values on the sorted list of
% unique values in the data set. Second, it can simply omit all
% candidates above a hard limit, like so
% a = plfit(x,'limit',3.4);
% Finally, it can be forced to use a fixed value, like so
% a = plfit(x,'xmin',3.4);
% In the case of discrete data, it rounds the limit to the nearest
% integer.
% 3. The default number of nonparametric repetitions of the fitting
% procedure is 1000. This number can be changed like so
% a = plvar(x,'reps',10000);
% 4. To silence the textual output to the screen, do this
% p = plvar(x,'silent');
vec = [];
sample = [];
limit = [];
xminx = [];
Bt = [];
quiet = false;
persistent rand_state;
% parse command-line parameters; trap for bad input
while i<=length(varargin),
argok = 1;
if ischar(varargin{i}),
switch varargin{i},
case 'range', vec = varargin{i+1}; i = i + 1;
case 'sample', sample = varargin{i+1}; i = i + 1;
case 'limit', limit = varargin{i+1}; i = i + 1;
case 'xmin', xminx = varargin{i+1}; i = i + 1;
case 'reps', Bt = varargin{i+1}; i = i + 1;
case 'silent', quiet = true;
otherwise, argok=0;
if ~argok,
disp(['(PLVAR) Ignoring invalid argument #' num2str(i+1)]);
i = i+1;
if ~isempty(vec) && (~isvector(vec) || min(vec)<=1),
fprintf('(PLVAR) Error: ''range'' argument must contain a vector; using default.\n');
vec = [];
if ~isempty(sample) && (~isscalar(sample) || sample<2),
fprintf('(PLVAR) Error: ''sample'' argument must be a positive integer > 1; using default.\n');
sample = [];
if ~isempty(limit) && (~isscalar(limit) || limit<1),
fprintf('(PLVAR) Error: ''limit'' argument must be a positive value >= 1; using default.\n');
limit = [];
if ~isempty(Bt) && (~isscalar(Bt) || Bt<2),
fprintf('(PLVAR) Error: ''reps'' argument must be a positive value > 1; using default.\n');
Bt = [];
if ~isempty(xminx) && (~isscalar(xminx) || xminx>=max(x)),
fprintf('(PLVAR) Error: ''xmin'' argument must be a positive value < max(x); using default behavior.\n');
xminx = [];
% reshape input vector
x = reshape(x,numel(x),1);
% select method (discrete or continuous) for fitting
if isempty(setdiff(x,floor(x))), f_dattype = 'INTS';
elseif isreal(x), f_dattype = 'REAL';
else f_dattype = 'UNKN';
if strcmp(f_dattype,'INTS') && min(x) > 1000 && length(x)>100,
f_dattype = 'REAL';
if isempty(rand_state)
rand_state = cputime;
if isempty(Bt), Bt = 1000; end;
N = length(x);
bof = zeros(Bt,3);
if ~quiet,
fprintf('Power-law Distribution, parameter error calculation\n');
fprintf(' Copyright 2007-2009 Aaron Clauset\n');
fprintf(' Warning: This can be a slow calculation; please be patient.\n');
fprintf(' n = %i\n reps = %i\n',N,length(bof));
% estimate xmin and alpha, accordingly
switch f_dattype,
case 'REAL',
for B=1:size(bof,1)
y = x(ceil(N*rand(N,1))); % bootstrap resample
ymins = unique(y);
ymins = ymins(1:end-1);
if ~isempty(xminx),
ymins = ymins(find(ymins>=xminx,1,'first'));
if ~isempty(limit),
ymins(ymins>limit) = [];
if ~isempty(sample),
ymins = ymins(unique(round(linspace(1,length(ymins),sample))));
dat = zeros(size(ymins));
z = sort(y);
for xm=1:length(ymins)
xmin = ymins(xm);
z = z(z>=xmin);
n = length(z);
% estimate alpha using direct MLE
a = n ./ sum( log(z./xmin) );
% compute KS statistic
cx = (0:n-1)'./n;
cf = 1-(xmin./z).^a;
dat(xm) = max( abs(cf-cx) );
ymin = ymins(find(dat<=min(dat),1,'first'));
z = y(y>=ymin);
n = length(z);
alpha = 1 + n ./ sum( log(z./ymin) );
% store distribution of estimated parameter values
bof(B,:) = [n ymin alpha];
if ~quiet && B>1,
fprintf('[%i]\tntail = %3.1f (%3.1f)\txmin = %3.1f (%3.1f)\talpha = %6.4f (%6.4f)\t[%4.2fm]\n',B,mean(bof(1:B,1)),std(bof(1:B,1)),mean(bof(1:B,2)),std(bof(1:B,2)),mean(bof(1:B,3)),std(bof(1:B,3)),toc/60);
n = std(bof(:,1));
xmin = std(bof(:,2));
alpha = std(bof(:,3));
case 'INTS',
if isempty(vec),
vec = (1.50:0.01:3.50); % covers range of most practical
end; % scaling parameters
zvec = zeta(vec);
for B=1:size(bof,1)
y = x(ceil(N*rand(N,1))); % bootstrap resample
ymins = unique(y);
ymins = ymins(1:end-1);
if ~isempty(xminx),
ymins = ymins(find(ymins>=xminx,1,'first'));
if ~isempty(limit),
limit = round(limit);
ymins(ymins>limit) = [];
if ~isempty(sample),
ymins = ymins(unique(round(linspace(1,length(ymins),sample))));
ymax = max(y);
dat = zeros(length(ymins),2);
z = y;
fcatch = 0;
for xm=1:length(ymins)
xmin = ymins(xm);
z = z(z>=xmin);
n = length(z);
% estimate alpha via direct maximization of likelihood function
if fcatch==0
% vectorized version of numerical calculation
zdiff = sum( repmat((1:xmin-1)',1,length(vec)).^-repmat(vec,xmin-1,1) ,1);