function WindyGridWorldQLearning(options)
% WindyGridWorldQLearning: implements the windy grid world problem using the
% Q-Learning method
% You can pass the parameters of the problem, through the options
% structure, otherwise a default settings is used for running the program.
% written by: Sina Iravanian - June 2009
% Please send your comments or bug reports to the above email address.
if(nargin < 1),
gamma = 0.9;
alpha = 0.1;
epsilon = 0.1;
gridcols = 10;
gridrows = 7;
windpowers = [0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 0];
fontsize = 16;
showTitle = 1;
episodeCount = 1000;
selectedEpisodes = [20 200 700 1000];
isKing = 0;
canHold = 0;
start.row = 4;
start.col = 1;
goal.row = 4;
goal.col = 8;
gamma = options.gamma;
alpha = options.alpha;
epsilon = options.epsilon;
gridcols = options.gridcols;
gridrows = options.gridrows;
windpowers = options.windpowers;
fontsize = options.fontsize;
showTitle = options.showTitle;
episodeCount = options.episodeCount;
selectedEpisodes = options.selectedEpisodes;
isKing = options.isKing; canHold = options.canHold;
start = options.start;
goal = options.goal;
selectedEpIndex = 1;
if(isKing ~= 0), actionCount = 8; else actionCount = 4; end
if(canHold ~= 0 && isKing ~= 0), actionCount = actionCount + 1; end
% initialize Q with zeros
Q = zeros(gridrows, gridcols, actionCount);
a = 0; % an invalid action
% loop through episodes
for ei = 1:episodeCount,
%disp(sprintf('Running episode %d', ei));
curpos = start;
nextpos = start;
%epsilon or greedy
if(rand > epsilon) % greedy
[qmax, a] = max(Q(curpos.row,curpos.col,:));
a = IntRand(1, actionCount);
while(PosCmp(curpos, goal) ~= 0)
% take action a, observe r, and nextpos
nextpos = GiveNextPos(curpos, a, windpowers, gridcols, gridrows);
if(PosCmp(nextpos, goal) ~= 0), r = -1; else r = 0; end
% choose a_next from nextpos
[qmax, a_next] = max(Q(nextpos.row,nextpos.col,:));
if(rand <= epsilon) % explore
a_next = IntRand(1, actionCount);
% update Q: Sarsa
curQ = Q(curpos.row, curpos.col, a);
nextQ = qmax; %Q(nextpos.row, nextpos.col, a_next);
Q(curpos.row, curpos.col, a) = curQ + alpha*(r + gamma*nextQ - curQ);
curpos = nextpos; a = a_next;
end % states in each episode
% if the current state of the world is going to be drawn ...
if(selectedEpIndex <= length(selectedEpisodes) && ei == selectedEpisodes(selectedEpIndex))
curpos = start;
rows = []; cols = []; acts = [];
for i = 1:(gridrows + gridcols) * 10,
[qmax, a] = max(Q(curpos.row,curpos.col,:));
nextpos = GiveNextPos(curpos, a, windpowers, gridcols, gridrows);
rows = [rows curpos.row];
cols = [cols curpos.col];
acts = [acts a];
if(PosCmp(nextpos, goal) == 0), break; end
curpos = nextpos;
end % states in each episode
figure('Name',sprintf('Episode: %d', ei), 'NumberTitle','off');
DrawWindyEpisodeState(rows, cols, acts, start.row, start.col, goal.row, goal.col, windpowers, gridrows, gridcols, fontsize);
if(showTitle == 1),
title(sprintf('Windy grid-world SARSA - episode %d - (\\epsilon: %3.3f), (\\alpha = %3.4f), (\\gamma = %1.1f)', ei, epsilon, alpha, gamma));
selectedEpIndex = selectedEpIndex + 1;
end % episodes loop
function c = PosCmp(pos1, pos2)
c = pos1.row - pos2.row;
if(c == 0)
c = c + pos1.col - pos2.col;
function nextPos = GiveNextPos(curPos, actionIndex, windpowers, gridCols, gridRows)
nextPos = curPos;
switch actionIndex
case 1 % east
nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
case 2 % south
nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
case 3 % west
nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
case 4 % north
nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
case 5 % northeast
nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
case 6 % southeast
nextPos.col = curPos.col + 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
case 7 % southwest
nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row + 1;
case 8 % northwest
nextPos.col = curPos.col - 1;
nextPos.row = curPos.row - 1;
case 9 % hold
nextPos = curPos;
disp(sprintf('invalid action index: %d', actionIndex))
if(nextPos.col <= 0), nextPos.col = 1; end
if(nextPos.col > gridCols), nextPos.col = gridCols; end
nextPos.row = nextPos.row - windpowers(nextPos.col);
if(nextPos.row <= 0), nextPos.row = 1; end
if(nextPos.row > gridRows), nextPos.row = gridRows; end
function n = IntRand(lowerBound, upperBound)
n = floor((upperBound - lowerBound) * rand + lowerBound);