#include "stdafx.h"
#include "define.h"
#include "pctools.h"
#include "mmf.h"
#include "mmfini.h"
#include "grid.h"
int sortintoxygrid(const _TCHAR* file, double xres, double yres)
int err = 0;
const wstring filename_ext(file);
const wstring::size_type beginext = filename_ext.rfind('.');
const wstring filename(filename_ext, 0, beginext);
const wstring ext(filename_ext, beginext);
mmfini::pc ini;
if(!mmfini::load(ini, mmfini::filename(filename).c_str())) {
cerr << "Cannot read the description file\n";
return 1;
// Rename the current unsorted file
// The .ini filename stays the same and will be overwritten
const wstring unsortedfile = wstring(file) + _T("_unsorted");
if( _wrename(file, unsortedfile.c_str())) {
cerr << "Cannot rename the file\n";
return 1;
// Initialize grid
Grid grid(ini, xres, yres);
const uint64
int_limit = std::numeric_limits<uint64>::max() - 1,
ni_limit = uint64((grid.pmax.x-grid.pmin.x)/xres),
nj_limit = uint64((grid.pmax.y-grid.pmin.y)/yres),
npoints64 = bf::at_key<mmfini::npoints>(ini);
clog << "is " << 8*sizeof(size_t) << "-bit address space enough? ...";
if(npoints64 > int_limit) {
clog << "no, too many points\n";
return 1;
if(ni_limit > int_limit || nj_limit > int_limit) {
clog << "no, too many cells\n";
return 1;
clog << "yes\n";
const auto npoints = uint64(npoints64);
clog << "number of cells at this resolution: "<< grid.nx*grid.ny << endl;
// Memory-mapped files
MMF<uint64> point_linked_list, head_point, ncellpts;
MMF<double3> points;
MMF<float3> points_sorted;
MMF<uint64> cellindex1;
if(point_linked_list.open(filename + _T("_pll") + ext, bi::read_write, npoints+1)
|| head_point.open(filename + _T("_hp") + ext, bi::read_write, grid.ncells)
|| ncellpts.open(filename + _T("_ncellpts") + ext, bi::read_write, grid.ncells)
|| points.open(unsortedfile)
|| points_sorted.open(filename_ext, bi::read_write, npoints)
|| cellindex1.open(filename + _T("_cellindex1") + ext, bi::read_write, grid.ncells)
return 1;
// "The _chsize_s function extends or truncates the file associated with fd to the length specified by size.
// "...Null characters ('\0') are appended if the file is extended."
// So it should be filled with 0 already
// fill(stats, stats+grid.size(),g_init_stats);
// Read a point from unsorted binary point cloud
// Find the corresponding grid cell
// Update the linked list
// And we can calculate already some cell statistics: zmean, pmin, and pmax
// PARALLEL? No. Because of the nature of linked list building
clog << "indexing points into the cells... \n";
time_t start = time(NULL);
const double3 p0 = grid.p0;
for(auto k = 0; k < npoints; k++) {
const double3 p = points[k] - p0;
auto const ij = grid.index_encode(p.x, p.y);
//ATOMIC ij ? impossible in OpenMP
point_linked_list[k+1] = head_point[ij];
head_point[ij] = k+1;
if(k%(1000000)==0) clog << "\r" << k;
clog << "\r" << npoints << " points";
clog << " in " << time(NULL) - start << "sec\n";
// Sparsity offsets
uint64 ndatacells = 0;
for(auto ij = 0; ij < grid.ncells; ij++) {
if(ncellpts[ij] > 0) {
cellindex1[ij] = ++ndatacells;
grid.ndatacells = ndatacells;
// Now we know the number of non-empty data cells
MMF<Cell> cells;
if( cells.open(filename + _T("_cells") + ext, bi::read_write, grid.ndatacells) )
return 1;
// Data cells will hold pointers into the point cloud
grid.ncellpts_max = 0;
auto pcell = &cells[0];
uint64 startpt = 0;
for(auto ij = 0; ij < grid.ncells; ij++) {
auto const npts = ncellpts[ij];
if(npts > 0) {
auto& cell = *pcell++;
cell.gridij = ij;
cell.startpt = startpt;
cell.npoints = npts;
if(npts > grid.ncellpts_max) grid.ncellpts_max = npts;
clog << grid.ndatacells << " data cells\n";
clog << grid.ncellpts_max << " maximum number of points per cell\n";
// Sorting the point cloud
// We will also start calculating cell statistics
MMF<Stats> stats;
if( stats.open(filename + _T("_stats") + ext, bi::read_write, grid.ndatacells) )
return 1;
fill(stats.begin(), stats.end(), g_init_stats);
start = time(0);
clog << "writing the sorted point cloud... " << endl;
// omp_set_num_threads(1);
// Let's try 10 threads, probably more than
clog << "using ";
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp master
clog << omp_get_num_threads() << " threads\n";
// Gather the points into contiguous blocks and write the sorted binary file
#pragma omp for
for(auto ij = 0; ij < ndatacells; ij++) {
const auto& cell = cells[ij];
// Stats
auto& cellstats = stats[ij];
//cellstats.pcom = {0,0,0}; // Assuming done
float3 *points_inthiscell = points_sorted.begin() + cell.startpt;
double3 pcom = {0,0,0};
auto k1 = head_point[cell.gridij];
while(k1) {
// Shift the point to grid.p0 (old pcom)
auto const p = points[k1-1] - grid.p0;
// Copy the point truncated to float
*points_inthiscell++ = convert(p);
// Some cell stats
pcom += p;
// Next point
k1 = point_linked_list[k1];
// Finalize stats
pcom /= cell.npoints;
cellstats.pcom = convert(pcom);
} // #pragma omp parallel
// Delete old unsorted point cloud and auxiliary files
clog << "\r" << grid.ndatacells << " cells";
clog << " in " << time(NULL) - start << "sec\n";
mmfini::pcsorted ini_sorted;
#define ASSIGN(x) bf::at_key<mmfini::x>(ini_sorted) = grid.x
bf::at_key<mmfini::npoints>(ini_sorted) = npoints;
bf::at_key<mmfini::floatnbits>(ini_sorted) = sizeof(float)*8;
const Point3<uint64> dim = {grid.nx, grid.ny, 0};
bf::at_key<mmfini::dim>(ini_sorted) = dim;
#undef ASSIGN
if(!mmfini::save(ini_sorted, (mmfini::filename(filename)).c_str())) {
cerr << "Cannot save .ini file";
err = 1;
clog << "sortintoxygrid() completed with code " << err << endl << endl;
return err;