function varargout = wavelet(WaveletName,Level,X,Ext,Dim)
%WAVELET Discrete wavelet transform.
% Y = WAVELET(W,L,X) computes the L-stage discrete wavelet transform
% (DWT) of signal X using wavelet W. The length of X must be
% divisible by 2^L. For the inverse transform, WAVELET(W,-L,X)
% inverts L stages. Choices for W are
% 'Haar' Haar
% 'D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6' Daubechies'
% 'Sym1','Sym2','Sym3','Sym4','Sym5','Sym6' Symlets
% 'Coif1','Coif2' Coiflets
% 'BCoif1' Coiflet-like [2]
% 'Spline Nr.Nd' (or 'bior Nr.Nd') for Splines
% Nr = 0, Nd = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8
% Nr = 1, Nd = 0,1,3,5, or 7
% Nr = 2, Nd = 0,1,2,4,6, or 8
% Nr = 3, Nd = 0,1,3,5, or 7
% Nr = 4, Nd = 0,1,2,4,6, or 8
% Nr = 5, Nd = 0,1,3, or 5
% 'RSpline Nr.Nd' for the same Nr.Nd pairs Reverse splines
% 'S+P (2,2)','S+P (4,2)','S+P (6,2)', S+P wavelets [3]
% 'S+P (4,4)','S+P (2+2,2)'
% 'TT' "Two-Ten" [5]
% 'LC 5/3','LC 2/6','LC 9/7-M','LC 2/10', Low Complexity [1]
% 'LC 5/11-C','LC 5/11-A','LC 6/14',
% 'LC 13/7-T','LC 13/7-C'
% 'Le Gall 5/3','CDF 9/7' JPEG2000 [7]
% 'V9/3' Visual [8]
% 'Lazy' Lazy wavelet
% Case and spaces are ignored in wavelet names, for example, 'Sym4'
% may also be written as 'sym 4'. Some wavelets have multiple names,
% 'D1', 'Sym1', and 'Spline 1.1' are aliases of the Haar wavelet.
% WAVELET(W) displays information about wavelet W and plots the
% primal and dual scaling and wavelet functions.
% For 2D transforms, prefix W with '2D'. For example, '2D S+P (2,2)'
% specifies a 2D (tensor) transform with the S+P (2,2) wavelet.
% 2D transforms require that X is either MxN or MxNxP where M and N
% are divisible by 2^L.
% WAVELET(W,L,X,EXT) specifies boundary handling EXT. Choices are
% 各种支持的延拓类型:
% 'sym' Symmetric extension (same as 'wsws') 同wsws
% 'asym' Antisymmetric extension, whole-point antisymmetry 反对称延拓
% 'zpd' 补零延拓
% 'per' 周期延拓
% 'sp0' 边界固定值重复
% 'wsws' 两边的对称点都在边界
% 'hshs' 两边的对称点都在边界点
% 'wshs' 左边对称点:边界,右边对称点:边界点
% 'hsws' 左边对称点:边界点,右边对称点:边界
% 'spws' 左边边界重复,右边对称点:边界;即:111 1234 4321,
% 'wssp' 左边对称点:边界,右边边界重复;即:4321 1234 4444,
% 'wsymA' 对称点在边界,即……32 1234 34……
% 'wsymB' 对称点在边界点,即……21 1234 45……
% 'wsymC' 对称点在边界,负值,即……-3 -2 1234 -3 -2
% Antisymmetric boundary handling is used by default, EXT = 'asym'.
% WAVELET(...,DIM) operates along dimension DIM.
% [H1,G1,H2,G2] = WAVELET(W,'filters') returns the filters
% associated with wavelet transform W. Each filter is represented
% by a cell array where the first cell contains an array of
% coefficients and the second cell contains a scalar of the leading
% Z-power.
% [X,PHI1] = WAVELET(W,'phi1') returns an approximation of the
% scaling function associated with wavelet transform W.
% [X,PHI1] = WAVELET(W,'phi1',N) approximates the scaling function
% with resolution 2^-N. Similarly,
% [X,PSI1] = WAVELET(W,'psi1',...),
% [X,PHI2] = WAVELET(W,'phi2',...),
% and [X,PSI2] = WAVELET(W,'psi2',...) return approximations of the
% wavelet function, dual scaling function, and dual wavelet function.
% Wavelet transforms are implemented using the lifting scheme [4].
% For general background on wavelets, see for example [6].
% Examples:
% % Display information about the S+P (4,4) wavelet
% wavelet('S+P (4,4)');
% % Plot a wavelet decomposition
% t = linspace(0,1,256);
% X = exp(-t) + sqrt(t - 0.3).*(t > 0.3) - 0.2*(t > 0.6);
% wavelet('RSpline 3.1',3,X); % Plot the decomposition of X
% % Sym4 with periodic boundaries
% Y = wavelet('Sym4',5,X,'per'); % Forward transform with 5 stages
% R = wavelet('Sym4',-5,Y,'per'); % Invert 5 stages
% ################ % 2D transform on an image
% t = linspace(-1,1,128); [x,y] = meshgrid(t,t);
% X = ((x+1).*(x-1) - (y+1).*(y-1)) + real(sqrt(0.4 - x.^2 - y.^2));
% Y = wavelet('2D CDF 9/7',2,X); % 2D wavelet transform
% R = wavelet('2D CDF 9/7',-2,Y); % Recover X from Y
% imagesc(abs(Y).^0.2); colormap(gray); axis image;
% % Plot the Daubechies 2 scaling function
% [x,phi] = wavelet('D2','phi');
% plot(x,phi);
% References:
% [1] M. Adams and F. Kossentini. "Reversible Integer-to-Integer
% Wavelet Transforms for Image Compression." IEEE Trans. on
% Image Proc., vol. 9, no. 6, Jun. 2000.
% [2] M. Antonini, M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu, and I. Daubechies. "Image
% Coding using Wavelet Transforms." IEEE Trans. Image Processing,
% vol. 1, pp. 205-220, 1992.
% [3] R. Calderbank, I. Daubechies, W. Sweldens, and Boon-Lock Yeo.
% "Lossless Image Compression using Integer to Integer Wavelet
% Transforms." ICIP IEEE Press, vol. 1, pp. 596-599. 1997.
% [4] I. Daubechies and W. Sweldens. "Factoring Wavelet Transforms
% into Lifting Steps." 1996.
% [5] D. Le Gall and A. Tabatabai. "Subband Coding of Digital Images
% Using Symmetric Short Kernel Filters and Arithmetic Coding
% Techniques." ICASSP'88, pp.761-765, 1988.
% [6] S. Mallat. "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing." Academic
% Press, 1999.
% [7] M. Unser and T. Blu. "Mathematical Properties of the JPEG2000
% Wavelet Filters." IEEE Trans. on Image Proc., vol. 12, no. 9,
% Sep. 2003.
% [8] Qinghai Wang and Yulong Mo. "Choice of Wavelet Base in
% JPEG2000." Computer Engineering, vol. 30, no. 23, Dec. 2004.
if nargin < 1, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end
if ~ischar(WaveletName), error('Invalid wavelet name.'); end
% Get a lifting scheme sequence for the specified wavelet
Flag1D = isempty(findstr(lower(WaveletName),'2d'));
[Seq,ScaleS,ScaleD,Family] = getwavelet(WaveletName);
if isempty(Seq)
error(['Unknown wavelet, ''',WaveletName,'''.']);
if nargin < 2, Level = ''; end
if ischar(Level)
[h1,g1] = seq2hg(Seq,ScaleS,ScaleD,0);
[h2,g2] = seq2hg(Seq,ScaleS,ScaleD,1);
if strcmpi(Level,'filters')
varargout = {h1,g1,h2,g2};
if nargin < 3, X = 6; end
switch lower(Level)
case {'phi1','phi'}
[x1,phi] = cascade(h1,g1,pow2(-X));
varargout = {x1,phi};
case {'psi1','psi'}
[x1,phi,x2,psi] = cascade(h1,g1,pow2(-X));
varargout = {x2,psi};
case 'phi2'
[x1,phi] = cascade(h2,g2,pow2(-X));
varargout = {x1,phi};
case 'psi2'
[x1,phi,x2,psi] = cascade(h2,g2,pow2(-X));
varargout = {x2,psi};
case ''
fprintf('\n%s wavelet ''%s'' ',Family,WaveletName);
if all(abs([norm(h1{1}),norm(h2{1})] - 1) < 1e-11)
fprintf('Vanishing moments: %d analysis, %d reconstruction\n',...
fprintf('Filter lengths: %d/%d-tap\n',...
fprintf('Implementation lifting steps: %d\n\n',...
size(Seq,1)-all([Seq{1,:}] == 0));
fprintf('h1(z) = %s\n',filterstr(h1,ScaleS));
fprintf('g1(z) = %s\n',filterstr(g1,ScaleD));
fprintf('h2(z) = %s\n',filterstr(h2,1/ScaleS