* Lesson 13 - "EEPROM"
* This lesson will provide code for writing and reading a single byte onto
* the on-board EEPROM. EEPROM is non-volatile memory, meaning that it does
* not lose its value when power is shut off. This is unlike RAM, which will
* lose its value when no power is applied. The EEPROM is useful for storing
* variables that must still be present during no power.
* It is also convenient to use if the entire RAM space is used up.
* Writes and reads to the EEPROM are practically instant and are much faster
* than program memory operations.
* Press the switch to save the LED state and then disconnect the power. When
* power is then applied again, the program will start with that same LED lit.
* When the lesson is first programmed, no LEDs will light up even with movement
* of the POT. When the switch is pressed, the corresponding LED will be lit and
* then the PIC will go to sleep until the switch is pressed again. Each press of
* the switch saves the ADC value into EEPROM. The PIC uses interrupts to wake up
* from sleep, take an ADC reading, save to EEPROM, and then goes back to sleep.
* PIC: 16F1829
* Compiler: XC8 v1.00
* IDE: MPLABX v1.10
* Board: PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board
* Date: 6.1.2012
* *******************************************************************
* See Low Pin Count Demo Board User's Guide for Lesson Information*
* ******************************************************************
#include <xc.h> //PIC hardware mapping
#define _XTAL_FREQ 500000 //Used by the XC8 delay_ms(x) macro
#define DOWN 0
#define UP 1
#define SWITCH PORTAbits.RA2
//config bits that are part-specific for the PIC16F1829
/* -------------------LATC-----------------
* Bit#: -7---6---5---4---3---2---1---0---
* LED: ---------------|DS4|DS3|DS2|DS1|-
unsigned char adc(void); //prototype
void main(void) {
OSCCON = 0b00111000; //500KHz clock speed
TRISC = 0; //all LED pins are outputs
LATC = 0; //init all LEDs OFF
//setup switch (SW1)
TRISAbits.TRISA2 = 1; //switch as input
ANSELAbits.ANSA2 = 0; //digital switch
//setup ADC
TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 1; //Potentiamtor is connected to RA4...set as input
ANSELAbits.ANSA4 = 1; //analog
ADCON0 = 0b00001101; //select RA4 as source of ADC and enable the module (AN3)
ADCON1 = 0b00010000; //left justified - FOSC/8 speed - Vref is Vdd
//setup interrupt on change for the switch
INTCONbits.IOCIE = 1; //enable interrupt on change global
IOCANbits.IOCAN2 = 1; //when SW1 is pressed/released, enter the ISR
INTCONbits.GIE = 1; //enable global interupts
while (1) {
LATC = eeprom_read(0x00); //load whatever is in EEPROM to the LATCH
SLEEP(); //sleep until button is pressed
unsigned char adc(void) {
__delay_us(5); //wait for ADC charging cap to settle
GO = 1;
while (GO) continue; //wait for conversion to be finished
return ADRESH; //grab the top 8 MSbs
void interrupt ISR(void) {
unsigned char adc_value = 0;
if (IOCAF) { //SW1 was just pressed
IOCAF = 0; //must clear the flag in software
__delay_ms(5); //debounce by waiting and seeing if still held down
if (SWITCH == DOWN) {
adc_value = adc(); //get the ADC value from the POT
adc_value >>= 4; //save only the top 4 MSbs
LATC = adc_value;
//EEPROM is non-volatile, meaning that it can retain its value when no power is applied
eeprom_write(0x00, adc_value); //save the value to EEPROM and go back to sleep