CKFinder Changelog
Copyright (C) 2007-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
### Version
- Fixed issues with remembering last used folder and user settings not being saved.
### Version 2.6.2
- Fixed issues with HTML5 upload in popup mode on IE.
### Version 2.6.1
- Fixed minor self-XSS vulnerability.
### Version 2.6
Security release:
- Fixed DOM XSS and reflected XSS vulnerabilities.
- Introduced built-in CSRF protection.
- A new Bootstrap skin has been added.
- The flash upload component used to handle multiple file uploads in old version of Internet Explorer (IE9 and IE8) has been removed.
As a result, the file upload feature will now fallback to a single file upload on browsers without HTML5 File API support.
- Fixed: Using up arrow key in List View to move between files did not work.
### Version 2.5.1
- Fixed: CKFinder shows a blank window when opened in a popup on Safari 8+.
[Java] - Security release, updating is highly recommended. Authenticated users could manipulate files located in folders configured as “hidden”, on web servers hosted on Windows platforms.
[Java] - Init command now returns resourceTypes added dynamically in prepareConfigurationForRequest method.
[Java] - Added the possiblity to dynamically change ACL settings in prepareConfigurationForRequest method.
[Java] - It is now possible to specify userfiles folder outside document root.
[Java] - Fixed: ImageResize plugin sometimes failed to save resized images.
[Java] - Fixed: CKFinder will now automatically reload config.xml after adding any changes to it.
- Removed obsolete integration samples for FCKeditor and CKEditor 3.x.
- Reworked CKEditor 4.x integration sample - added an example on how to support drag&drop file uploads and pasting images from clipboard.
### Version
### Version 2.5
- Fixed: Opening settings panel after opening/closing flashupload panel caused exception being thrown.
- Fixed: Selection issues when double-clicking the file.
- Fixed: getSelectedfiles no longer returns duplicated entries.
- Added the possibility to access in selectActionFunction custom attributes passed in <File> elements returned by the GetFiles command.
- Added the possibility to define custom plugins that provide additional toolbar buttons.
- Added the possibility to pass extra parameters to popup methods with config.popupFeatures and config.popupTitle.
- Added changes required by CKEditor 4.5.0.
### Version 2.4.3
[Java] - Hashes in InitCommand were changed from MD5 to SHA-256.
[Java] - Fixed: In some cases, connector didn't check command and type attributes.
[Java] - Fixed: ImageResizeInfoCommand did not validate file name properly.
[Java] - Fixed: Cookie values are now better sanitized.
[Java] - Fixed: Some fields were created too early in SaveFileCommand.
### Version 2.4.2
- Updated syntax highlighting component used in the fileeditor plugin. Added languages support: markdown, restructured text, java, less, sass, scss, perl, python, ruby and sql.
- Changed default thumbnail delay to 100ms.
- Fixed: Loading thumbnails is terribly slow when there are many files in a folder.
- Fixed: Using "Search" while the folder was loading could result in a JavaScript error.
- Fixed: External script loading in popup does not work in Internet Explorer.
- Fixed: Editing of text files broken in Chrome 31 and higher.
- Fixed: Too early thumb render on uploading multiple files.
- Fixed: Issues with HTML5 upload in IE11 "tile mode" when in popup.
- Fixed: Issues when calling CKFinder popup twice.
- Fixed: CKFinder with thumbs disabled - icons are not shown.
- Fixed: IE9: SCRIPT1002: Syntax error.
- Updated translations: Italian, Turkish.
[Java] - Fixed: CKFinder doesn't allow custom error messages being returned after uploading file.
[Java] - Fixed: Java 1.5 support in watermark plugin.
[Java] - Fixed: CKFinder doesn't allow uploads of certain images even if their extension is allowed (jpc,jp2,jpx,jb2,psd,swc,tiff,tif,wbmp).
### Version 2.4.1
Updated copyrights, fixed URLs inside source code, other minor fixes.
### Version 2.4
- Added Search box in the toolbar that performs search of those files matching the searched string in the current folder.
[Java] - Added watermark plugin that (if enabled) adds a watermark to uploaded images.
- Fixed: Images can be overwritten on resizing.
- Fixed: File extension is now hidden when "Create new image" checkbox is unselected in Image Resize dialog.
- Fixed: When the file name was too long it overlapped the image in Lightbox preview.
- Fixed: Display issues in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed: It was impossible to upload files in IE10/IE11 when CKFinder was running in a popup.
- Fixed: Classic upload for popup sample did not work in IE9.
- Fixed: Dialog windows could not be opened after opening CKFinder twice in a popup.
- Fixed: Various "access denied" errors appeared from time to time in IE when CKFinder was running in a popup.
- Fixed: CKFinderAPI.disableFolderContextMenuOption() did not work for "createSubFolder"/"renameFolder" items.
- Fixed: In some cases, and empty (undefined) error message was shown to the user when an error occured.
- Updated colorbox library used by the gallery plugin to the latest version, compatible with latest versions of jQuery.
[Java] - Updated Thumbnailator to the latest stable version. Current version is 0.4.5.
[Java] - Fixed: can't remove file with utf-8 name on Java server.
[Java] - Fixed: Java connector now allows 0 values in imgWidth and imgHeight configuration options.
[Java] - Fixed: Explode deployment doesn't work for JBOSS 6.
[Java] - Fixed: JBOSS doesn't return error messages.
[Java] - Fixed: UTF-8 doesn't work with Java Connector on Glassfish 3.0.
[Java] - Fixed: UTF-8 doesn't work with Java Connector on Glassfish 3.1.
[Java] - Fixed: Weblogic doesn't return error messages.
[Java] - Fixed: Weblogic can return null for mime type.
[Java] - Fixed: Method getFullConfigPath() doesn't work on Weblogic.
[Java] - Fixed: NullPointerException is thrown with Java Connector and some XML parsers.
[Java] - Fixed: Java Connector now supports Tomcat 5.5-7, Jetty 7-9, Glassfish 3.0-3.1, JBoss 6-7, Weblogic 11g-12c.
[Java] - Fixed: Java Connector documentation was updated.
### Version
### Version 2.3.1
Security Release:
It was possible to perform DOS attack by users authorized to use the sever connector and with permissions to upload files (ASP, PHP, ColdFusion).
It was possible to cause Denial of Service to files and folders on certain servers (like Apache) by users authorized to use the sever connector and with permissions to create folders. The attack was possible only inside a folder to which user had create folder permissions.
- Added new translation: Serbian.
- Updated translations: Catalan, Chinese, Japanese.
- Folders that start with a dot character are now disallowed by default.
- Fixed auto-renaming of files with multiple extensions: foo.tar.gz will be renamed to foo(1).tar.gz on second upload.
- Maximize did not work when CKFinder was added with appendTo()
[Java] - Thumbnails were sometimes not available
### Version 2.3
- Added the new Maximize plugin.
- Multiple file selection: copying / moving / deleting / selecting multiple files is now possible.
- When no other selection function defined, double clicking a file will now execute the View command.
- File editor plugin was upgraded to use CodeMirror 2. C# support was added.
- It is now possible to select a file on startup by using the config.startupPath configuration.
- Added a new configuration option, config.sidebarWidth, to change the initial width of the sidebar (where the folders pane is located) with ease.
- The name of the file is now displayed when hovering over a file.
- Added a new API method, api.addFolderDropMenuOption, to add
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ckfinder_java_jb51.rar_java 树形菜单_树形菜单
0 下载量 190 浏览量
收藏 4.3MB RAR 举报
CKFinder是一个易于使用的Ajax文件管理器。提供文件夹树形结构(Folders tree)导航菜单,多语言支持(自动探测用),支持创建/重命名/删除文件和文件夹,集成FCKeditor在线编辑器。软件共包含了42种不同类型的语言,其中就有中文的简体和繁体两种类型。
ckfinder_java_jb51.rar_java 树形菜单_树形菜单 (735个子文件)
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