Table of Contents
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function DP_v8()
% Program versions development:
% version v1 - basic DP algorithm with simple quick dispatch
(linear, one segment generation curve)
% based on the book:
% A. J. Wood and B. F. Wollenberg, Power Generation
Operation and Control,
% 1984, John Wiley, New York
% version v2 - minimum up and down times taken into account: this
is based on the following
% article (with slight modification since cooling time
is not taken into account)
% C.Li, R.B.Johnson, and A.J.Svoboda: "A new unit
commitment method",
% IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No.
1, 1997, pp. 113–119, 1997.
% version v3 - generators dispatch based on LINPROG
% version v4 - ramp up and down constraints taken into account,
dispatching based on LINPROG
% version v4_b - same as v4 with either simple quick dispatch or
linprog based one
% version v5 - enhanced DP method (keep track of several
predecessors, not only one)
% Version 5 is based on the article:
% W.J.Hobbs,, “An enhanced dynamic
programming approach for unit commitment,”
% IEEE Trans. Power Syst., Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.
1201-1205, August 1988.
% version v6 - deterministic spinning reserve added; also QUADPROG
option included
% version v7 - shut down cost taken into account; start-up costs
can now be cold/hot or
% exponential.
% version V8 - some basic check up on data availability added on.
% Program can use either: