Readme for avi2mpg1 ver 1.11
This program is distributed under the GNU copyright, please see the accompanying
file COPYING for details. Please note that only the changes to the original source
code are copyrighted under GNU, except for the the multiplexer portions, which
are also under the GNU copyright. The copyrights for the other two source programs,
the video and audio encoders are detailed in their respective source, as well as the
original distributions.
avi2mpg1 is a simple command line mpeg-1 encoder that runs at the command prompt
under Windows '95 or NT. Copy the file avi2mpg1.exe to any directory in your
path. C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND or C:\WINNT should work for most people.
Invoke the program with the following syntax:
usage: avi2mpg1 [-options] inputfile.avi [inputfile2.avi ...] [outputfile.mpg]
options can be:
-b byterate Where byterate is total system stream
rate in KB/s (default 150)
Valid range = 10 to 5000.
-s bitrate Where bitrate is total system stream
rate in K bits/s (default 1200)
Valid range = 80 to 40000.
-a bitrate Where bitrate is audio bitrate in
K bits/s (default 128 K)
Valid values for layer I:
Valid values for layer II:
-l layer Where layer specifies which layer
to use, valid values 1 or 2.
(default 2)
-j specifies use joint stereo mode IF
input file contains stereo audio.
Has no effect if audio portion of .avi
is mono. (default non-joint stereo)
-p filename.par specifies the name of a file that contains
additional parameters for the video portion
of the encoder.
** please note that the format of the .par files has changed starting
with version 1.10, see templat.par for details **
-e if avi is corrupt (ie: some frames unreadable)
fake using last frame, bad audio replaced with
zero data.
-n no audio, generates video only (.m1v) file, also
needed if avi does not contain an audio stream.
-y vbv_buffer size in 16K bit multiples, default = 20
-m motion search magnitude, range 0 - 4, default 0,
higher values MAY result in better encoding (depending
on video), but will take SIGNIFICANTLY longer to code.
Try it on a short sample first!
-c hor_size ver_size crop (or expand) to specified horizontal and
vertical size.
-f frame_rate_code force specific mpeg frame rate, regardless of
input video frame rate, implies -n (video only)
-x suppress usage of MMX extensions
-d use double precision math (slower)
-q fast quantization (less accurate)
-t fast motion compensation level, range 0 - 3, default 0 (normal)
-h n put sequence header to every n-th GOP (needed
for some hardware decoders like VELA-research's)
inputfile.avi A windows avi file (you can now specify multiple input
avi files for encoding to a single output file)
constrained to the following parameters:
Horizontal size: < 4096 pixels
Vertical size: < 4096 pixels
Frame rate : 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, or 30 FPS
10, 12, 12.5, and 15 are also supported,
but upsampled to standard rate.
Colour depth: 16, 24, or 32 bit.
(thousands, millions, millions+)
codec used in file must be installed in windows.
Audio sample rate: 11.025, 22.05, and 44.1KHz
Audio sample size: 8 or 16 bit
Audio channels: 1 or 2
Uncompressed PCM audio only..
outputfile.mpg Optional if only one input file specified, if not specified,
inputfilename with .mpg extension will be created.
inputfile.avi A windows avi file (you can now specify multiple input
avi files for encoding to a single output file)
constrained to the following parameters:
Horizontal size: < 4096 pixels
Vertical size: < 4096 pixels
Note: if dimensions are not a multiple of 16,
then frame data will be padded out to a multiple
of 16 with resulting black bands around picture.
Frame rate : 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, or 30 FPS
10, 12, and 15 FPS are upsampled.
Colour depth: 8, 16, 24, or 32 bit.
(palletized, thousands,
millions, millions+)
codec used in file must be installed in windows.
Audio sample rate: 11.025, 22.05, and 44.1KHz
Audio sample size: 8 or 16 bit
Audio channels: 1 or 2
Uncompressed PCM audio only.
outputfile.mpg Optional if only one input file specified, if not specified,
inputfilename with .mpg extension will be created.
The optional template.par file contains the same values that the
encoder has hard coded as default values for all other video
encoding parameters. Use this file as your starting point for
experimenting with other values, such as motion search vectors.
See param.txt.
*** WARNING: VIDEO EXCEEDS CPB STANDARD!, if you get this warning during video
encoding, your video exceeds the Constrained Parameter Bitstream standard, and
may not be playable on many mpeg-1 players, either software or hardware.
Although many players can play mpeg-1 with higher than CPB bitrates,
few are capable of higher resolutions than SIF (352x288).
Example 1: avi2mpg1 test
This example will encode an .avi file "test.avi" located in the
current directory to test.mpg, at 150KB/sec total data rate
with audio at 128Kb/sec.
Example 2: avi2mpg1 -v file1.avi file2.avi file3.avi result.mpg