function [g,G,l,OG] = gold (pu,pv,shift,varargin)
% GOLD Gold codes.
% [g,G,l,OG] = GOLD(PU,PV,SHIFT) generates a binary Gold code g and Gold
% code sequence G from two binary linear feedback shift registers. l
% gives the length of the code. OG is an orthogonal Gold code
% sequence.
% The shift registers are described by the preferred polynomials PU and
% PV. PU and PV must be vectors of the same length. SHIFT is an
% integer scalar which specifies the offset of the singular Gold code
% from the initial time.
% GOLD(..,RU,RV) generates Gold codes given RU and RV, the initial
% states of the U and V shift registers. RU and RV must be vectors of
% the same length as the preferred polynomials.
% Note that a {0,1}-valued binary sequence corresponds to a
% cos(pi*{0,1}) = {1,-1}-transmitted sequence.
% The following table provides a short list of preferred pairs
% (a trailing binary 1 is always assumed):
% n N Preferred Polynomial 1 Preferred Polynomial 2
% -- ---- ---------------------- ----------------------
% 5 31 [ 5 2 ] = [1 0 0 1 0] [ 5 4 3 2 ] = [1 1 1 1 0]
% 6 63 [ 6 1 ] = [1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 6 5 2 1 ] = [1 1 0 0 1 1]
% 7 127 [ 7 3 ] = ... [ 7 3 2 1 ] = ...
% 9 511 [ 9 4 ] = ... [ 9 6 4 3 ] = ...
% 10 1023 [ 10 3 ] = ... [ 10 8 3 2 ] = ...
% 11 2047 [ 11 2 ] = ... [ 11 8 5 2 ] = ...
% See for a
% table of irreducible polynomials over GF(2).
% Given a polynomial representation in octal, the polynomial in binary
% is de2bi(oct2dec(x),'left-msb').
% For example, octal [23] is [1 0 0 1 1] in binary. Since a trailing
% binary 1 is always assumed, the preferred polynomial is [1 0 0 1].
% Joe Henning - Fall 2006
g = 0;
G = 0;
l = 0;
OG = 0;
% error(nargchk(3,5,nargin));
[ru,rv,n,msg] = parseinput(pu,pv,shift,varargin{:});
l = 2^n - 1;
if mod(n,2) == 1 % odd
t = 1 + 2^((n+1)/2);
else % even
t = 1 + 2^((n+2)/2);
%fprintf('Cross-correlation can take the values: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f.\n',-t,-1,t-2);
u = zeros(1,l);
for k = 1:l
temp = mod( fliplr(pu)*ru.', 2 );
u(k) = ru(n);
ru = [temp ru(1:n-1)];
v = zeros(1,l);
for k = 1:l
temp = mod( fliplr(pv)*rv.', 2 );
v(k) = rv(n);
rv = [temp rv(1:n-1)];
shifted_v = circshift(v,[0 -shift]);%向做移动shift位
g = mod( u + shifted_v, 2 );
G = [u; v];
%G = [];
for k = 0:l-1
shifted_v = circshift(v,[0 -k]);
G = [G; mod( u + shifted_v, 2 )];
OG = [G zeros(size(G,1),1)];
function [ru,rv,n,msg] = parseinput(pu,pv,shift,varargin)
% Parse the input and determine optional parameters:
% Outputs:
% ru - initial values of register u
% rv - initial values of register v
% n - number of register bits
% msg - possible error message
% Set some defaults:
ru = 0;
rv = 0;
n = 0;
msg = '';
[mu,nu] = size(pu);
if ( (mu ~= 1 & nu ~= 1) | (mu == 1 & nu == 1) )
msg = 'pu must be a vector.';
[mv,nv] = size(pv);
if ( (mv ~= 1 & nv ~= 1) | (mv == 1 & nv == 1) )
msg = 'pv must be a vector.';
if ( length(pu) ~= length(pv) )
msg = 'pu and pv must be of the same length.';
n = length(pu);
if ~isnumeric(shift)
msg = 'shift must be an integer.';
% Assume no register values until proven otherwise
found_ru = 0;
found_rv = 0;
ru = ones(1,n);
rv = ones(1,n);
switch nargin
case 4
% is ru
if isnumeric(varargin{1})
if length(varargin{1}) == n
found_ru = 1;
ru = varargin{1};
case 5
% is ru and rv
if isnumeric(varargin{1})
if length(varargin{1}) == n
found_ru = 1;
ru = varargin{1};
if isnumeric(varargin{2})
if length(varargin{2}) == n
found_rv = 1;
rv = varargin{2};
if ~found_ru
fprintf('Using default ru.\n');
if ~found_rv
fprintf('Using default rv.\n');