# generand
Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format, output
to the standard output.
Output data is completely random and suitable for basic testing and
benchmarking of new programs, or for quickly generating small samples for
academic purposes.
Generand is especially useful for generating large test inputs on-the-fly
so that they need not be manually generated and/or stored.
Currently the randomization is very simplistic, but we will likely add
paramaters in the future to allow generating more realistic data for specific
# Usage
generand fasta sequences sequence-length
generand fastq sequences sequence-length
generand sam chromosomes alignments-per-chromosome sequence-length
generand vcf chromosomes calls-per-chromosome samples
# Description
generand fast[aq] sequences sequence-length
generates a FASTA or FASTQ stream of
"sequences" sequences, each of length "sequence-length". The sequence
content is random with a uniform distribution of bases, so that GC content
should be very close to 50%.
PHRED scores in FASTQ streams are generated in blocks of equal scores and
are mostly high-quality. The last few scores are lower quality and
independent to simulate Illumina sequencing, where quality tends to drop
near the end of each read.
generand sam chromosomes alignments-per-chromosome sequence-length
generates a SAM stream with chromosomes * alignments-per-chromosome total
alignments. It outputs increasing indexes for QNAME and CHROM, randomly
increasing POS, random QUAL scores, and random sequences and PHRED scores
as stated for FASTQ above.
generand vcf chromosomes calls-per-chromosome samples
generates a VCF stream with chromosomes * calls-per-chromosome calls.
It outputs chromosomes with increasing indexes, randomly increasing POS,
uniformly random REF and ALT, uniformly random QUAL scores, and random
sample columns including GT (genotype), AD (allelic depth) and DP (depth).
REF counts are always >= ALT counts in the AD data and DP = REF count + ALT
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