# Arduino IIR Digital Filter code generator
## This repository contains the following files:
"scr\LPButter.py" - Low pass ButterWoth Arduino code generator
"scr\HPButter.py" - High pass ButterWoth Arduino code generator
"scr\BPButter.py" - Band pass ButterWoth Arduino code generator
"scr\BSButter.py" - Stop Band ButterWoth Arduino code generator
"scr\FilterFromCoeffs.py" - Filter code generator for Arduino by the coefficients (b, a) of the filter transfer function
## Python Prerequisites:
Python >= 3.0
python scipy package (https://www.scipy.org/install.html)
python numpy package (https://numpy.org/install/)
python matplotlib package(https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/installing.html)
## Arduino Prerequisites:
TimerOne library (https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/timerone/)
The sample codes were tested on Arduino nano.
Within the examples folder there is a short instruction on how to generate the '.ino' file for each type of filter.
The generated '.ino' file has a function of type 'xxx_Update (float x)' which is responsible for updating the filter output. In the examples, the 'Main.ino' files give an example of how to use it.
Briefly, the '.ino' files with the 'xxx_Update ()' function are generated as follows:
- 粉丝: 37
- 资源: 4578
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- 004-PR-界面菜单栏工程设置.mp4
- 毕设&课程作业_基于C#的学生成绩管理系统.zip
- 毕设&课程作业_基于C#的动力启航网站管理系统.zip
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- 006-PR-新建序列,详细参数设定.mp4
- 005-PR-界面工作区标签栏详解.mp4
- 三相逆变器并网仿真,相电压220V,包括SOGI锁相环 图1是并网结构,图2是并网电流,0.05s时电流从10A跃变到50A,动态效果良好,电流波形良好
- c语言实现快速排序简单版