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<h2 align="center">XCharts</h3>
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A powerful, easy-to-use, configurable charting and data visualization library for Unity.
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A powerful, easy-to-use, configurable charting and data visualization library for Unity. Supporting line, bar, pie, radar, scatter, heatmap, gauge, ring, polar, liquid and other common chart.
[XCharts Homepage](https://github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts)
[XCharts Q&A](https://github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts/blob/master/Assets/XCharts/Documentation/xcharts-questions-and-answers-EN.md)
[XCharts API](https://github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts/blob/master/Assets/XCharts/Documentation/xcharts-api-EN.md)
[XCharts Configuration](https://github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts/blob/master/Assets/XCharts/Documentation/xcharts-configuration-EN.md)
[XCharts Changelog](https://github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts/blob/master/Assets/XCharts/CHANGELOG-EN.md)
[Tutorial - Get start with XCharts in 5 minute](https://github.com/monitor1394/unity-ugui-XCharts/blob/master/Doc/tutorial--get-start-with-xcharts-in-5-minute-EN.md)
## XCharts 2.0
* Underlevel reconstruction, layered rendering, optimized scalability, support more data.
* Support for multi-component patterns.
* Support for any combination of most charts.
* Support theme customization, import and export, and more theme configuration parameters.
* Support global adjustment of configuration parameters.
* Added support for `TextMeshPro`.
* Added `CandlestickChart`.
* Added `GanttChart`.
* __ Note:__ `2.0` has undergone a lot of refactoring and adjustments and is not fully compatible with version `1.0`, so `1.0` should not be directly upgraded to `2.0`. Some parameter Settings may be reset to default values after upgrading.
## Features
* Rich built-in examples and templates, parameter visualization configuration, effect real-time preview, pure code drawing.
* Support line, bar, pie, radar, scatter, heatmaps, gauge, ring, polar, liquid and other common chart.
* Support line graph, curve graph, area graph, step graph and other LineChart.
* Support parallel bar, stack bar, stack percentage bar, zebra bar and other BarChart.
* Support ring, rose and other PieChart.
* Support line-bar chart, scatter-line chart and other combination chart.
* Support solid line, curve, ladder line, dotted line, dash line, dot line, double dot line and other lines.
* Support custom theme, built-in theme switching.
* Support custom chart content drawing, drawing points, line, curve, triangle, quadrilateral, circle, ring, sector, border, arrow and other drawing API.
* Support interactive operations such as data filtering, view zooming and detail display on PC and mobile terminals.
* Support 10,000-level big data rendering.
## Screenshot
## Cheat Sheet
`XCharts` consist of components and data. Different components and data can be combined into different types of charts. The component is divided into main component and sub component. The main component contains the sub components.
`XCharts` main components:
* `Theme` theme component, which can configure the default colors, fonts and so on.
* `Title` title component, which contains the main title and subtitle.
* `Legend` legend component, which represent different sets of symbols, colors, and names. You can control which series are not displayed by clicking on the legend.
* `Grid` grid component, drawing grid in rectangular coordinate system. Up to two X axes and two Y axes can be placed within a grid component. You can draw line, bar and scatter chart on the grid.
* `Axis` axis component, the axis of a rectangular coordinate system. Supports the upper and lower X axes and the left and right Y axes.
* `Series` series component, a list of serie. A chart can contain many different series, and each series determines its own chart type by type.
* `Tooltip` tooltip component, feedback more details of the data indicated by the mouse at the time.
* `DataZoom` data zoom component, used for area zooming so you can focus on detailed data information, or overview the data as a whole, or remove the impact of outliers.
* `VisualMap` visual mapping component, you can map data in different colors.
* `Radar` radar component, suitable for radar chart only.
* `Settings` global Settings component, Some global parameters can be adjusted. Use the default values in general and adjust them as needed.
`XCharts` support chart:
* `LineChart`
* `BarChart`
* `PieChart`
* `RadarChart`
* `ScatterChart`
* `HeatmapChart`
* `GuageChart`
* `RingChart`
* `PolarChart`
* `LiquidChart`
The following is the relationship structure of LineChart:
``` js
├── LineChart
. ├── ThemeInfo
├── Title
│ └── Location
├── Legend
│ └── Location
├── Tooltip
├── DataZoom
├── VisualMap
├── Grid
├── Axis
│ ├── AxisLine
│ ├── AxisName
│ ├── AxisLabel
│ ├── AxisTick
│ └── AxisSplitArea
├── Series
│ ├── ItemStyle
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unity-ugui-XCharts:A charting and data visualization library for...
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XCharts A powerful, easy-to-use, configurable charting and data visualization library for Unity. 一款基于UGUI的数据可视化图表插件。 一款基于UGUI的功能强大、易用、参数可配置的数据可视化图表插件。支持折线图、柱状图、饼图、雷达图、散点图、热力图、仪表盘、环形图、极坐标、水位图、K线图、甘特图等常见图表。 XCharts 2.0 底层重构,分层绘制,优化可扩展性,支持更多数据。 支持多组件模式。 支持大部分图表的任意组合。 支持主题定制、导入和导出,更多的主题配置参数。 支持全局配置参数调整。 新增 TextMeshPro 的支持。 新增 CandlestickChart K线图。 新增 GanttChart 甘特图。 注意: 2.0 版本进行了大量的重构和调整,并不完全兼容 1.
unity-ugui-XCharts:A charting and data visualization library for Unity. 一款基于UGUI的数据可视化图表插件 (547个子文件)
XCharts.Editor.asmdef 375B
XCharts.Examples.Runtime.asmdef 339B
XCharts.Runtime.asmdef 304B
ProjectSettings.asset 18KB
InputManager.asset 6KB
QualitySettings.asset 5KB
GraphicsSettings.asset 2KB
XChartsSettings.asset 1KB
Physics2DSettings.asset 1KB
NavMeshAreas.asset 1KB
EditorSettings.asset 1KB
PackageManagerSettings.asset 880B
UnityConnectSettings.asset 812B
DynamicsManager.asset 763B
TagManager.asset 378B
AudioManager.asset 357B
VFXManager.asset 273B
EditorBuildSettings.asset 263B
TimeManager.asset 202B
NetworkManager.asset 151B
PresetManager.asset 120B
ClusterInputManager.asset 114B
CoordinateChart.cs 100KB
CoordinateChart_DrawLine.cs 84KB
UGL.cs 78KB
Serie.cs 66KB
BaseChart.cs 43KB
ChartHelper.cs 38KB
CoordinateChart_DrawBar.cs 35KB
Axis.cs 35KB
DrawSerieRadar.cs 33KB
PolarChart.cs 31KB
BaseChart_API.cs 28KB
TooltipHelper.cs 27KB
DrawSeriePie.cs 26KB
DataZoom.cs 24KB
VisualMap.cs 24KB
ChartEditorHelper.cs 24KB
Tooltip.cs 23KB
SerieHelper.cs 22KB
Series.cs 22KB
SerieDrawer.cs 21KB
SeriesHelper.cs 20KB
CoordinateChart_DrawHeatmap.cs 20KB
ChartTheme.cs 18KB
DrawSerieGauge.cs 18KB
DrawSerieLiquid.cs 18KB
SerieAnimation.cs 17KB
AxisHelper.cs 16KB
XChartsMgr.cs 16KB
Legend.cs 16KB
DrawSerieRing.cs 15KB
BaseChartEditor.cs 14KB
Radar.cs 14KB
SerieLabelHelper.cs 14KB
SerieData.cs 13KB
BaseGraph.cs 13KB
LegendHelper.cs 13KB
SerieLabel.cs 12KB
ItemStyle.cs 12KB
Demo.cs 11KB
Example00_CheatSheet.cs 11KB
SerieSymbol.cs 11KB
FormatterHelper.cs 11KB
Location.cs 11KB
CoordinateChart_API.cs 10KB
Example10_LineChart.cs 9KB
SerieTemplate.cs 9KB
AxisLabel.cs 9KB
AxisTheme.cs 9KB
XChartsSettings.cs 9KB
Vessel.cs 9KB
LayoutHelper.cs 8KB
Settings.cs 8KB
CheckHelper.cs 8KB
ChartText.cs 8KB
CoordinateChart_DrawGantt.cs 8KB
LineStyle.cs 7KB
BasePropertyDrawer.cs 7KB
UGLHelper.cs 7KB
CoordinateChart_DrawCandlestick.cs 7KB
SerieTheme.cs 7KB
Example30_PieChart.cs 7KB
XChartsPackageResourceImporter.cs 7KB
ComponentThemeDrawer.cs 7KB
AxisDrawer.cs 7KB
TextStyle.cs 7KB
LegendItem.cs 7KB
ChartCached.cs 7KB
ThemeDrawer.cs 6KB
VisualMapHelper.cs 6KB
ChartModuleDrawer.cs 6KB
GaugeAxis.cs 6KB
Demo_Animation.cs 6KB
BaseGraph_API.cs 6KB
XChartEditor.cs 6KB
AreaStyle.cs 6KB
Example20_BarChart.cs 5KB
ChartLabel.cs 5KB
GanttChart.cs 5KB
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