function [interf, DEM, noise, coherence, watermask] = siminterf(Bperp,fracdim,water,maxheight,numlines,numpixels,doplot,donoise,dorefpha)
% SIMINTERF -- SIMulate phase of INTERFerogram (not amplitude).
% Function to simulate an (unwrapped) interferogram by 'radarcoding'
% a terrain model (DEM). 'Radarcoding' means converting the terrain
% coordinates to the radar system [azimuth lines, range pixels].
% The terrain model either is a geometric body (i), a fractal DEM (ii),
% or an input matrix (iii). The range pixel spacing of the DEM is 80 meters.
% The algorithm used radarcodes the DEM per line by computing the slant
% range r to master and slave satellite for each point of the DEM, yielding
% a function phase(r). This function is interpolated to a regular grid
% (radar range pixel coordinate system). Zero Doppler data is assumed,
% thus the azimuth coordinates are equal in both systems. The phase of
% the 'flat Earth' is computed using a far field approximation, and
% subtracted by default. To compute r, the position of master and slave
% satellite are fixed by using a certain Bperp and baseline orientation.
% The range, incidence angle to the first terrain point, and the wavelength
% are also fixed. The orbits are assumed not to converge (easy to simulate.)
% Input parameters:
% INT = SIMINTERF by itself simulates a DEM of a cone and the
% corresponding interferogram. It is verbose and makes plots.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp) uses the specified perpendicular baseline. A larger
% baseline corresponds with a smaller height ambiguity (more fringes).
% A crude approximation of the height ambiguity is ha = 10000/Bperp.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D) where D is the fractal dimension of the simulated
% DEM. Smaller D implies smoother surface. Earth topography can be simulated
% by a fractal dimension of approximately 2.3.
% D == DEM Use this input matrix as DEM;
% Input arguments: water, height, lines, pixels
% are not assigned if this option is used.
% 0 Simulate a cone;
% -1 Simulate a ramp;
% -2 Simulate pyramid;
% other Use this fractal dimension to simulate a DEM.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,WATER) uses the specified percentage to
% create water areas of height 0 (approximately). The phase of
% these areas is uniform noise, the coherence is gaussian below 0.2.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,water,HEIGHT) simulates a DEM with the
% specified maximum HEIGHT. (The minimum height always equals 0.)
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,water,height,LINES) creates an interferogram
% with the specified number of azimuth lines.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,water,height,lines,PIXS) creates an
% interferogram with the specified number of range pixels.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,water,height,lines,pixs,DOPLOT) where
% DOPLOT=0 prevents the generation of plots. Figures 1:6 are used.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,water,height,lines,pixs,doplot,DONOISE)
% where DONOISE = 0 disables noise generation.
% SIMINTERF(Bperp,D,W,H,lines,pixs,doplot,donoise,DOREFPHA)
% where DOREFPHA is 0 if reference phase does not have to be
% subtracted.
% Defaults:
% Bperp = 150 (meters)
% D = 0 (i.e. a cone)
% WATER = 20 (percentage)
% HEIGHT = 700 (meters)
% LINES = 512 (number of azimuth lines)
% PIXELS = 512 (number of range bins in range)
% DOPLOT = 1 (do plot results)
% DONOISE = 1 (do add noise based on terrain slopes)
% DOREFPHA = 1 (do subtract reference phase of 'flat Earth')
% Additional output:
% [INT,DEM] = SIMINTERF(...) optionally outputs the simulated DEM (in
% terrain coordinates).
% [INT,DEM,NOISE] = SIMINTERF(...) optionally outputs the noise matrix
% that is added to the INTerferogram based on the geometrical decorellation.
% [INT,DEM,NOISE,COHERENCE] = SIMINTERF(...) optionally outputs the
% coherence map computed from the terrain slopes (geometric decorrelation).
% outputs the waterarea index vector as returned by FIND.
% To simulate an interferogram with a baseline of 100 meter,
% rough terrain, and 30% water area:
% Bperp = 100; D=2.4; water=30;
% siminterf(Bperp,D,water);
% To fastly simulate some interferograms to test this script:
% Bperp=100; D=2.1; water=0; H=500;
% nlines=100; npix=200; doplot=1; donoise=1; doflat=1;
% siminterf(Bperp,D,water,H,nlines,npix,doplot,donoise,doflat);
% To radarcode an input DEM:
% Bperp=50; X=256.*peaks(256);
% siminterf(Bperp,X);
% To view the unwrapped interferogram, and obtain the coherence map:
% Bperp=200; D=2.3; water=30; H=100;
% nlines=256; npix=256; doplot=0; donoise=1; doflat=1;
% siminterf(Bperp,D,water,H,nlines,npix,doplot,donoise,doflat);
% figure(1);
% subplot(221), imagesc(DEM); axis 'image'; title 'DEM'; colorbar;
% subplot(222), imagesc(INT); axis 'image'; title 'INT'; colorbar;
% subplot(223), imagesc(wrap(INT)); axis 'image'; title 'W(INT)'; colorbar;
% subplot(224), imagesc(COH); axis 'image'; title 'COH'; colorbar;
% To make the interferogram complex, use e.g.,
% cint = complex(cos(interf),sin(interf));
% or:
% ampl = ones(size(interferogram));
% cint = ampl.*complex(cos(interf),sin(interf));
% The DEOS FRACTAL and INSAR toolboxes are used
% (
% Created by Bert Kampes 05-Oct-2000
% Tested by Erik Steenbergen
% -more geometrical figure if fracdim=-1,-2, etc.,
% -demo for people new to insar
%%% better switch more, but how, get(0)?
more off
%%% Set defaults for general parameters.
%%% Handle input; could be done smarter...
% (Bperp,dem,water,maxheight,numlines,numpixels,doplot,donoise,dorefpha)
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
if (nargin<9) dorefpha = 1; end;
if (nargin<8) donoise = 1; end;
if (nargin<7) doplot = 1; end;
if (nargin<6) numpixels = 512; end;
if (nargin<5) numlines = 512; end;
if (nargin<4) maxheight = 700; end;
if (nargin<3) water = 20; end;
if (nargin<2) fracdim = 0; end;% cone
if (nargin<1) Bperp = 150; end;
%%% Set output parameters.
% [interferogram, DEM, noise, coherence, watermask]
% 1 2 3 4 5
if (nargout>=3) donoise = 1; end;
%if (nargout<1) siminterf(); end;
%%% Check if input fracdim (D) was a matrix (use it as DEM).
if (prod(size(fracdim))>1)
DEM = 999; % 999 identifier use input matrix
[DEM,fracdim] = deal(fracdim,DEM); % swap
[numlines,numpixels] = size(DEM);
maxheight = max(DEM(:));
if (nargin<3) water = 0; end;
%%% Fixed variables (do not change w/o reason).
alpha = deg2rad(10.);% [rad] baseline orientation
lambda = 0.05666;% [m] wavelength
theta = deg2rad(19.);% [rad] looking angle to first pixel
R1 = 830000.;% [m] range to first point
pi4divlam = (-4.*pi)./lambda;
%%% Provide some info.
disp(['Lines (azimuth): ', num2str(numlines)]);
disp(['Pixels (range bins): ', num2str(numpixels)]);
disp(['Perpendicular baseline: ', num2str(Bperp), ' m']);
disp(['Height ambiguity: ', num2str(round(heightamb(Bperp))), ' m']);
disp(['Fractal dimension DEM: ', num2str(fracdim)]);
disp(['Water area: ', num2str(water), '%']);
disp(['Minimum height DEM: ', num2str(0), ' m']);
disp(['Maximum height DEM: ', num2str(maxheight), ' m']);
disp(['Make plots: ', num2str(doplot)]);
disp(['Compute noise: ', num2str(donoise)]);
disp(' ');
%%% Si
- 粉丝: 93
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