% BranchCuts.m generates branch cuts based on the phase residues. This is
% done using the Goldstein method, as described in "Two-dimensional phase
% unwrapping: theory, algorithms and software" by Dennis Ghiglia and
% Mark Pritt.
% "residue_charge" is a matrix wherein positive residues are 1 and
% negative residues are 0.
% "max_box_radius" defines the maximum search radius for the balancing of
% residues. If this is too large, areas will be isolated by the branch
% cuts.
% "IM_mask" is a binary matrix. This serves as an artificial border for the
% branch cuts to connect to.
% Created by B.S. Spottiswoode on 15/10/2004
% Last modified on 18/10/2004
function branch_cuts=BranchCuts(residue_charge, max_box_radius, IM_mask);
[rowdim, coldim]=size(residue_charge);
branch_cuts=~IM_mask; %Define initial branch cuts borders as the mask.
residue_charge(logical(~IM_mask))=0; %Remove all residues except those in the mask
cluster_counter=1; %Keep track of the number of residues in each cluster
satellite_residues=0; %Keep track of the number of satellite residues accounted for
residue_binary=(residue_charge~=0); %Logical matrix indicating the position of the residues
residue_balanced=zeros(rowdim, coldim); %Initially designate all residues as unbalanced
[rowres,colres] = find(residue_binary); %Find the coordinates of the residues
adjacent_residues=zeros(rowdim, coldim); %Defines the positions of additional residues found in the search box
missed_residues=0; %Keep track of the effective number of residues left unbalanced because of
disp('Calculating branch cuts ...');
for i=1:temp(1); %Loop through the residues
radius=1; %Set the initial box size
r_active=rowres(i); %Coordinates of the active residue
count_nearby_residues_flag=1; %Flag to indicate whether or not to keep track of the nearby residues
cluster_counter=1; %Reset the cluster counter
adjacent_residues=zeros(rowdim, coldim); %Reset the adjacent residues indicator
charge_counter=residue_charge_masked(r_active, c_active); %Store the initial residue charge
if residue_balanced(r_active, c_active)~=1 %Has this residue already been balanced?
while (charge_counter~=0) %Loop until balanced
%This portion of code serves to search the box perimeter,
%place branch cuts, and keep track of the summed residue charge
for m=r_active-radius:r_active+radius %Coordinates of the box border pixels ***I COULD MAKE THIS MORE EFFICIENT***
for n=c_active-radius:c_active+radius
if (abs(m - r_active)==radius | abs(n - c_active)==radius) & charge_counter~=0 %Ensure that only the border pixels are being scrutinised
if m<=1 | m>=rowdim | n<=1 | n>=coldim %Is the current pixel on the image border?
if m>=rowdim m=rowdim; end %Make sure that the indices aren't too large for the matrix
if n>coldim n=coldim; end
if n<1 n=1; end
if m<1 m=1; end
branch_cuts=PlaceBranchCutInternal(branch_cuts, r_active, c_active, m, n); %Place a branch cut between the active point and the border
cluster_counter=cluster_counter+1; %Keep track of how many residues have been clustered
charge_counter=0; %Label the charge as balanced
residue_balanced(r_active, c_active)=1; %Mark the centre residue as balanced
if IM_mask(m,n)==0
branch_cuts=PlaceBranchCutInternal(branch_cuts, r_active, c_active, m, n); %Place a branch cut between the active point and the mask border
cluster_counter=cluster_counter+1; %Keep track of how many residues have been clustered
charge_counter=0; %Label the charge as balanced
residue_balanced(r_active, c_active)=1; %Mark the centre residue as balanced
if residue_binary(m,n)==1 %Is the current pixel a residue?
if count_nearby_residues_flag==1 %Are we keeping track of the residues encountered?
adjacent_residues(m,n)=1; %Mark the current residue as adjacent
branch_cuts=PlaceBranchCutInternal(branch_cuts, r_active, c_active, m, n); %Place a branch cut regardless of the charge_counter value
cluster_counter=cluster_counter+1; %Keep track of how many residues have been clustered
if residue_balanced(m,n)==0;
residue_balanced(m,n)=1; %Mark the current residue as balanced
charge_counter=charge_counter + residue_charge_masked(m,n); %Update the charge counter
if charge_counter==0 %Is the active residue balanced?
residue_balanced(r_active, c_active)=1; %Mark the centre (active) residue as balanced
%This next portion of code centres the box on the adjacent
%residues. If the charge is still not balanced after moving
%through all adjacent residues, increase the box radius and
%centre the box around the initial residue.
if sum(sum(adjacent_residues))==0 %If there are no adjacent residues:
radius=radius+1; %Enlarge the box
r_active=rowres(i); %Centre the larger box about the original active residue
else %If there are adjacent residues:
if count_nearby_residues_flag==1; %Run this bit once per box being searched
[r_adjacent,c_adjacent] = find(adjacent_residues); %F
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