Desktop Automation Framework. Drive your keyboard and mouse with text files.
pip3 install self-driving-desktop
Playing a playlist:
sdd playlist.txt
Recording a playlist:
sdd --record recording.txt
# Import other playlist files
import "test/main.txt";
# Create Coordinates
coords {
"center": {
"1080p": [960, 540],
"720p": [640, 360]
# Create a playlist
playlist "openChrome" {
# Run programs in the shell
shell "google-chrome";
sleep 2.0;
# Name the new window
active "hofChrome";
sleep 0.5;
# Use hotkeys to arrange
hotkeys "winleft" "right";
sleep 1;
playlist "closeChrome" {
# Focus a named window
focus "hofChrome";
hotkeys "alt" "f4";
sleep 1;
playlist "readTheDocs" {
# Go to a webpage
focus "hofChrome";
sleep 0.2;
# Type the URL
write "\n" 0.05;
# Goto an imported coordinate
coord "getting-started" 0.5;
# Move the mouse in a square
playlist "repeatTest" {
mm 100 100 1;
mm 1000 100 1;
mm 1000 500 1;
mm 100 500 1;
# Our main playlist
playlist "main" {
# Goto a named coordinate, also with offset
coord "center" 1;
coord "center" 250 -250 1;
# Operate the browser
play "openChrome";
play "readTheDocs";
play "closeChrome";
# Play a playlist multiple times
play "repeatTest" 4;
# Set screen size
screen "1080p";
# Set the global delay between steps
delay 0.025;
# Finally, play our main playlist
play "main";
- file has steps and playlists
- steps are the only thing run
- play runs a playlist
# relative imports from file
import "relative/path.txt";
# named coordinates
coords {
# coord name
"center": {
# screen identifier
"1080p": [960, 540],
"720p": [640, 360]
# define playlists
playlist "my-playlist" {
playlist "main" {
# run playlists from playlists
play "my-playlist"
# set the screen identifier
screen "1080p";
# run a playlist
play "my-playlist" "main";
play "name" "nameB" ... [N];
: run one or more playlists, optionally repeat N times.delay x.y;
: set delay between steps to x.y secondssleep x.y;
: sleep for x.y secondsscreen "screen";
: set the screen resolution identifiershell "quoted strings"+;
: exec a command from the program
active "someName";
: name the active windowfocus "someName";
: focus a named window
mouse x y s;
: move the mouse to x,y in s secondscoord "name" s;
: move the mouse to a named coordinate in s secondscoord "name" x y s;
: move to a named coordinate with offset in s secondsclick;
: click the left mouse buttonbtnclick [left,middle,right];
btndown [left,middle,right];
btnup [left,middle,right];
drag [left,middle,right] x y s;
: drag the mouse to x,y in s secondsscroll n;
: scroll n lines, negative is uphscroll n;
: horizontal scroll n "clicks", negative is left
keypress "key";
keydown "key";
keyup "key";
hotkeys "quoted" "keys" ...;
: press some keys togetherwrite "quoted string\n";
: type a string, "\n" is enter
, justctrl-c
, justctrl-v
save_clipboard "name";
save the clipboard contents to "name"load_clipboard "name";
load the clipboard contents from "name"copy_clipboard "name";
copy && save the clipboard contents to "name"paste_clipboard "name";
load the clipboard contents from "name" && paste
all keys are from pyautogui
You can record your mouse and keyboard to a playlist file by:
sdd record.txt --record
Note, not all keys are working yet.
A keymap to fix some is here.
Development Setup
virtualenv --python python3 penv
source penv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python self_driving_desktop/ ...
Install from local repository:
git clone
pip3 install ./self-driving-desktop/