<p align="center">
<img src="public/pingpong-og.png" alt="Pingpong Logo">
<img src="https://travis-ci.org/keen/pingpong.png?branch=master&foo=bar" alt="Pingpong Build Status">
#### Get deeper HTTP request response analytics every second.
Track real-time performance and availability across multiple API servers to see the what, when, and how behind your system performance. So you can understand why.
![Pingpong Graph](http://keen.github.io/pingpong/img/chart_02_new.png)
#### How does it work?
+ Pingpong sends HTTP requests to URLs you configure as frequently as once per second. It turns data about each request and response into JSON, then logs it to a custom destination.
+ Your default data store is Keen IO’s [analytics API](https://keen.io/docs/) to capture events, run queries, and create visualizations. But it’s simple to set up another backend.
+ Pingpong ships with [Dashboards](http://keen.github.io/dashboards/), an HTML visualization kit that lets you see and arrange your most critical response data. Built on the Keen IO analytics API, Dashboards is super-flexible and ready to be skinned, tweaked, and embedded anywhere.
+ Pingpong captures most of the data you'd want about HTTP requests and responses. To beef up or slim down your data stream, adding custom properties specific to your infrastructure is simple.
#### Choose your own install adventure.
**Deploy straight to Heroku:** Pingpong is easy to install and ready for deployment to one or more Heroku regions. You can even deploy the app with a single click with this handy button:
*A note on event limits:* If you're using the Keen IO backend to store events, you can send 50,000 events for free per month. As a reference, one check running every minute will create about 43,000 events in a month. Check out [more plans](https://keen.io/pricing) to get more events. We'd also love to give you a discount if you're using Pingpong, just [email us](mailto:team@keen.io?subject=Pingpong Events) your project ID and we'll get you hooked up.
**Setup and deploy your own Pingpong app:** Don't run Heroku? That's cool. You can run Pingpong on any host with Ruby, even your local machine. Either way, it's up and running in less than five minutes. Just see the next section.
#### Setup & Deployment
Pingpong is open source and easy to install. Pingpong is written in Ruby and streamlined for deployment to one or more Heroku regions. That said, you can run it on any host with Ruby, including your local machine.
**Step 1:** Clone or fork this repository:
$ git clone git@github.com:keen/pingpong.git
$ cd pingpong
**Step 2:** Install dependencies
$ bundle install
If you don't have the `bundle` command, first `gem install bundler`.
**Step 3:** Set up database tables
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
The project uses Postgres as the default database, but you can modify that in the `database.yml` file.
**Step 4:** Set up the environment variables
***Keen IO Setup***
You'll need to sign up for a free [Keen IO](https://keen.io?s=pingpong) account. Once your account is set up, create a new project.
You'll need to grab the `project id`, `read key`, and `write key`. Add these to a root level file called `.env`. There's a .env.sample setup with all the variables, so just run:
$ cp .env.sample .env
And edit your Keen IO variables:
***SendGrid Setup***
If you want to send emails, you'll have to sign up for a free [SendGrid](https://sendgrid.com/user/signup) account.
Once you've done that, edit the following in your `.env` file:
***Slack Setup***
To get notifications in Slack, you'll have to provide us with your Incoming Webhook URL. You can create an Incoming Webhook [here](https://slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook).
Once you've got the Webhook URL, update your `.env` file:
There are also some optional configurations you can edit for Slack notifications:
SLACK_CHANNEL='#alerts' # The channel to send notifications to
SLACK_USERNAME='Robot' # The username the notification will come from - defaults to Pingpong
SLACK_ICON=':rotating_light' # The icon of the user "sending" the notification. Can be a URL or an Emoji
WARN_COLOR='#CCCCCC' # Hex color value used for the warning messages - defaults to #E2E541
BAD_COLOR='#000000' # Hex color value used for the failure messages - defaults to #F25656
***Run the Server***
Now you're ready to start the web server locally using `foreman`, which will pick up the variables in the `.env` file. [foreman](https://github.com/ddollar/foreman) comes with the [Heroku toolbelt](https://toolbelt.heroku.com/).
$ foreman start
The Pingpong web interface should now be running on [localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000). Click on the button to create a new check, and then within a few minutes, you'll see the check data populating the charts.
#### Check Properties
Every check requires the following properties:
+ name: for display in charts and reports
+ url: the fully qualified resource to check
+ frequency: how often to sent the request, in minutes
Additionally, checks have some optional properties:
+ method: GET, POST, or DELETE (defaults to GET)
+ http_username: Username for HTTP authentication
+ http_password: Password for HTTP authentication
Checks can also have any number of custom properties, which is very useful for grouping & drill-down analysis later. Place any custom properties in the `custom` field.
#### HTTP Request & Response as an Event
Each time a check is run, a JSON object describing the check, request, and response is logged via a `CheckLogger` component, defaulting to `KeenCheckLogger`. Here's an example event payload:
``` json
"check": {
"name": "Keen IO Web",
"url": "https://keen.io",
"frequency": 5,
"custom": {
"server_role": "https",
"is_https": true
"environment": {
"rack_env": "production",
"region": "heroku_us_east",
"location": "Virginia, US"
"request": {
"sent_at": "2013-10-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"duration": 0.432
"response": {
"successful": true,
"timed_out": false,
"status": 200,
"server": "TornadoServer/3.1",
"http_status": 200,
"http_reason": "OK",
"http_version": "1.1",
"content_type": "text/html",
"content_length": 175,
"date": "Wed, 16 Apr 2014 17:39:01 GMT"
Here's a breakdown of the major sections:
+ check: properties describing the check, including any custom properties
+ environment: properties describing where the check was made from (useful when you are running Pingpong instances across multiple datacenters)
+ request: information about the HTTP request that was sent
+ response: information about the HTTP response that was recorded
`response.timed_out` and `response.successful` are helper properties. `response.successful` is true if the request did not timeout and the response
status is between 100 and 399.
It's easy to add more fields to the `environment` section in `config.yml`, or implement a `CheckMarshaller` component that translates HTTP response fields to properties in a different way.
Capturing all of these fields makes it possible to perform powerful grouping and filtering during analysis.
#### Reporting and Alerting
Pingpong uses [Pushpop](https://github.com/pushpop/pingpong.git) to provide basic alerting and reporting functionality. This functionality can easily be extended to create your own custom ale
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收藏 565KB ZIP 举报
PingPong 是一个开源分析应用,为开发者提供 HTTP 监控,可以对任何带有 URL 的东西进行分析。特性:1) 可以用很漂亮的方式展示数据2) 当你的 app 或者网站反应慢时,你能得到及时反馈,例如通过手机短信。3) 获取和运行简单
pingpong-master.zip (81个子文件)
collapsed-icon.png 20KB
jqBootstrapValidation.js 35KB
jq-json-formatter.js 8KB
Collapsed.gif 215B
checks.js 4KB
good-icon@2x.png 5KB
hamburger-icon.png 204B
GothamBook.woff 21KB
GothamBook.svg 178KB
GothamBook.ttf 46KB
GothamBook.woff2 14KB
GothamBook.eot 46KB
error-icon@2x.png 5KB
error-icon.png 4KB
warning-icon@2x.png 5KB
pingpong.svg 5KB
style.scss 6KB
pencil-icon.png 3KB
expanded-icon.png 20KB
Expanded.gif 206B
logo.png 24KB
style.css.map 4KB
good-icon.png 4KB
_mixins.sass 60KB
pingpong-og.png 226KB
holder.js 20KB
warning-icon.png 4KB
style.css 7KB
pencil-icon@2x.png 3KB
config.ru 41B
layout.haml 6KB
_check_form_fields.haml 4KB
new.haml 304B
index.haml 4KB
edit.haml 328B
aside.haml 182B
check.haml 10KB
seeds.rb 0B
schema.rb 2KB
20150427160230_create_checks_and_incidents.rb 797B
pingpong.thor 2KB
cacert.pem 211KB
check_scheduler.rb 2KB
environment_aware_check_marshaller.rb 1KB
incident.rb 2KB
keen_check_logger.rb 1KB
console_check_logger.rb 158B
check.rb 8KB
enumerable_std_deviation.rb 446B
eventmachine_check_runner.rb 3KB
Gemfile 501B
invalid_checks.json 12B
keen_check_logger_spec.rb 1KB
environment_aware_check_marshaller_spec.rb 1KB
check_spec.rb 10KB
incident_spec.rb 2KB
app_spec.rb 601B
config_spec.rb 391B
spec_helper.rb 876B
test_checks.json 281B
check_scheduler_spec.rb 587B
factories.rb 652B
eventmachine_check_runner_spec.rb 7KB
run_checks_job_spec.rb 5KB
factory_girl.rb 78B
Rakefile 1KB
config.yml 2KB
.travis.yml 238B
Procfile 214B
run_checks_job.rb 4KB
keep_alive_job.rb 388B
.rspec 26B
Gemfile.lock 3KB
app.json 1KB
.env.sample 819B
.gitignore 35B
app.rb 3KB
pingpong_config.rb 2KB
database.yml 270B
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