这是可以实现利用滚动视图实现效果很不错的用户指引界面功能。支持引导页面的自动滑动和手动滑动。两个页面之间的过渡是渐隐渐现(淡入淡出 fade in and fade out)的动画效果。指引页面的文字有固定文字标题和随着页面切换而切换的文字标题。这种用户指引界面用在Path 3.0 App中。由于用了auto layout,所以只支持iOS 6.0 以上。若在iOS 5.0或以下运行,页面切换会有跳动的感觉。 使用方法: 设置每个页面的图片以及相应的文字: // Init the pages texts, and pictures. ICETutorialPage *layer1 = [[ICETutorialPage alloc] initWithSubTitle:@"Picture 1" description:@"Champs-Elysées by night" pictureName:@"tutorial_background_00@2x.jpg"]; ICETutorialPage *layer2 = [[ICETutorialPage alloc] initWithSubTitle:@"Picture 2" description:@"The Eiffel Tower with cloudy weather" pictureName:@"tutorial_background_01@2x.jpg"]; [...] // Load into an array. NSArray *tutorialLayers = @[layer1,layer2,layer3,layer4,layer5]; 加载指引页面: self.viewController = [[ICETutorialController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ICETutorialController_iPhone" bundle:nil andPages:tutorialLayers]; // Set the common styles, and start scrolling (auto scroll, and looping enabled by default) [self.viewController setCommonPageSubTitleStyle:subStyle]; [self.viewController setCommonPageDescriptionStyle:descStyle]; // Set button 1 action. [self.viewController setButton1Block:^(UIButton *button){ NSLog(@"Button 1 pressed."); }]; // Set button 2 action, stop the scrolling. __unsafe_unretained typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [self.viewController setButton2Block:^(UIButton *button){ NSLog(@"Button 2 pressed."); NSLog(@"Auto-scrolling stopped."); [weakSelf.viewController stopScrolling]; }]; // Run it. [self.viewController star
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