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伊顿 控制继电器家族选择指南pdf,Easy安全控制继电器ES4P,在设备运营过程中,人员和机器的安全必须得到保证。采取这样的保护一般是通过使用安全相关的部件诸如限位开关,安全光栅,双手监控,紧急停止按钮等。安全相关的信息通过能够达到最高安全标准的安全控制继电器来监控和评估。只有这样,设备才能够满足国际安全标准安全的运营。安全控制继电器easysafety不仅集成了安全功能,而且将标准控制功能都集成到一台设备上,实现一体化。该安全控制继电器获得了TüV Rheinland认证。无论是简单的还是复杂的设备,对于人员保护的需求和步骤都会由这款紧凑型安全设备来保证。
easy Family
Control Relay easy
MFD Titan
The Clever
easy Family
Compact PLC easyControl
Control Relay with SmartWire-DT
The easyFamily provides a harmonized universal system from the control relay easyRelay
to the multi function display MFD-Titan up to the safety-related control relay easySafety
and the compact PLC easyControl. The devices are based on a common concept, and,
depending on the variant, are designed to solve control tasks ranging from simple to
comprehensive. The devices of the easyFamily, which exhibit a high level of functionality,
also feature simple operation and handling. Their versatility make them the optimum
choice for a wide-range of applications in industry, building automation and trade.
The Versatile easyFamily
Clever Control in Trade and Industry
Simple control and setting
With their different performance classes easy500, easy700
and easy800, the easyRelays provide the optimum solution for
small, medium and large control and setting tasks. With the
easyRelays you can electronically accept existing circuit dia-
grams 1:1.
Simple visualization
In addition to the control and setting functions of a control relay
easy800, the multi function display MFD-Titan provides versa-
tile visualization options. The simplicity of mask design as well
as the simple parameterization of ready-made visualization ele-
ments make the representation of bargraphs, bitmaps, text and
values child's play.
Simple to network and communicate
Devices with integrated connection for the easyNet network
can be easily interconnected. Via easyNet, up to 8 devices can
communicate with one another at a distance of up to 1,000
meters. Applications with up to 328 I/O points can be imple-
mented in this way.
Simple to automate
easyControl as a compact PLC is optimally suited for small and
medium-sized automation tasks. The integrated CANopen inter-
face enables the connection to the easyNet network. With Eth-
ernet on board, additional demands such as an OPC server and
network programming are taken into consideration. Program-
ming is compliant to IEC 61131-3 with XSoft CoDeSys-2.
Simple to connect
The combination of a control relay easy800 with direct connec-
tion to the communication system for SmartWire-DT switch-
gear provides an innovative solution in control panel design and
construction. The renowned simple handling of easy and the
efficient SmartWire-DT connection technology provide consid-
erable savings in terms of time and costs during planning, com-
missioning and maintenance.
The safety-oriented control relay easySafety combines safety
and standard control functions efficiently in a single device.
easySafety monitors all necessary safety devices on machines
and systems and supports the implementation of applications,
which comply with the highest safety demands.
The control relay easy500/700/800 as well as the multi function display
MFD-Titan offer all the technical opportunities to implement solutions
in industry and building automation, machine engineering and in appa-
ratus construction as well as trade applications. A host of different device
versions with various functions, voltage types, expansion and networking
options are available for implementing the right solution. In addition to the
main functions of the easy500/700, such as multifunction timer relays,
counters, analog value comparators, timers, etc., the easy800 and MFD-
Titan feature a host of function blocks such as PID controllers, maths
functions, value scaling, and much more … In addition to text displays,
value entry and value displays with the control relays, the MFD-Titan also
offers comfortable operating and visualization options, such as button
functions, bitmaps or bargraphs.
Display, Switch, Control and Set –
Simply easy
More information concerning
the safety-related control
relay easySafety and safety
technology can be found
in the brochure “Safety of
machines and systems” and
the Safety Manual under
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