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Investigation of clustering effects on erbium-doped fiber laser ...
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To design a compact erbium-doped fiber laser, a high-concentration erbium-doped fiber (EDF) is needed. However, increasing the erbium ion (Er3+) concentration can reduce the EDF performance via the Er3+-Er3+ interaction. In this Letter, we investigate the Er3+-Er3+ interaction effect by designing a tunable erbium-doped fiber-ring laser (EDFRL). This is the first time (to the best of our knowledge) that someone has considered different numbers of ions per cluster and simulated the EDFRL output po
Investigation of clustering effects on erbium-doped
fiber laser performance
Md. Ziaul Amin and Khurram Karim Qureshi*
Electrical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author: kqureshi@kfupm.edu.sa
Received August 1, 2016; accepted November 11, 2016; posted online December 26, 2016
To design a compact erbium-doped fiber laser, a high-concentration erbium-doped fiber (EDF) is needed. How-
ever, increasing the erbium ion (Er
) concentration can reduce the EDF performance via the Er
action. In this Letter, we investigate the Er
interaction effect by designing a tunable erbium-doped fiber-
ring laser (EDFRL). This is the first time (to the best of our knowledge) that someone has considered different
numbers of ions per cluster and simulated the EDFRL output power degradation due to ion–ion interaction. If
the number of ions in the cluster is increased, the lasing output power will decrease accordingly. The most dom-
inant effect is seen in the 1530 nm wavelength region, where the EDF shows a higher signal absorption compared
to the other wavelength region. Moreover, a comparison has been done for lasing performance analysis with
different dopant ion concentrations. The comparison results show that a higher dopant concentration is advanta-
geous for longer-wavelength lasing.
OCIS codes: 060.2290, 060.2320, 060.2400, 060.2410, 060.3510.
doi: 10.3788/COL201715.010601.
Erbium-doped fiber lasers (EDFLs) have attracted consid-
erable attention from different research groups due to
their potential applications in wavelength division multi-
plexing (WDM) systems, sensing, optical metrology,
high-resolution spectroscopy, and as a biomedical light
. To design a compact EDFL, a highly doped
erbium-doped fiber (EDF) is necessary, which reduces
the total cavity length and the dispersion introduced by
the fiber. Moreover, a smaller cavity length is advanta-
geous for single-mode lasing operations and the design of
L-band active devices
However, increasing the dopant concentration degrades
the EDF performance due to the upconversion mechanism
between ions residing in pairs or larger clusters. Generally,
the degree of clustering in EDFs increases with the increase
of the dopant concentrations. Dong et al. demonstrated the
negative effect of clustering on the EDFL output power
They considered the pair-induced quenching effects and
noticed the higher power degradation at shorter wave-
length bands, especially around the 1530 nm wavelength
region, than longer wavelength bands. Dong et al. also
reported that the lasing output power flatness of tunable
EDF-ring lasers (EDFRLs) degrades due to concentration
quenching in the highly doped fiber
. In their theoretical
model, they assumed that erbium ions can exist as two dis-
tinct species: single ions and paired ions. However, this
assumption is not viable when the erbium ion concentra-
tion is very high. For high-concentration EDFs, the
larger cluster size needs to be taken into account. In the
large cluster model, each ion can transfer its energy to
the other ions in the cluster. For example, if n ions of a clus-
ter are excited to the metastable state, n − 1 ions will decay
back to the ground state due to the energy transfer
. In this
way, the excited-state population is reduced, which will
subsequently reduce the quantum conversion efficiency
of the EDF.
There is another process, known as excited state absorp-
tion (ESA), which can limit the performance of EDFs.
There are two important ESA processes, pump ESA and
signal ESA, that reduce the quantum conversion efficiency
of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) and EDFLs.
The pump ESA is responsible for visible green light emis-
sion. On the other hand, the signal ESA limits the EDF
performance at longer wavelengths (around 1590 nm)
. Yamashita et al. observed the rapid power
drops of EDFLs around the longer wavelength band due
to ESA effects
. O n the contrary, lasing output power
degradation due to ion–ion interactions is significant in
the shorter wavelength region. Therefore, we ignore the
negative effect of the ESA to clearly reveal the ion–ion
interaction impact on the lasing performance.
Usually, manufacturers do not provide the clustering in-
formation of EDFs. Therefo re, it is difficult to investigate
the ion–ion interaction effects on the EDFRL perfor mance
by using commercially available EDFs. Kir’yanov et al.
demonstrated a technique to measu re the homogeneous
upconversion (HUC) and inhomogeneous upconversion
(IUC) parameters of two commercial EDFs which were
fabricated through the modified chemical vapor deposi-
tion and direct nanoparticle deposition processes
. They
found that the IUC process is related to the relative num-
ber of the cluster percentage and the number of ions per
cluster. The parameters related to the IUC processes
monotonously go up with the increasing doping ion con-
centrations. Their demonstration would help in determin-
ing the clustering information in commercial EDFs
before designing practical EDF devices. As the clustering
increases, the EDF device performance will degrade
COL 15(1), 010601(2017) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS January 10, 2017
1671-7694/2016/010601(5) 010601-1 © 2016 Chinese Optics Letters
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