第 29 卷 第 6 期
Vol. 29 No. 6
控 制 与 决 策
Control and Decision
2014 年 6 月
Jun. 2014
基于稀疏流形聚类嵌入模型和 𝐿
文章编号: 1001-0920 (2014) 06-1103-06 DOI: 10.13195/j.kzyjc.2013.0318
夏建明, 杨俊安
(合肥电子工程学院 a. 通信对抗系,b. 安徽省电子制约技术重点实验室,合肥 230037)
摘 要: 综合利用含错标签中的有用信息和数据结构中蕴含的鉴别信息, 提出一种基于稀疏流形聚类嵌入模型
和 𝐿
范数正则化的标签错误检测修正方法. 首先, 用稀疏流形聚类嵌入模型将数据投影到易分类的空间, 利用标注
正确的极少量样本和最近邻分类器获得新标签; 然后, 构造标签错误检测模型, 获得仅含 0、1 元素的检测向量, 正
确、错误的标签分别对应着 1、0 的位置; 最后, 给出了相应的优化算法及收敛证明, 并在相关实验上验证了算法的有
关键词: 标签错误;稀疏流形聚类嵌入;𝐿
中图分类号: TP181 文献标志码: A
Labeling errors detecting and correcting algorithm based on sparse
manifold clustering and embedding and 𝐿
norm regularization
XIA Jian-ming, YANG Jun-an
(a. Department of Communication Countermeasure,b. Key Laboratory of Electronic Restriction,Electronic Engineering
Institute,Hefei 230037,China.Correspondent:XIA Jian-ming,E-mail:jianmingeei@163.com)
Abstract: As to detect and correct the labeling errors, a labeling errors detecting and correcting algorithm based on sparse
manifold clustering and embedding and 𝐿
norm regularization is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on the useful
information in the original labels and the natural discriminating information which is contained in the data structure. Firstly,
the original data are projected to the new space by using the sparse manifold clustering and embedding model. Then, a
nearest neighbor classifier and a very small amount samples which are labeled correctly are used to obtain new labels for the
original data. Meanwhile, the constructing labeling error detection model is built and then the sparse label detection vector
which consists of 0 and 1 is obtained to modify the detection errors. The inaccurate and accurate labels correspond to 0 and
1 in the label detection vector respectively. Finally, the convex optimization scheme is introduced to solve the optimization
problem and the convergence proofs are given. The experiment results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm
based on the artificial data of complex manifold structure and the typical low-dimensional, high-dimensional data.
Key words: labeling errors;sparse manifold clustering and embedding;𝐿
norm regularization;convex relaxation
0 引引引 言言言
信息社会中, 生物、军事、经济等领域的数据爆
则, 如果忽略学习策略的影响, 则分类准则的好坏将
严重依赖于样本的质量. 能否获得高质量的训练数据
已成为决定机器学习效果好坏的一个重要条件. 传统
的算法往往假设样本标签是正确的, 但在实际问题中,
由于录入错误、缺乏有效信息等原因, 标签往往会发
生错误, 而标签错误对分类准则的影响要更甚于属性
中的噪声影响, 会显著恶化学习的效果
. 在标
签出错的条件下, 有几类获得分类准则的方法: 1) 数
据预处理的方法, 它是最直接简单的方法, 在数据进
入分类器前进行置信度的分配和过滤, 将标签错误数
, 但是这种方法有可能剔
除有用信息, 尤其是在训练样本规模较小的情况下;
2) 变精度粗糙集方法, 通过引入一些附加的参数来增
; 3) 多事例学习的框
收稿日期: 2013-03-24;修回日期: 2013-12-04.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(61272333);安徽省自然科学基金项目(1208085MF94, 1308085QF99).
作者简介: 夏建明(1982−), 男, 博士, 从事数据挖掘、机器学习的研究;杨俊安(1965−), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 从事信