Crosstalk reduction of a color fringe projection system based on multi-
frequency heterodyne principle
Zonghua Zhang
, Yongjia Xu, Yue Liu
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China. 300130
Color fringe projection systems for 3D shape measurement have been widely studied in academia because of the
advantages of non-contact operation, full-field, and fast data processing. A color CCD camera and a DLP (Digital Light
Processing) projector are mostly used. However, crosstalk between color channels of the camera and projector changes
the sinusoidal shape of the obtained fringe patterns and then reduces the measurement accuracy. Several methods have
been proposed to solve this problem, but they are either too complicated for calculating the color-coupling coefficients
using a series of phase-shifting fringe patterns or unstable convergence due to the iterative technique used. This paper
presents a simple method to reduce crosstalk between red, green and blue channels. Crosstalk between color channels
can be seen as signal aliasing, so different wavelength in color channels can be used to keep them apart. Two wrapped
phase maps are obtained by processing corresponding spectrum with FTP (Fourier transform profilometry) in each color
channel. The unwrapped phase is calculated based on multi-frequency heterodyne principle. Simulated and experimental
results show that the proposed method can significantly reduce the influence of crosstalk on phase calculation and
improve the measurement accuracy of the color fringe projection system.
Keywords: color fringe projection, 3D imaging, Fourier transform profilometry, multi-frequency heterodyne
Color fringe projection systems for 3D shape measurement have been widely studied in academia because of the
advantages of non-contact operation, full-field, and fast data processing. A color CCD camera and a DLP (Digital Light
Processing) projector are mostly used.
However, crosstalk between color channels of the camera and projector changes
the sinusoidal shape of the obtained fringe patterns and then reduces the measurement accuracy
. Several methods have
been proposed to solve this problem. Huang et al.
utilized a series of phase-shifting fringe patterns to calculate the
color-coupling coefficients of a color fringe projection system. Hu et al.
proposed a calibration method based on a blind
signal separation algorithm to calculate the color demixing matrix. However, these methods are time-consuming because
extra images are required to determine the color-coupling coefficients or the demixing matrix. Moreover, any calibration
method has the drawback that if the measured object or the condition of the system changes, the calibration process has
to be performed again. To solve these problems, Hu et al.
proposed a blind color isolation (BCI) method to adaptively
determine the demixing matrix without any prior knowledge of the system or using any probing signals. However, it has
some inherent drawbacks, such as a high computational complexity and the unstable convergence, due to the iterative
technique used. Ma et al.
propose a technique based on isotropic n-dimensional fringe pattern normalization (INFPN)
and carrier squeezing interferometry (CSI) to compensate for amplitude and phase error caused by crosstalk, however the
measurement accuracy is needed to be improved.
In this paper, a simple and novel method will be presented to reduce crosstalk between red, green and blue channels.
Crosstalk between color channels can be seen as signal aliasing, so different wavelength in color channels can be used to
keep them apart. The proposed method does not require pre-calibration for the color-coupling coefficients and complex
algorithm, therefore it suits to measure 3D shape of a moving object in real time.
In the following, Section 2 explains the
theory of the proposed method. In section 3 simulated data and experimental results are given to verify the effectiveness
of the proposed method. Section 4 gives conclusions and future remarks.
*, 022-26582403
2013 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optoelectronic Measurement
Technology and Systems, edited by Hwa-Yaw Tam, Kexin Xu, Hai Xiao, Jigui Zhu, Proc. of SPIE
Vol. 9046, 904607 · © 2013 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/13/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2034238
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9046 904607-1