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Applications of VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) have their own requirements and challenges in wireless communication technology. Although regarded as the first standard for VANETs, IEEE 802. 11p is still in the field-trial stage. Recently, LTE V2X(Long-Term Evolution Vehicular to X)appeared as a systematic V2X solution based on TD-LTE(Time Division Long-Term Evolution)4G. It is regarded as the most powerful competitor to 802. 11p. We conduct link level simulations of LTE V2X and DSRC (Dedicat

Journal of Communications and Information Networks
Vol.2, No.2, Jun. 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s41650-017-0022-x
Research paper
Link level performance comparison between
Jinling Hu
, Shanzhi Chen
, Li Zhao
, Yuanyuan Li
, Jiayi Fang
, Baozhu Li
, Yan Shi
1. State Key Laboratory of Wireless Mobile Communications, China Academy of Telecommunications
Technology, Beijing 100191, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
Abstract: Applications of VANETs (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) have their own requirements and
challenges in wireless communication technology. Although regarded as the first standard for VANETs, IEEE
802.11p is still in the field-trial stage. Recently, LTE V2X (Long-Term Evolution Vehicular to X) appeared as
a systematic V2X solution based on TD-LTE (Time Division Long-Term Evolution) 4G. It is regarded as the
most powerful competitor to 802.11p. We conduct link level simulations of LTE V2X and DSRC (Dedicated
Short-Range Communication) for several different types of scenarios. Simulation results show that LTE V2X
can achieve the same BLER (Block Error Ratio) with a lower SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) than DSRC. A more
reliable link can be guaranteed by LTE V2X, which can achieve the same BLER with lower receiving power
than DSRC. The coverage area of LTE V2X is larger than that of DSRC.
Keywords: LTE V2X, DSRC, link level simulation, frequency offset estimation, VANET
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Citation: J. L. Hu, S. Z. Chen, L. Zhao, et al. Link level performance comparison between LTE V2X and
DSRC [J]. Journal of communications and information networks, 2017, 2(2): 101-112.
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1 Introduction
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks have attracted much at-
tention from academia and industry recently owing
to the broad range of new applications of wireless
communication technologies. Existing V2V (Vehicle-
to-Vehicle) direct communication together with V2I
(Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication use wire-
less data communication between vehicles and be-
tween vehicles and RSUs (Road-Side Units). This
can significantly decrease the number of accidents
on the roads. All kinds of applications are emerging.
Lane departure warning and assistance, cooperating
safety systems and emergency vehicle routing are ex-
amples of applications
These traffic safety related systems indicate an in-
creased number of requirements and challenges for
wireless communication. The unpredictable behav-
ior of wireless channels needs to be overcomed. In
addition, developers must cope with fast vehicular
movement, rapid topology changes in vehicular net-
works, and strict timing and reliability requirements.
Timing requirements can be deduced from the fact
that it is only relevant to communication about an
Manuscript received Jan. 25, 2017; accepted Apr. 18, 2017
This work is supported in part by the National Science and Technology Major Projects of China (No. 2017ZX03001014), the
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 61425012) and the National Science Foundation Project (No.

102 Journal of Communications and Information Networks
upcoming dangerous situation before the situation
is a fact, and perhaps can be avoided (e.g., report a
probable collision before the vehicles collide)
. One
thing we need to consider is how shared channels
should be fairly divided among vehicle nodes. This
is accomplished through MAC (Medium Access Con-
trol) mechanism. A lot of attention has been de-
voted to improving MAC performance by introduc-
ing different QoS (Quality of Service) classes
. The
MAC layer is unlikely to need many different ser-
vice classes. However, to ensure that time-critical
communication tasks meet their deadlines, the MAC
mechanism must first provide a strict and finite ac-
cess time to the channel. Once channel access is
successful, different coding strategies, retransmission
schemes, and diversity techniques can be used to
finish the required correctness and robustness. In-
formation delivered after the deadline is not only
useless but also wastes time and precious resources,
and poses severe consequences for traffic safety. This
problem has also been pointed out in Ref. [4].
Many wireless technologies can provide the wire-
less access required by vehicular Ad hoc communica-
tions. These technologies include cellular networks
(3G and 4G), traditional Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.11p,
and even infrared communications
. Owing to
their small communication range, traditional Wi-
Fi and infrared communications are not appropriate
for supporting high mobility and frequent topology
. Although people can use cellular net-
works, they suffer from low rates, high costs, and
long latencies. In these technologies, although IEEE
802.11p as the first standard specifically for vehicular
networks has arisen, it has obvious weaknesses such
as hidden node problems, unbounded delays, low
reliability and intermittent V2I connectivity
From an industrial perspective, the wide deploy-
ment of IEEE 802.11p network infrastructure re-
quires huge investments. A lot of effort has been
made by using LTE as a promising wireless technol-
ogy to support vehicular communications
Owing to its high penetration rate, high data
rate, large coverage, and comprehensive QoS sup-
porting, LTE has inherent advantages in support-
ing V2I communications. However, LTE faces severe
challenges when being applied in V2V communica-
tions for the following reasons: the heavy load caused
by safety-related and periodic messages strongly in-
fluences LTE capacity and potentially disadvantages
traditional applications, and its centralized mode has
no support for V2V communications
. Extend-
ing LTE with direct communications between ve-
hicles will be a promising solution, because cellu-
lar and Ad hoc communications are suggested to be
Vehicular networks mainly provide safer, more
comfortable driving and traffic efficiency; however, if
we do not ensure the reliability (error probability) of
a system supported by a PHY (Physical) layer, the
benefits of vehicular networks cannot be exploited
and utilized. We need to investigate the character-
istics of the PHY layer of LTE V2X and DSRC to
evaluate their BLER performance. In this paper, we
conduct a link level evaluation between LTE-V2X
and DSRC by using an extensive simulation. By
the evaluation based on simulation, we derive that
the performance of the PHY layer of LTE V2X is
obviously superior to that of DSRC with regard to
simulation parameters such as different traveling ve-
locities and different packet sizes.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: A
comparison between LTE V2X and DSRC on the
physical level is discussed in section 2, which includes
the coding scheme and frequency offset estimation
algorithm. In section 3 we conduct a simulation
and performance evaluation between LTE V2X and
DSRC in all kinds of scenarios including different rel-
ative velocities and a fast fading model. Concluding
remarks and future work are given in section 4.
2 Comparison between LTE V2X and
In the section, we mainly focus on a comparison be-
tween LTE V2X and DSRC on the physical level. In
the next section, we conduct link level simulations
on LTE V2X and DSRC to evaluate their link per-
formances in different scenarios.

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