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Comparison between one-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger eq...
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兰州大学核科学与技术学院,兰州 730000
中图分类号: O437
Comparison between one-dimensional
time-dependent Schrodinger equation and
Lewenstein model
Du Hong-Chuan, Hu Bi-Tao
Scho ol of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000
Abstract: The high-order harmonic and attosecond pulse generation are investigated by
solving the Maxwell’s equation using single-atom induced dipole acceleration calculated from
the Lewenstein mo del (SFA) and the one-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation
(TDSE), respectively. In single-atom case, it is found that the results obtained from the
one-dimensional TDSE are agreement with those obtained from the SFA. However, in
macroscopic case, the results obtained from the one-dimensional TDSE are obviously different
with those obtained from the SFA. Moreover, the difference becomes large as the fundamental
laser field becomes intense. The difference can be attributed to the large distortion of the
fundamental laser field due to electron density overestimated by one-dimensional TDSE.
When the microscopic single-atom induced dipole acceleration is calculated by using
one-dimensional TDSE and the ionization probability is calculated by using ADK ionization
probability, the results obtained from the one-dimensional TDSE are well agreement with
those obtained from the SFA.
Key words: attosecond pulse, harmonic, intense laser
基金项目: 教育部博士点基金(200807300028)和教育部博士研究生学术新人奖资助
作者简介: Du Hong-Chuan(1984-),male,docter,major research direction:nonlinear optics. Correspondence
author:Hu Bi-Tao(1966-),male,professor,major research direction:Nuclear physics.
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0 Introduction
In the past decade, high-order harmonic generation have been rapidly developed due to
its potential application as a coherent soft x-rays source [1,2] and the generation of attosec-
ond pulses [3-5]. The mechanism of HHG in a single atom can be well understood using the
three-step model [6]: Firstly, the electron tunnels through the barrier formed by the Coulomb
potential and the laser field, then it oscillates quasi-freely driven by the laser field and acquires
additional kinetic energy, and finally it can recombine with the parent ion. During the recom-
bination, a photon is emitted with energy equal to the ionization potential plus the kinetic
energy of a recombining electron. This classical picture suggests that the HHG process can be
manipulated via controlling different steps. Experimentally, an IAP as short as 80 attoseconds
has b een generated by synthesizing harmonics beyond the cutoff using carrier-envelope-phase
(CEP) stabilized few-cycle laser pulses [7]. The polarization gating technique in which HHG
emission from the central cycle of the pulse is selected, has also produced an isolated 130-as
pulse [8,9]. Ferrari et al. generated the high-energy isolated sub-160-as pulses with the pulse
energy that reaches nanojoule-level by above-saturation few-cycle fields [10]. Takahashi et
al. generated a continuum harmonic spectrum around the cutoff region by mixing multicycle
two-color laser fields without carrier-envelope phase stabilization [11]. Theoretically, many ex-
perimental schemes have been proposed to generate isolated attosecond pulse [12-20]. Pfeifer
et al. proposed a method to generate a single attosecond pulse in multicycle-driver regime by
adding a weak second-harmonic field [12]. Cao et al. generated a single attosecond pulse with
an intense multicycle driving pulse using oversaturated ionization gating [13]. Our previous
work also generated a broadband supercontinuum using a few-cycle two-color laser pulse and
a high-order pulse, from which an isolated 24-as pulse can be directly obtained [14]. Corkum
et al. proposed a method to generate a single attosecond pulse using a polarization gating
technique, which is based on the strong dependence of the generation of high harmonic on
the ellipticity of the driving pulse [15]. Very recently, we also proposed a method to obtain
an ultra-broadband supercontinuum combining mid-infrared chirped-pulse modulation and a
generalized polarization gating, which supports the isolated sub-100-as pulse generation with a
tunable wavelength [16].
Because the laser field interacts with a macroscopic number of atoms, the full description
of this process requires solving not only the strong-field laser-atom interaction at the micro-
scopic level, but also the Maxwell wave equation which describes, at the macroscopic level, the
propagation of the driving pulse and the radiation through the nonlinear medium [21]. Altucci
et al. investigated macroscopic effects of attosecond pulse generation in a few-cycle [22] and
multicycle [23] polarization gating regime. Schiessl et al. investigated the high-order harmonic
generation with the two-color field considering the influence of propagation effects [24]. Gaarde
et al. investigated the large enhancement of macroscopic yield in attosecond pulse train-assisted
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harmonic generation [25]. Hong et al. generated a broadband water window supercontinuum
using a phase-stabilized few-cycle mid-IR pulse tailored by a much weaker 800nm pulse [26].
Lan et al. also found that the two-color field can restrict the ionization peak within one half
cycle and also enhance its amplitude, which is dubbed ”ionization gating”, then the high-
efficiency harmonics in the plateau merge to a broadband supercontinuum [27]. Very recently,
we investigated propagation effects of isolated attosecond pulse generation with a multicycle
chirped and chirped-free two-color field [28]. In order to obtain the macroscopic harmonic spec-
trum, the induced dipole acceleration on each atom is inserted as a source term. This induced
dipole acceleration can be calculated by solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation or
using the strong field approximation (SFA) [29]. Since three-dimensional TDSE calculation for
single-atom response for feeding the macroscopic propagation equations is very time consuming,
one-dimensional TDSE is used to calculate the dipole acceleration of single-atom response. It
has been well known that the single-atom harmonic spectrum obtained from one-dimensional
TDSE is well agreement with that obtained from the SFA except for the intensity of harmonic
spectrum. However, the high-density free electrons due to the overestimated ionization proba-
bility by the one-dimensional TDSE can lead to the large distortion of the driving laser electric
field in the propagation. Therefore, the macroscopic harmonic spectrum and attosecond pulse
obtained from the one-dimensional TDSE may be disagreement with them that obtained from
the SFA. To the best of our knowledge, the comparison of the macroscopic harmonic spec-
trum and attosecond pulse obtained from the one-dimensional TDSE and SFA has never been
In this work, we compare the high-order harmonic spectrum and attosecond pulse gener-
ation by combining the Maxwell’s equation and the SFA or one-dimensional TDSE. In single-
atom case, we found that the results obtained from the one-dimensional TDSE are agreement
with those obtained from the SFA. However, in macroscopic case, the results obtained from
the one-dimensional TDSE are obviously different with those obtained from the SFA. More-
over, the difference becomes large as the fundamental laser pulse becomes intense. We show
that the large distortion of the fundamental laser field is responsible for the difference due to
electron density overestimated by the one-dimensional TDSE. The results obtained from the
one-dimensional TDSE are well agreement with those obtained from the SFA by only calcu-
lating the microscopic single-atom induced dipole acceleration using one-dimensional TDSE
and calculating the ionization probability using ADK ionization probability. Hence, we expect
that the ionization probability obtained from one-dimensional TDSE should be replaced by the
ADK ionization probability when the single-atom induced dipole acceleration is calculated by
one-dimensional TDSE.
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- 粉丝: 4
- 资源: 920
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