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Eur. Phys. J. C (2020) 80:215
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Dimensional schemes for cross sections at NNLO
C. Gnendiger
, A. Signer
Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen, PSI, Switzerland
Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Received: 13 January 2020 / Accepted: 19 February 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Abstract So far, the use of different variants of dimen-
sional regularization has been investigated extensively for
two-loop virtual corrections. We extend these studies to real
corrections that are also required for a complete compu-
tation of physical cross sections at next-to-next-to-leading
order. As a case study we consider two-jet production in
electron-positron annihilation and describe how to compute
the various parts separately in different schemes. In particu-
lar, we verify that using dimensional reduction the double-
real corrections are obtained simply by integrating the four-
dimensional matrix element over the phase space. In addition,
we confirm that the cross section is regularization-scheme
1 Introduction ......................
2 Dimensional schemes .................
3 The process e
→ γ
→ q ¯q in DRED .......
3.1 Tree-level contribution ..............
3.2 Virtual corrections ................
3.3 Real corrections ..................
3.4 Real-virtual corrections ..............
3.5 Combination of the contributions .........
3.6 Contributions from -scalar photons .......
4 NNLO corrections in FDH and HV ..........
5 Conclusions ......................
References .........................
1 Introduction
Beyond leading order, physical cross sections are usually
computed as sums of several terms that are individually diver-
gent. These divergences stem from the ultraviolet (UV) and
e-mail: Christoph.Gnendiger@psi.ch (corresponding author)
the infrared (IR) regions of momentum integrals. In most
applications such divergences are dealt with by using dimen-
sional regularization, i. e. by working in d = 4 − 2 dimen-
sions. This renders intermediate expressions well-defined
with divergences manifest as 1/
poles. While it is manda-
tory to treat integration momenta in d dimensions, there
is quite some freedom on how to treat other quantities in
such computations. Hence, in practice there is a variety
of dimensional schemes that can be used, the most com-
mon being conventional dimensional regularization (cdr),
the ’t Hooft–Veltman scheme (hv)[1], the four-dimensional
helicity scheme (fdh)[2], and dimensional reduction (dred)
[3]. For an overview and a discussion of the basic prop-
erties of these schemes we refer to [4] and references
As it might be advantageous to use different regulariza-
tion schemes for different parts of the calculation, the rela-
tions between the various schemes have to be understood.
Starting this program, transition rules for UV-renormalized
virtual amplitudes at next-to-leading order (NLO) have first
been worked out in [5] for massless QCD and were then gen-
eralized to the massive case [6]. The regularization-scheme
independence of cross sections at NLO is discussed in [7] and
a recipe on how to compute consistently the various ingre-
dients (virtual, real, and initial-state collinear counterterm)
for hadronic collisions is given in [8,9]. The key observa-
tion is that so-called -scalars have to be introduced and to
be considered as independent from d-dimensional gluons.
Going beyond NLO, a lot of work has been done to under-
stand the UV renormalization [10–14] as well as the vir-
tual two-loop contributions [15–20] in schemes other than
cdr. The current status can be summarized as follows: for all
dimensional schemes mentioned above, UV renormalization
and virtual corrections are understood at least up to next-
to-next-to leading order (NNLO), while the computation of
real corrections is only fully understood at NLO. A first step
towards NNLO for the latter has been made in [21] where
the hv scheme is used for real corrections. It is the purpose
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of the present paper to make further progress on the scheme
dependence of real contributions and to discuss the calcula-
tion of double-real and real-virtual corrections at NNLO in
different schemes. In particular, we will focus on dred as
this is the most general dimensional scheme usually consid-
To this end, we consider NNLO QCD corrections to
the process e
→ 2 jets and compute the double-
virtual, double-real, and real-virtual contributions separately
in dred. This is an extension of the corresponding com-
putation in cdr [22,23]. Moreover, we perform the com-
putations also in hv and fdh and show that the physical
cross section is regularization-scheme independent. The pro-
cess at hand has also been considered in non-dimensional
regularization schemes, i. e. schemes that keep the inte-
gration momenta in strictly four dimensions. In fact, the
fermionic contributions have been computed recently [24]
using ’four-dimensional regularization’ (fdr)[25,26]. Sim-
ilar to ’implicit regularization’ [27–29] and ’loop regular-
ization’ [30,31], fdr is a four-dimensional framework to
compute higher-order corrections. Another approach that
is being investigated is to use loop-tree duality to deal
with IR singularities at the integrand level [32,33]. While
these are interesting developments, they typically require
that the full computation is performed in the correspond-
ing scheme. It will be very difficult to combine partial results
obtained in dimensional schemes with computations in non-
dimensional schemes. Hence, in this work we focus on the
We start in Sect. 2 with a brief recapitulation of the
most important aspects of the dimensional schemes before
we consider QCD corrections to the process e
→ q ¯q in Sect. 3. This section contains the main
results of the paper including a description on how to
compute double-virtual, double-real, and real-virtual cor-
rections in dred. We also show that the total cross sec-
tion is scheme independent, as required. The particular
role of the -scalars is investigated in Sect. 3.6.The
computation of the cross section in fdh is discussed in
Sect. 4 together with the hv scheme, before we conclude
in Sect. 5.
2 Dimensional schemes
As mentioned before, an efficient way to regularize UV and
IR divergences at the same time is to formally shift the dimen-
sion of loop and phase-space integrations from (strictly) four
d ≡ 4 − 2 , (2.1)
with an arbitrary regularization parameter . In this way,
divergent integrals are parametrized in terms of 1/
Although not strictly necessary, it is usually advantageous
to also modify the dimensionality of other algebraic objects.
The most commonly used approach in this respect is cdr,
where all Lorentz indices are considered in quasi d dimen-
sions. Indicating the dimension by a subscript, we therefore
cdr : k
, g
, A
,... (2.2)
for loop momenta, γ matrices, metric tensors, vector fields,
etc. From a conceptual point of view this approach is the sim-
plest realization of dimensional regularization in the sense
that all dimensionful quantities are treated on the same foot-
ing. As a consequence, it is for example sufficient to impose
one single (modified) Lorentz algebra. However, it is impor-
tant to realize that this formal simplicity does not automat-
ically guarantee that cdr is also the best choice regarding
computational efficiency.
A second realization of dimensional regularization is
dred where all dimensionful quantities except for loop
momenta are treated in quasi d
dimensions with
≡ d + n
. (2.3)
The value of d
does not necessarily have to be fixed as long
as the limit n
→ 0 is implied at the end of the calculation.
Usually, however, it is taken to be d
= 4, resulting in n
2. The dimensionful quantities from above are accordingly
written as
dred : k
, g
, A
,... . (2.4)
One important aspect of dred is that (in contrast to what the
name of the scheme suggests) the underlying vector space
is ’bigger’ than the one of cdr, as indicated by (2.3). Thus,
in spite of d
= 4, for consistency the vector space of dred
is in fact infinite-dimensional [34]. Therefore, it is always
possible to split quasi d
-dimensional quantities into a quasi
d-dimensional ’cdr part’ and an evanescent remainder, e. g.
= A
+ A
for vector fields. The field A
is often referred to as -
scalar. In the case of fdh and hv we also need strictly four-
dimensional quantities such as γ
, g
, and A
cussed in [4].
The application of the schemes mentioned above to the
computation of two-loop virtual corrections is well under-
stood and leads to universal scheme dependences which can
be described in terms of scheme-dependent IR anomalous
dimensions. Since physical cross sections must not depend
- 粉丝: 6
- 资源: 938
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