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A new approach of frequency shifting by rotating kernel is proposed to improve the performance of a spatial filtering velocimeter, used to provide accurate velocity information for a vehicle self-contained navigation system. A linear CMOS image sensor was employed both as a spatiotemporal differential spatial filter and as a photodetector. The filtering operation was fully performed in FPGA and is realized by applying a rotating kernel to the pixel values of the image. Theoretical analysis showe
Spatial filtering velocimeter using frequency shifting
by the method of rotating kernel
Xin He, Xingwu Long
, Xiaoming Nie, Jian Zhou
College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
article info
Article history:
Received 7 January 2015
Received in revised form 15 April 2015
Accepted 6 May 2015
Available online 14 May 2015
Spatial filtering velocimeter
Rotating kernel
Maximum measurable velocity
Standard uncertainty
Power spectrum
A new approach of frequency shifting by rotating kernel is proposed to improve the
performance of a spatial filtering velocimeter, used to provide accurate velocity informa-
tion for a vehicle self-contained navigation system. A linear CMOS image sensor was
employed both as a spatiotemporal differential spatial filter and as a photodetector. The
filtering operation was fully performed in FPGA and is realized by applying a rotating ker-
nel to the pixel values of the image. Theoretical analysis showed this method could double
the maximum measurable velocity. The power spectrum of the output signal was obtained
by fast Fourier transform (FFT), and was corrected by a frequency spectrum correction
algorithm, named energy centrobaric correction. This velocimeter was used to measure
the moving velocities of a conveyor belt. Experimental results verified the method’s ability
of reducing the output signal frequency and standard uncertainty of velocity measurement.
What is more, the undesired output introduced by frequency shifting to the power spec-
trum of the output signal was deeply investigated and a new method was proposed to
eliminate the undesired component in output signals. This velocimeter aims at providing
accurate velocity information for vehicle autonomous navigation system.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The demand for reliability of autonomous navigation
systems is increasingly high. The navigation system needs
to be fully autonomous and should be able to continuously
position with high accuracy. However, in vehicle autono-
mous navigation systems, the velocity information is pre-
sently provided by accelerometers, which have divergent
trends over time. Therefore, the idea of using a velocimeter
to measure the velocity for the vehicle autonomous navi-
gation system was put forward [1]. There are some meth-
ods of optical velocity measurement, such as laser Doppler
velocimetry, laser speckle velocimetry and spatial filtering
velocimetry. These methods have all been used to measure
the velocity of vehicles relative to ground surfaces [1–4].
Therefore, all of them have the potential for application
to vehicle autonomous navigation systems. However, the
first two methods using laser as the illumination cannot
satisfy the requirements of reliability at high ambient tem-
perature, long life of its light source and reasonable cost,
whereas the spatial filtering velocimeter can meet with
all the requirements above.
In spatial filtering velocimetry the spatial filtering
device is the most important element. There are roughly
four types of spatial filters being applied to the spatial fil-
tering velocimeter [5]: transmission grating type [6],
detector type [7,8], optical fiber type [9] and other special
grating type [10–12]. A detector type of spatial filtering
device, a linear image sensor, is used in our system. The
image sensor operates both as a spatial filter and as a pho-
todetector. However, the frame rate limits the maximum
detectable velocity, making the measurement range unable
to cover all the velocities of the vehicle. Although an
0263-2241/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: xwlong110@sina.com (X. Long).
Measurement 73 (2015) 15–23
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/measurement
operation, known as pixel binning, can be used to increase
frame rate [13,14], the sophisticated clocking makes the
system design much more complicated. Most importantly,
not every type of image sensor is equipped with the func-
tion of pixel binning. In this paper, a new approach of fre-
quency shifting by rotating kernel is proposed to increase
the maximum detectable velocity. This new method is sim-
ilar in concept to the system of a liquid crystal transmis-
sion filter with amplitude-modulated reticle used by
Itakura et al. [15]. Through this method, the upper limit
of measurable velocity can be doubled, which is of great
significance when the vehicle is moving at very high
speeds. What is more, this method can greatly reduce the
relative standard uncertainty. The built velocimeter was
used to measure the velocities of a conveyor belt driven
by a high precision and stability rotary table, which has
rate stability better than 0.001% of commanded rate mea-
sured over one revolution. The experimental results show
that this system using the method of rotating kernel has
good potential of application to the vehicle self-contained
navigation system.
2. Principles of spatial filtering velocimeter
2.1. Basic principle of spatial filtering velocimeter
The basic principle and optical system of the spatial fil-
tering velocimeter for a vehicle are shown schematically in
Fig. 1. The velocimeter is deployed in the vehicle to measure
the relative velocity
between the vehicle and the ground
surface. An LED, an active light source, is employed to illu-
minate the ground surface. Part of the illuminating light
rays are scattered by particles on the moving surface and
are collected by the object lens so that the surface can be
imaged onto a spatial filter that has spatially periodic trans-
mittance in the moving direction of the surface. The total
light intensity collected by the focus lens is temporally peri-
odic due to the motion of the ground surface. Then the
time-periodical light intensity is fed into the photodetector.
As a result, the output of the photodetector contains a tem-
poral frequency f relative to the velocity
of the vehicle.
Then the relationship between the vehicle’s velocity
the temporal frequency f could be determined as follows:
f ; ð1Þ
where p is the spatial period of the spatial filter, and M is
the magnification of the imaging system consisting of the
object lens.
2.2. Detector type spatial filtering velocimeter
The mathematical model for a detector type spatial fil-
tering velocimeter is shown in Fig. 2. The detector type
spatial filter is placed at the image plane. The moving
objects are imaged by the imaging lens onto it. Let
p(x,y,t) be the light intensity distribution of the moving
image, which is time-dependant, in the x–y plane before
the spatial filter and q(x, y) the weighting function of the
spatial filter. Then the filtered light intensity g(x, y, t)is
given by the convolution integral as:
gðx; y; tÞ¼
pðx; y; tÞqðx; yÞdxdy; ð2Þ
which is performed digitally after the acquisition of the
moving image by
P ðr; tÞQðrÞ; ð3Þ
where r is the number of the pixel in the image, P(r, t) is the
grey values of pixels and Q(r) is the weighting function. Eq.
(3) can be represented by the following matrix
S ¼ P
; ð4Þ
where P
is a matrix consisting of all the image pixel val-
ues arrayed spatially sequentially and Q
is the weighting
The multiplication of Eq. (4) with a differential weight-
ing matrix is schematically shown in Fig. 3.InFig. 3 white
and grey strips represent pixels of a linear image sensor,
which has r pixels. n neighboring pixels form one group
which corresponds to a transparent or opaque bar of a
transmission grating type spatial filter. Here the values of
+1 (shown in white) and 1 (shown in grey) form two fil-
ters which can be summed up respectively to generate sig-
nals S
and S
. Due to the spatially
-phase difference of
Ground surface
Fig. 1. Basic principle and optical system of the spatial filtering velocime-
ter for a vehicle.
Fig. 2. Mathematical model for a detector type spatial filtering
16 X. He et al. / Measurement 73 (2015) 15–23
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