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非参数的识别用于与由 + 非线性自回归系统考虑+1。 首先,引入 然后提出了基于核函数的具有扩展截断的随机逼近算法(SAAWET)来递归地估计值。 在任意给定的φ*Δ/ = [ (1) ,..., ( 0 ), (1) ,..., ( 0 )] τ时 ∈ R 2 0 。 结果表明,该估计以概率一收敛到真实值。 在建立估计的强一致性时,与NARX系统相关的马尔可夫链的属性起着重要作用。 数值算例表明,仿真结果与理论分析吻合。 本文的目的不仅是为所考虑的问题提供具体的解决方案,而且还为非线性系统提供一种新的分析方法。 提出的将马尔可夫链属性与随机逼近算法结合起来的方法可能具有未来的潜力,尽管必须对 趋于无穷大。

Recursive Identification for Nonlinear ARX Systems
Based on Stochastic Approximation Algorithm
Wen-Xiao Zhao, Han-Fu Chen, Fellow, IEEE, and Wei Xing Zheng, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—The nonparametric identification for nonlinear au-
toregressive systems with exogenous inputs (NARX) described
= ( ...
considered. First, a condition on
( )
is introduced to guarantee
ergodicity and stationarity of
. Then the kernel function based
stochastic approximation algorithm with expanding truncations
(SAAWET) is proposed to recursively estimate the value of
( )
at any given
( ) (1)
( )
] R
It is shown that the estimate converges to the true value with
probability one. In establishing the strong consistency of the
estimate, the properties of the Markov chain associated with the
NARX system play an important role. Numerical examples are
given, which show that the simulation results are consistent with
the theoretical analysis. The intention of the paper is not only to
present a concrete solution to the problem under consideration
but also to profile a new analysis method for nonlinear systems.
The proposed method consisting in combining the Markov chain
properties with stochastic approximation algorithms may be of
future potential, although a restrictive condition has to be imposed
( )
, that is, the growth rate of
( )
should not be faster than
linear with coefficient less than 1 as
tends to infinity.
Index Terms—Kernel function, Markov chain, nonlinear ARX
system, recursive identification, stochastic approximation.
DENTIFICATION for linear stochastic systems (see, e.g.,
[7], [16]) has been extensively studied for many years, and
it is relatively mature in comparison with that for nonlinear sys-
tems. The system consisting of a linear subsystem cascaded
with a static nonlinearity, called the Hammerstein or Wiener
system depending on the order of their connection, probably
is the simplest nonlinear system. Identification of Hammerstein
and Wiener systems has been attracting a great attention from
researchers in recent years (see, e.g., [5], [6], [14], [15], [17],
[29], [30] and references therein). For this kind of systems, the
Manuscript received July 24, 2008; revised March 05, 2009. First published
February 05, 2010; current version published June 09, 2010. This work was
supported in part by NSFC 60821091 and partly by 60625305, 60721003, 973
Program 2009CB320602, by NSFC 60821091, 60874001, by a grant from the
National Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control, and by the Australian Re-
search Council. Recommended by Associate Editor B. Ninness.
W.-X. Zhao is with the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Bei-
jing 100084, China (e-mail: wxzhao@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn; wxzhao@amss.ac.
H.-F. Chen is with the Key Laboratory of Systems and Control of CAS, Insti-
tute of Systems Science, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190,
China (e-mail: hfchen@iss.ac.cn).
W. X. Zheng is with the School of Computing and Mathematics, University of
Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW 1797, Australia (e-mail: w.zheng@uws.edu.au).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2010.2042236
structure information greatly simplifies the work when identi-
fying the systems.
Let us consider the problem of identifying the following
single-input single-output (SISO) nonlinear autoregressive
systems with exogenous inputs (NARX)
and are the system input and output, respectively,
is the system noise, is the known system order and is
the unknown function to be identified. The NARX system (1)
is a straightforward generalization of the linear ARX system
and belongs to the class of nonlinear systems without a priori
structure information. The problem under study in this paper is
to recursively identify the nonlinear function
on the basis
of observations
and to prove the strong consistency of
Identification of the NARX system (1) is a topic of many
papers, e.g., [2], [3], [13], [26], [27] among others. According
to the description of
, the methods for identifying (1) can
roughly be divided into two categories: the parametric approach
[27], and the nonparametric approach [2], [3], [13], [26]. In the
parametric approach, the unknown
is expanded to a sum of
known functions (for example, polynomials, neural networks,
wavelets and so on) with unknown coefficients [27]. Then, iden-
tification of NARX systems becomes a parameter estimation
It is noticed that the system (1) is representable as
In the nonparametric approach, the value of is estimated
for any fixed
. It is of practical significance to con-
sider the nonparametric identification, since it may be difficult in
advance to choose an appropriate basis of functions to approxi-
mate the unknown
, and the assumptions made on nonlinear
systems for such kind of methods are, hopefully, weaker than
those for parametric methods. In this paper the nonparametric
method is adopted.
We now briefly review the existing works with nonparametric
methods [2], [3], [13], [26]. In [26] a so-called direct weight
optimization (DWO) method is proposed, which later is also
considered in [2]. Let
be the collected data set. The
DWO method proposes to estimate
0018-9286/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

with appropriately chosen . In [26],
is obtained by minimizing the following cost function, namely
while in [2]
is defined as
being a given estimation error bound. Since
is unknown in (3) and (4), a min-max approach is usually ap-
plied. In [2] and [26], the case of fixed data size is considered,
and the estimate given by DWO is nonrecursive. On the other
hand, in [13] the kernel functions based algorithms are intro-
duced and the estimates are proved to converge to the true values
in probability. It is pointed out in [13] that further work may be
concentrated on developing recursive estimation algorithms and
on proving convergence with probability one. The kernel func-
tion based algorithms are also considered in [3], where under
an input-to-output exponential stability condition, the estimates
are proved to be convergent in probability.
From a statistical viewpoint, second order statistics usually
contain adequate information for identifying linear systems, but,
in general, this is not true for nonlinear systems. The strict sta-
tionarity of a nonlinear system often plays an important role
in its identification and control, but to establish this property
may not be an easy task. In this paper, the NARX system (1) is
first transformed to a state space equation, which is a Markov
chain, and the strict stationarity of the system is established by
investigating the probabilistic properties of the obtained chain.
It turns out that the value
with arbitrarily
fixed is closely connected with
, where is the in-
variant probability density of the chain. This implies that for
we have to estimate . Therefore, the
NARX identification problem can be transformed to the root-
seeking problem of an unknown regression function with root
. To solve this, the stochastic approximation algorithm
with expanding truncations (SAAWET) [4] is an appropriate
tool. This is the basic idea of the new analysis method proposed
in the paper.
Thus, a kernel function based SAAWET is proposed to recur-
sively estimate the values of
at any fixed . The strong
consistency of the estimates is established with the help of the
geometric ergodicity and mixing properties of the Markov chain
and the general convergence theorem (GCT) of SAAWET as
Though a condition to be imposed requiring the growth rate of
not be faster than linear with coefficient less than 1 could
be restrictive in some situations, the analysis method used in
the paper may be of future potential in dealing with other prob-
lems arising from systems and control, since many systems are
Markovian and SAAWET is a powerful tool providing recursive
The rest of this work is arranged as follows. To make the
problem simple enough, we first consider the first order NARX
system (1), i.e.,
. In Section II, the assumptions and iden-
tification algorithms are proposed. The probability properties of
the NARX system and the strong consistency of estimates are in-
vestigated in Section III. The results are extended to the general
in Section IV. Simulation examples are presented
in Section V. Some concluding remarks are made in Section VI.
The detailed proofs of some theoretical results and some related
results in stochastic processes are given in the Appendix .
Notations: For a vector
, its Euclidean norm is de-
noted by
and its weighted norm by ,
is a positive definite matrix. Let
be the basic probability space. Denote the real line by and the
-algebra on by .
In this section, we consider the first order case
The identification task consists in recursively and consistently
estimating the value of
at any fixed based on
the input-output measurements
Let the input
be a sequence of independent and identi-
cally distributed (iid) random variables with
and with a probability density function, denoted by ,
which is positive and continuous on
We make the following assumptions.
is a sequence of iid random variables with
, and with a density function
which is positive and uniformly continuous on ;
and are mutually independent.
By introducing
, the NARX system (5) is expressible in the state
space form as
Noticing that
is an iid vector sequence, for any
and , we see that
From (7) and (8), it follows that
is a time-homoge-
neous Markov chain valued in
We further need the following condition.
is continuous in and there exist a weighted
vector norm
on , and constants and
such that
Remark 1: If
is bounded, i.e.,
, then A3) is satisfied with .
The weighted norm
is equivalent to the Euclidean norm
, because for some constants
and . However, there are systems for which A3)
may or may not hold depending upon which norm is used. For
the following system, A3) does not hold if the Euclidean [9]

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