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Evaluation and Optimization of Mixed Redundancy Strategy in Clou...
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Mixed redundancy strategy is generally used in cloud-based systems, with different node switch mechanisms from traditional mixed strategy. Existing studies on resources optimization often concentrate on single strategy in cloud computing and ignore the impact of mixed redundancy strategy. Therefore, a model is proposed to evaluate and optimize the reliability and performance of cloud-based degraded system subject to mixed active and cold standby redundancy strategy. In this strategy, node switch

Evaluation and Optimization of Mixed Redundancy
Strategy in Cloud-based Systems
He Pan
, Zhao Xueliang, Tan Chun, Zheng Zhihao, Yuan Yue
Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714, P.R. China
Abstract: Mixed redundancy strategy is generally
used in cloud-based systems, with different node
switch mechanisms from traditional mixed strategy.
Existing studies on resources optimization often
concentrate on single strategy in cloud computing and
ignore the impact of mixed redundancy strategy.
Therefore, a model is proposed to evaluate and
optimize the reliability and performance of
cloud-based degraded system subject to mixed active
and cold standby redundancy strategy. In this strategy,
node switching is triggered by a continual monitoring
and detection mechanism once active nodes fail. A
continuous-time Markov chain is built on the state
transition process and numerical method is used to
solve the model and to compute transient availability
and expected job completion rate. After conducting
sensitivity analysis, a greedy search algorithm is
proposed to choose optimal redundancy for mixed
strategy under system constraints. Illustrative
examples were presented to explain the process of
calculating the transient probability of each state and
in turn, the availability and performance. It was shown
that near-optimal redundancy solution could be
obtained based on the analysis model. The comparison
with traditional mixed redundancy strategy proved
that the system behavior was different using different
kinds of mixed strategies and less redundancy was
assigned for the new type of mixed strategy.
Key words: Mixed redundancy strategy; monitoring;
reliability analysis; Markov chain; cloud-based system
Cloud computing, which provides the hardware,
systems software or applications as services over the
Internet, enables the idea of computing as a utility [1].
Since cloud computing is often used for long-term
non-stop applications without the users’ control [2],
several types of software fault tolerance mechanism
are built in cloud-based systems, such as cold standby
redundancy [3], checkpoint-recovery [4], software
rejuvenation [2], failure prediction [5], system
monitoring [6,19], virtual machines (VM) migration
[7] and so on. Among these mechanisms, redundant
memory [8] or redundant nodes [6] is often
maintained in the system for VM migration. The
employment of redundant VMs often costs extra
resources and increases computing overhead. While
the energy consume has become a great concern in
cloud-based systems [9], the redundant resources
should be optimized. However, due to the distributed
features of cloud-based systems, multiple kinds of
strategies could be used for redundancy employment
in one system simultaneously [3]. Existing research on
resources optimization in cloud computing often
concentrates on single strategy and ignores the impact
of mixed redundancy strategies [9-11, 20].
Qiu et al. analyzed the failure rate and performance
of different kinds of software redundancy strategies
and selected strategies with respect to reliability and
resource constraint [3]. Nevertheless, the impact of
mixed strategy was not considered. Yang et al.
proposed a mixed redundancy mechanism for cloud
VM to improve the availability [6]. The availability of
the whole mechanism was not analyzed quantitatively,
so the number of both working and backup VMs was
only defined empirically. Mohamed and Al-Jaroodi
achieved dynamic load balancing and fault tolerance
through k-replica Cloud services and resources [12].
The reliability or performance was not analyzed and
how to choose the redundancy of each group of
services for the same partition of work was not stated.
In reliability engineering field, the analysis and
optimization of multiple redundancy strategies have
long been studied [13,14]. Statistical models are built for
reliability analysis and evolutionary algorithms are used
to search the optimal parameters. For multiple kinds of
redundancy strategies, Coit proposed the method to get
the optimal redundancy with different strategies used on
different subsystems and one strategy used in single
subsystem [15]. Ardakan and Hamadani conducted
redundancy allocation in series–parallel systems, in
which the active and cold standby redundancy was used
together in one subsystem [16]. In the above studies, the
cold standby redundancy was used only after all the
active redundant nodes failed. It was useful to extend
the operating time of a system but not suitable for
cloud-based systems in which performance was also
essential to job completion.
For the above problems, this paper proposes an
evaluation method to analyze the mixed redundancy
strategy in which cold standby VM is switched
immediately after active VM failure and to choose
appropriate VM redundancy under constraints.
Considering using both active and cold standby VM in

one system with monitoring and detection mechanism,
the state transition model is built for the cloud-based
system and the system model is summarized using
Markov chain theory. Numerical method is used to solve
the model to get the relationship between system metrics
and redundancy of different kind of strategy. The impact
of redundancy change on the system reliability and
performance change can be analyzed and the
redundancy could also be estimated through a greedy
search algorithm, given system constraints. The
following sections are organized as follow: the system
model based on Markov chain is first illustrated
followed by the sensitivity analysis; solution techniques
is then conducted and case studies are presented later;
conclusion is summarized at last with future work.
The redundant components are generally divided into
two classes: active redundant components and cold
standby components. The traditional research on
mixed redundancy strategies only considers that cold
standby redundant component is used in the
prescribed order after all active redundant components
fail [16]. For cloud-based systems, the cold standby
components should be used once failure occurs to the
system, or the work is accomplished in performance
degraded state. Following the fault tolerance
mechanism design in existing cloud-based systems [6,
12], a set of primary VMs is used for job completion
and a set of secondary VMs is used as backup on the
fly. During job execution, a monitoring process is
taken periodically to detect whether failure occurs to
VMs. The migration process will be triggered once
there are failed primary VMs and available secondary
VMs in the system, or the system would be running in
degraded state with lower performance. The job will
fail if there is no available working VM or the number
of working VMs is less than the job constraint. The
mixed redundancy strategy in cloud-based systems
could not be described using the traditional model in
[16], so a new model using Markov chain is built in
this section.
2.1 State transition analysis
The following assumptions are made before
constructing state transition diagram in this case:
– The failure state of cold standby VMs is not
taken into consideration until it is activated.
– At most k failed VMs could be migrated to cold
standby nodes each time and the probability of
unsuccessful migration is not included in the
– There is only one repair facility which recovers
one cold standby VM from failure state in the
background each time. Only VM restarting is
considered in the repair process and the repair
process of underlying hosts is not included since
other repair process may involve restarting the
underlying host, which will interrupt the
completion of other jobs.
– The time-to-failure of each VM follows the
same distribution pattern.
Assume that there are m active VMs and n cold
standby VMs in the system (n≤m). The whole system
only fail when there is no available VMs and major
migration procedure is used, which indicates that k=n.
The simplified state transition diagram of working
process of the whole system is shown as Figure 1.
m, n m, n−1 m,1 m, 0
m−1, n
m−1, 1
m−1, 0
1, n
1, n−1
1, 1 1, 0
0, n
0, n−1
0, 1 0, 0
… …
… …
… …
… …
… …
Fig.1 State transition diagram for mixed redundancy
strategy in cloud-based systems
In the state transition process, state (i, j) represents
that there are i working VMs (0≤i≤m) while j idle
VMs (0≤j≤n) are waiting for replacement. State (0, j)
represents the failure state. Once the value of i is
larger than 0, the system is available from the user
perspective. During job execution, failure occurs
randomly on active redundancy VMs. When the value
of i is less than m, the system is actually working in
performance degraded state. If the job execution rate
of each VM is r, the job execution rate of i active
redundant VMs is related to ir. Moreover, according
to redundancy reliability analysis, the less number of
active VMs would have higher probability of system
failure. Thus, increasing the number of active VMs
has much impact on the overall performance.
Inspection-based maintenance strategy is deployed to
active cold standby VMs to active ones. In this case,
the number of active VMs is often increased on the
sacrifice of cold standby VMs, which also reduces the
number of potential working machines. To illustrate
the state transition process, a detailed state transition
process for state (i, j) is presented in in Figure 2 (a).
Each state in this figure indicates a performance

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- 资源: 960
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