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通过CMS实验在对应于20.7 fb积分光度的数据样本中的s = 8 $$ \ sqrt {s} = 8 $$ TeV的质子-质子碰撞中在LHC处观察到Y(1S)介子的成对产生 -1。 两个Y(1S)候选者通过衰减到μ+μ-完全重建。 基准接受区域由小于2.0的绝对Y(1S)速度定义。 假设两个介子各向同性衰减,则产生Y(1S)对的基准横截面的测量结果为68.8±12.7(stat)±7.4(syst)±2.8(ℬ$$ \ mathrm {\ mathcal {B} } $$)pb,其中第三不确定性来自Y(1S)的分支分数的不确定性衰减为μ+μ-。 相反,假设产生具有不同极化的Y(1S)介子会导致测量横截面在-38%至+ 36%的范围内变化。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: October 22, 2016
Revised: April 11, 2017
Accepted: April 25, 2017
Published: May 3, 2017
Observation of Υ(1S) pair production in
proton-proton collisions at
s = 8 TeV
The CMS collaboration
E-mail: cms-publication-committee-chair@cern.ch
Abstract: Pair production of Υ(1S) mesons is observed at the LHC in proton-proton
collisions at
s = 8 TeV by the CMS experiment in a data sample corresponding to an
integrated luminosity of 20.7 fb
. Both Υ(1S) candidates are fully reconstructed via their
decays to µ
. The fiducial acceptance region is defined by an absolute Υ(1S) rapidity
smaller than 2.0. The fiducial cross section for the production of Υ(1S) pairs, assuming that
both mesons decay isotropically, is measured to be 68.8±12.7 (stat)±7.4 (syst)±2.8 (B) pb,
where the third uncertainty comes from the uncertainty in the branching fraction of Υ(1S)
decays to µ
. Assuming instead that the Υ(1S) mesons are produced with different
polarizations leads to variations in the measured cross section in the range from −38%
to +36%.
Keywords: Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments), Quarkonium
ArXiv ePrint: 1610.07095
Open Access, Copyright CERN,
for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction 1
2 The CMS detector and muon reconstruction 2
3 Data, simulation, and event selection 3
4 Efficiency and acceptance 6
5 Systematic uncertainties 7
6 Results 9
7 Summary 10
The CMS collaboration 15
1 Introduction
The measurement of quarkonium pair production in proton-proton (pp) collisions provides
insight into the underlying mechanism of particle production. The production mechanisms
of heavy-quarkonium pairs such as J/ψ and Υ are especially valuable as they probe these
interactions in both perturbative and nonperturbative regimes [1]. In this paper, the first
cross section measurement of Υ(1S) pair production, reconstructed in the four-muon final
state, in pp collisions from the CERN LHC at
s = 8 TeV is reported.
Proton collisions can be described by parton models [2] in quantum chromodynamics
(QCD). In this framework, each colliding hadron is characterized as a collection of free
elementary constituents. Because of the composite nature of hadrons, in a single hadron-
hadron collision two partons often undergo a single interaction (single-parton scattering,
SPS). However, it is also possible that multiple distinct interactions (multiple-parton in-
teractions, MPIs) occur, the simplest case being double-parton scattering (DPS). The SPS
mechanism for heavy-quarkonium pair production can be described by a nonrelativistic
effective theory [3] of QCD. However, contributions from the DPS mechanism are not ad-
dressed in a simple way within the framework of perturbative QCD [4], and DPS or MPIs
are widely invoked to account for the observations that cannot be explained otherwise,
such as the rates for multiple heavy-flavor production [5]. There are still large uncertain-
ties owing to possible higher-order SPS contributions and the limited knowledge of the
proton transverse profile [6]. Heavy-quarkonium final states are expected to probe the
distribution of gluons in a proton since their production is dominated by gluon-gluon (gg)
– 1 –
interactions [7, 8]. Cross section measurements of quarkonium pair production are essential
in understanding SPS and DPS contributions and the parton structure of the proton.
The first quarkonium pair production measurement dates back to 1982 when the NA3
experiment at CERN observed direct production of two J/ψ mesons [9] in π
interactions with beam energy of 150 GeV and 280 GeV, where the main contribution is
quark-antiquark annihilation. Early theoretical calculations of the pair production cross
section assumed only color-singlet states [10–12]. However, because of the high parton flux
and high center-of-mass energy at the LHC, DPS is expected to play a significant role in
quarkonium pair production [13].
Quarkonium pair production in pp collisions via DPS is assumed to result from two
independent SPS occurrences [7, 13]. Several DPS production processes, including final
states with associated jets, are commonly described by an effective cross section (σ
that characterizes the transverse area of the hard partonic interactions [14, 15]. It is
estimated as the product of single quarkonium production cross sections divided by the
corresponding DPS quarkonium pair cross section [16]. Assuming the parton distribution
functions are not correlated, σ
is expected to be independent of the final state and the
center-of-mass energy. Recent measurements of σ
in final states with jets are in the
range 12–20 mb [17–20]. However, measurements of J/ψ pair [21] and J/ψ +Υ(1S) [22]
production in pp collisions yield values of 4.8 and 2.2 mb, respectively. From a fit to
differential cross section measurements of J/ψ pair production with CMS [23], Lansberg
and Shao [24] estimate an effective cross section of 8.2 mb. In this paper, we report the
first observation of Υ(1S) pair production and estimate σ
using this result, along with
theoretical predictions.
2 The CMS detector and muon reconstruction
The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a 13 m long superconducting solenoid of 6 m
internal diameter, providing a magnetic field of 3.8 T. Within the solenoid volume are a
silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter, and
a brass and scintillator hadron calorimeter, each composed of a barrel and two endcap
sections. Extensive forward calorimetry complements the coverage provided by the barrel
and endcap detectors. Muons are measured in gas-ionization detectors embedded in the
steel flux-return yoke outside the solenoid. The main subdetectors used for the present
analysis are the muon detection system and the silicon tracker.
Charged particle trajectories are reconstructed by the silicon tracker in the pseudora-
pidity range |η| < 2.5. The innermost component of the tracker consists of three cylindrical
layers of pixel detectors in the barrel region and two endcap disks at each end of the barrel.
The strip tracker has 10 barrel layers and 12 endcap disks at each end of the barrel. There
are 66 million 100 × 150 µm
silicon pixels and more than 9 million silicon strips. Strip
pitches vary between 80 µm and 120 µm in the inner barrel, while the inner disk sensors
have a pitch between 100 µm and 141 µm. For charged particles of transverse momentum
1 < p
< 10 GeV and |η| < 1.4, the relative track resolution is typically 1.5% in p
25–90 (45–50) µm in the transverse (longitudinal) impact parameter [25].
– 2 –
The outermost part of the CMS detector is the muon system, which covers |η| < 2.4. It
consists of four layers of detection planes made of drift tubes, cathode strip chambers, and
resistive-plate chambers. Muon reconstruction and identification begins within the muon
system using hits in the muon chambers. A matching algorithm makes the best association
between a track segment in the muon system and a track segment in the inner tracker. A
track fit is performed combining all hits from both subsystems to select high-purity muon
Data are collected with a two-level trigger system. The first level of the trigger system,
composed of custom hardware processors, uses information from the calorimeters and muon
detectors to select events that pass the trigger requirements in a fixed time interval of about
4 µs, of which 1 µs is available for data processing. The second stage, the high-level trigger
(HLT), is a processor farm that further reduces the event rate from around 100 kHz to
less than 1 kHz before data storage. The HLT has full access to all the event information,
including tracking, and therefore selections based on algorithms similar to those applied
offline are used.
A more detailed description of the CMS detector, together with a definition of the
coordinate system used and the relevant kinematic variables, can be found in ref. [26].
3 Data, simulation, and event selection
The data sample used in this analysis was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC
in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV and corresponds to an
integrated luminosity of 20.7 fb
. The average number of simultaneous pp collisions in a
bunch crossing (pileup) during this run was 16.
Two separate simulated samples that account for the different production mechanisms
of Υ(1S) meson pairs are used to validate the efficiency and acceptance correction methods
and parameterize the kinematic distributions of the data. Strongly correlated Υ(1S) meson
pairs produced via SPS are generated with the cascade 2.3.13 simulation program [27],
while less-correlated Υ(1S) meson pairs produced via DPS are generated with the pythia
8.1.58 package [28]. The cascade event simulation uses an off-shell matrix-element de-
scription of the g
→ Υ(1S)Υ(1S) production and includes the k
-dependent parton
distribution function JH-2013-set2 [29]. The parton evolution follows the CCFM prescrip-
tion [30–32], which forms a bridge between the DGLAP and BFKL parton resummation
models. The CMS detector response is simulated with the Geant4 toolkit [33]. These
samples are simulated with the appropriate conditions for the analysed data, including the
effects of alignment, efficiency, and pileup.
For the rest of the paper, the notation ΥΥ will be used to denote any pair-wise combi-
nation of Υ(1S), Υ(2S), and Υ(3S) mesons. Candidate ΥΥ events are required to have four
or more muons that pass the first-level muon trigger, of which at least three must be iden-
tified as muons by the HLT. There must be at least one pair of oppositely charged muons
that have an invariant mass M
between 8.5 and 11 GeV, and a vertex fit chi-squared
) probability greater than 0.5%, as determined from a Kalman-filter algorithm [34].
– 3 –
The offline selection of ΥΥ candidates begins with a search for four muons with the
sum of their charges equal to 0. Selected muons are further required to pass the following
quality criteria: tracks of muon candidates must have at least six hits in the silicon tracker,
at least one hit in the pixel detector, and they must match at least one muon segment
in the muon detector. Loose selection cuts are applied on the longitudinal and transverse
impact parameters of the muons to reject muons from cosmic rays and weakly decaying
hadrons. To ensure a nearly uniform single-muon acceptance and a well-defined kinematic
region, the muon candidates must have p
> 3.5 GeV and |η
| < 2.4.
To reconstruct the Υ(1S)Υ(1S) → 4µ decay, a kinematic fit [35] is performed on
oppositely charged muon pairs and then on the four muons. The fit incorporates the decay
and production kinematic properties to reconstruct the full decay chain of the user-defined
process. To be compatible with the trigger requirements, each reconstructed Υ candidate
is required to have a vertex fit χ
probability larger than 0.5%, as determined by kinematic
fitting, and an invariant mass between 8.5 and 11 GeV. To suppress contributions from
pileup events, all four muons are also required to be associated with a common vertex
having a fit χ
probability larger than 5%.
In order to measure the cross section in a well-define kinematic region, both Υ candi-
dates must have |y
| < 2.0, where y is the rapidity. Some of the events containing more
than four muons result in multiple ΥΥ candidates per event since multiple dimuon pairs
can pass the trigger and selection requirements. These events constitute about 4% of the
selected events and are discarded from further analysis. After all selection criteria are
applied, a total of 313 ΥΥ candidates are found. The major contribution of background
comes from miscombined muons from Drell-Yan production and semileptonic b → µ + X
or c → µ + X decays that pass the trigger and selection requirements.
To extract the signal yield of Υ(1S)Υ(1S) events, a two-dimensional (2D) unbinned ex-
tended maximum-likelihood fit to the invariant masses of the two reconstructed µ
binations is used. Two kinematic variables are employed to discriminate the Υ(1S)Υ(1S)
signal from the background: the invariant mass of the higher-mass Υ candidate (M
) and
the invariant mass of the lower-mass Υ candidate (M
). This choice of variables helps to
resolve the ambiguity of having a dimuon pair in which an Υ(2S) candidate appears. There
is no visible signal for Υ(3S), which is not considered further in this study. Figure 1 shows
the distribution of M
versus M
after all selection criteria are applied. Five categories
of events are considered to represent the sample of events:
1. events containing a genuine Υ(1S)Υ(1S) pair (labeled signal),
2. events containing a genuine Υ(2S)Υ(1S) pair (labeled Υ(2S)–Υ(1S)),
3. events containing a genuine Υ(1S) and two unassociated muons that contribute to
the M
distribution (labeled Υ(1S)-combinatorial),
4. events containing a genuine Υ(2S) and two unassociated muons that contribute to
the M
distribution (labeled Υ(2S)-combinatorial), and
5. events containing four unassociated muons (labeled combinatorial).
– 4 –
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